"Virginity" - the truth of life
   Documentary filmmaker Vitaly Mansky earned a loud and firm reputation of a man who in his films raises sharp, topical and often scandalous theme. There are many examples do not need - enough to recall the sensational project "The death of the poet" dedicated to the personality of Vladimir Vysotsky. Therefore, a lot of attention to the new film director called "Virginity" should not surprise anyone.

Virginity is the main "hero" documentary Vitaly Mana, who set out to trace how it is, virginity, dispose of modern Russian women. It turned out that they manage it very peculiar, at least three selected as a representative of the main actors of the new generation.

First, choose a pseudonym the name of an American Barbie doll, trying to break through the thorns to the stars, I mean to get into the domestic "showbiz" and there to get owed her fame, the money, 15 minutes of fame on some music channels, housing in Moscow and, features a wealthy patron (ideally tycoon, in extreme cases, a millionaire). There are no illusions about the fact that the show business get through the talent and intellectual abilities, Barbie is not present, so that it is ready to use the main means of the female arsenal. For virginity, you know, this tool has a direct relationship.

The second girl can safely be called one of the many victims of the media psychosis that gripped our country in the past few years, and that the reality show "Dom-2". The symptoms of this mental illness are numerous and diverse, but their essence is this: young men and women revered heroes of the project life is an ideal model and the shortest way to the career and personal success. In addition, most credit rating heroes of "House-2" are revered, if not as inhabitants of heaven, how Hollywood stars for sure. So, one of these "Zvezdunov" (conditionally call it the Urals city of S. E. - No one guessed who it is, right?) Christina tends to give her virginity in front of an audience of millions. As they say, the diagnosis is clear.

The third character of the film "Virginity" is the simplest and motivation, no matter how badly it sounds a word in this situation is normal. The provincial girl Katya (other "character" and not from the capital region) tends to play on fetishism Moscow party and to sell her virginity for a substantial sum for the Russians to three thousand conventional units. Money girl need to study at prestigious universities - education have long been free only in the Constitution ...

Such is the truth of life ... There is probably no need to say that the film produces a painful impression. What it does have such an unhealthy cynicism scene, after which we can only grab his head and, like the hero of the movie "Garage" scream "People! People! Man! Come to your senses! ". What's the vast majority of the things we talked as a child, that's bad, it is called "not quite bad," "not bad" and "very good".

The film can not be assessed unambiguously good or clearly bad. We can not agree with those who think they do not need all this "dill" and "pessimism" to show a wide audience, saying, why do not show those girls who are studying for one "five", listen to mom and dad for breakfast be sure to eat oatmeal and Easy Virtue is not seen. But listen, it is natural that a normal behavior and should be considered normal, while evils need to pay attention and try to eliminate them.

On the other hand, it is very alarming Vitaly Mana specific approach to the creation of the film. Yes, that is called "glamor" and "showbiz", need to fight and show these horrors have to, but let's clear to distribute - we are struggling with glamor Glamour - the charm of bad taste  Glamour - the charm of bad taste
   or we advertise? Because the film Mana, despite all the pathos and narrative voiceovers Dmitry Bykov, this face is very fuzzy, and in some places, and it does not. For example, the producers of "House-2" is not in vain so willingly allowed his film crew in backstage - they realize that they are doing a very effective PR. Or, for example, was conceived as a tragic scene in the beginning of the film when the director asks the girls what he could do, so they abandoned their intentions regarding their virginity. If so you castigate vices fight with him on the case - the same girl Kate, who wants to lose virginity for three thousand dollars for the sake of study, select, director Vitaly Mansky this amount from their own resources or money sponsors. No, no it will not give the money, because what then shoot the film?

However, the benefits of the documentary "Virginity", I think, more than the damage it can cause. Still, in times of crisis feature films (all subjects played with all the ideas translated, psychology of the actors require less and less, this niche is replaced by computer graphics) authentic histories most effective tool to get people to think about ...

  Alexander Babitsky

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