from which it arises Corn Bunting
 Most often the problem faced by children Corn Bunting in the neonatal period, while adults can also be at risk of the emergence of this kind of changes on the skin. Corn Bunting (or whitehead) called whitish formations on the skin that create a cosmetic defect. There are different causal factors of this disease, so from what appears Corn Bunting should be discussed with a specialist and do not self-medicate.


It is the disease as innocent

Conventionally distinguish several forms of the disease (primary and secondary forms), the cause of which can be varied. The main causative factors are the following reasons:

  • Corn Bunting allergic nature
  • the presence of the chronic nature of skin diseases
  • the use of cosmetic products (scrubs, a mask with an abrasive effect)

Haze formation in adults, are formed at the place where there is sweat gland, while in neonates Pigeon grass appears only on the face. It can not be considered harmless the disease, since the wrong treatment on the skin can develop rough scars and other complications. Corn Bunting goes unnoticed in the newborn, when education in the face disappear for a few weeks without any special treatment funds.

Occurrence formations on the facial skin of neonatal associated with the accumulation of cells at the skin surface. Dead cells exfoliated in time.

In most cases, on the face whitehead formed around the nose, forehead and around the eyes. Parents should not take therapeutic measures for removing whitish formations on the skin, it is important to follow certain hygiene measures, which are as good care of the skin condition.


How safe is treatment at home

The first treatment Corn Bunting should be entrusted to a specialist. It must be a qualified doctor cosmetologist who can delete the data of education with special medical equipment. If a person has no opportunity to seek qualified help, we can recommend the treatment at home, if they met all the necessary preventive measures. These measures include the rules of aseptic and antiseptic.

Before you begin you need to wash your hands. A person must be well steamed, which can use a steam bath with herbs. It is recommended to treat the person with an alcohol-tonic. After so steamed face will reveal needle Corn Bunting (using an insulin needle). Properly open 90 about   right in the center of education. After the injection the contents poured out, but that if the Corn Bunting is ripe. The piercing should be done carefully so as not to hurt the skin okololezhaschuyu.

Method of opening the Corn Bunting is simple, it can be done at home, but only if strict adherence to measures to prevent infectious complications.

Care should be taken if there are manifestations in the face dermatitis, herpes infection, or eczema Eczema  Eczema
 . In this case it is better to consult a specialist. In the case of non-professional treatment of facial skin may remain scars, scars. If after the first procedure on the face appeared bubble formation, it should refuse to continue the treatment at home.


How to avoid the re-emergence of Corn Bunting

Milia may appear again, so it is important to comply with the preventive measures that will help prevent their formation. The first step is to monitor the state of the sweat glands to prevent them from clogging. An effective means is to carry out the procedures for deep cleaning of the skin. You can recommend a paraffin mask, which influence the state has to regulate the work of the sweat glands. For procedures better to use white paraffin. The wax is heated in a water bath to a temperature and applied layer, until the mask does not become a thickness of 1, 5 cm.

Under paraffin creates the optimum temperature 40 about Which is necessary in order to ensure proper operation of the sweat glands. Under the influence of temperature, the pores expand, open up, there is a softening of the sebaceous plugs. To achieve a stable treatment effect is possible if the patient is simultaneously a healthy lifestyle and observe the feeding.

The diet of the patient should be balanced content of basic food ingredients, trace elements. Because their diet is necessary to exclude alcoholic beverages, fatty, smoked foods, pastry. There should be sufficient vitamin content Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
 , Trace elements, which is required for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. If the patient has the phenomenon of intestinal dysbiosis, you first need to undergo treatment to restore the state of the intestinal flora.

The presence of diseases of the internal organs may promote Corn Bunting, so you should conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient, who complained of whitish formations on the skin. Treatment issues should be dealt with doctors related disciplines that will allow for a full course of an effective therapy. The patient may need to explain that you can not only reveal the formation appeared on his face. Eventually, this problem comes back and then this may require a more prolonged treatment. In the case of having to resort to various methods of physical therapy action. Application of darsonvalization Darsonvalization  Darsonvalization
   or phototherapy shown pigeon grass in combination with other skin eruptions on the face, such as herpes infection dermatitis. Currently, physical therapy developed special instruments that allow them to apply at home.

Marina Solovyov

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