Kefir buckwheat diet
 Buckwheat is not the first time the girls have a tacit reputation as the best diet cereals. This is not surprising - rich in vitamins and minerals, it is perfectly nourishes the body, but does not allow overweight. Kefir - another satellite slimming, without which it is difficult to imagine a full diet diet. Kefir and buckwheat diet is very effective through a combination of cereals with yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
 Which facilitates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, providing easier portability diet and as a result, more severe results.


Kefir and buckwheat diet for weight loss - not very tasty, but useful

Modifications diets containing a lot of yogurt, which allows any girl losing weight easily determine which version it more to your taste. But most of these diets is a major drawback. Low calorie and nutrient composition of lean kefir and other products in these diets does not allow confidently talk about the benefits of such power as to deny the possibility of weight gain immediately after the release of such a diet. Buckwheat-kefir diet Kefir diet - a sure way to weight loss  Kefir diet - a sure way to weight loss
   Weight loss is much more useful due to the composition of buckwheat.

Dry buckwheat contains about 350 calories per 100 grams. Thus, kefir, buckwheat diet can not be considered a low-calorie, but a state of high and it is difficult to call. When cooking calorie buckwheat falls, but decreases and the content of nutrients. Health care and the desire to combine the process of losing weight to maintain the normal life of the organism led to the conclusion that the ideal formula on which develops buckwheat-kefir diet - the rejection of the heat treatment.


Features kefir, buckwheat diet

Kefir buckwheat diet, in the classic version allows you to have buckwheat much as you want, do not forget to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water, accelerating metabolism and detox-enhancing effect. Buckwheat prepare the evening, filling it with boiling water or yogurt, or, and consume throughout the day. A new day - a new daily portion.

Buckwheat is first necessary to carefully disassemble, then pour over boiling water, infuse a little bit and drain water to clean the dirt. Pour boiling water on the basis of cereal 2 cups of water to 1 cup of cereal, cover and leave to infuse overnight. Salted rump is impossible. The next day you can eat buckwheat or washed down with clean water or yogurt. It is best yogurt drink for an hour or an hour after buckwheat to prolong the feeling of satiety. Kefir is recommended to take 1% fat, if you wish, you can insist on buckwheat kefir. During the day, be sure to drink water, you can unsweetened tea and herbal teas. Admission buckwheat should be divided into 5-6 equal parts.


Relief diet - increased efficiency

Kefir and buckwheat diet, the menu is rather meager, transferred usually hard psychologically, despite the fact that the categorical restrictions on the amount eaten there. A diet containing only yogurt and buckwheat will bring many benefits, so you can add some fun to it and help the body.

As of permissible additives kefir, buckwheat diet suhofrkuty resolved in the first half of the day. They make it easier to move the absence of sugar and help to improve the functioning of the intestines. The dinner plate to the Greeks can add a salad of pickled cabbage Sauerkraut - the main source of vitamin C  Sauerkraut - the main source of vitamin C
   or fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, sprinkled with dill. Fruit in the menu can only be unsweetened and non-starchy, it is better to have separated from yogurt and buckwheat, as a snack to 16.00.

If the lack of sweets in the diet is very poorly tolerated, there were severe dizziness, especially during prolonged dieting, you can drink green tea with honey.

Sitting on kefir, buckwheat diet can be up to two weeks, weight loss, depending on the input data and the severity of the diet can be from 7 to 10 kg. Results kefir, buckwheat diet is usually recorded in the form of fluid loss, reduce puffiness, while a two-week weight loss diet markedly in the face and the decrease in the waist and sides.


Out buckwheat, kefir diet

Out of the diet of buckwheat and kefir must be smooth so as not to trigger metabolic and dramatic weight gain. During this diet the body is experiencing an acute shortage of protein that should be gradually introduced into the diet after it. Eat breakfast boiled egg, protein omelet, a little cottage cheese with fruit, dinner can cook soup for lean meat broth with buckwheat or boiled fish, chicken, beef. Dinner substitute yogurt or low-fat fruit yogurt. Try not to deprive the body of buckwheat sharply, gradually, over weeks exit, replacing it with rice, pasta from durum wheat flour or boiled potatoes.

After finishing out of Kefir buckwheat diet, give up even for a while sweets and salty, try to increase their daily physical activity, securing the result.

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