Buffy - The Vampire Slayer: good vampire - a vampire with a soul
   In every generation there is a Chosen One. She fights with vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She - Slayer ...   In fact, everything is simple: there is evil, it is strong, it has to be systematically eradicated; is good, it is weak, it needs to be protected. The instrument of good acts frail girl with fashionable hairstyle Trendy hairstyles - History and the Present  Trendy hairstyles - History and the Present
   and shapely legs, an instrument of evil - vile creatures of all sizes and colors, with splayed mugs. Girl alone, but can call friends, creatures and many of them - all the forces of hell. As a direct consequence of the above, the unequal power frankly - poor monsters just no hope.

The marvelous town of Sunnydale, deep under the ground, directly under the local school, located in the portal dark worlds - that is Hell's Mouth or the Gates of Hell, as you like. It is clear that there on the ground rushing various evil - and if there is evil, it is in the natural balances appears worthy of her resistance: somewhere far away 15-year-old Buffy Summers, standing on the steps of the native school, suddenly discovers that she is destined to become instrument light, the Vampire Slayer, the demons, and so the list goes on. And in order not to confuse the young lady, she put observer who a) will teach the basics of professional skill of the Slayer and b) will adjust and coordinate its actions and c) shall periodically report to the central command.

Of course, the girl did not at first believe. But then it happens so much that unbelief will dissolve, and its mystical destiny will become commonplace ... Buffy's mom will move to Sunnydale, where life and death struggle for survival in all its senses will lay both his head. After a few years out of nowhere appears unborn sister, then my mother will die ... die, and rise again, and Buffy herself. Maybe even more than once. Buffy learns to submit and sacrifice, to give and listen to yourself to experience the full force of the disappointments and hopes the appeal, desolation, despair, jealousy Management of jealousy  Management of jealousy
 Passion - the whole range of feelings that makes the child an adult. And her life will be two amazing love stories, beautiful to shiver. And until the bitter tears.

From serial blonde Buffy becomes almost real person, even though absolutely fantastic story. Each of the following series will be better than the last and each new season will be more drama than fiction. His characters will seem so real ... and it really is somewhere reality is intertwined with the story: who plays punk nihilist and Spike, actor James Marsters, in real life similar to his character. No, he does not drink the blood of young girls and burning villages - but! He plays in a rock band, he did not arrange her personal life and, they say, he was very much in love with who plays Buffy, Sarah Michelle Gellar. And the angel of the TV, rather, actor David Boreanaz, Sarah Michelle was even engaged - but not for long, "he was not destined to be together." What is the similarity, is not it?

The series was filmed on the film in 1992, starring the Kristy Swanson, Donald Sutherland, Hilary Swank, Rutger Hauer, David Arquette and other actors. This film, though filmed entirely in the spirit of the time, did not become popular and has not collected even half of the amount spent is not his subject. But the series - is another matter, the first series came out March 10, 1997 and immediately received positive reviews. With the first season around the "Buffy" was formed and spun her universe, followed by the recognition of the audience came and critical acclaim: in 2000 a series of «Hush» (4th season) was nominated for the "Emmy" in the category "Outstanding script for drama series. " In 2002, a series «The Body» was nominated for the Nebula literary award for best screenplay, and in 2003 a series of musical, «Once More, With Feeling» this nomination yet received.

144 Series, 7 seasons, six years on the air from the author of the idea, director and producer (and writer of most episodes) Joss Whedon (also known for prematurely closed the show, "Firefly", a film «Serenity», the new series «Dollhouse») - is certainly not a record in television. But until now it has millions of adults called "Buffy" favorite movie (meaning not at all a failure in '92), from successful women, and quite adequate tear in at the thought of parting Parting: punctuation rules  Parting: punctuation rules
   Buffy and Angel ... And a girl of sixteen could not overcome yourself and step into the abyss, because it found the words:

- Mom, you know I like Willow ...

- What, my daughter, also a witch? - I tried to translate everything into a joke mother, who with her daughter watched "Buffy."

- No. I'm also pretty as she is, and is also an excellent student. And I love Ira. From the parallel class. She did, too.

  Rita Feotokis

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