• Breast when breast hurts
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 breast reasons

Breast: Causes

Mastopatia unpleasant disease as well as all other diseases. Suffer mastopathy women of childbearing age from 18 to 50 years. Or breast pain is manifested in the breast engorgement, often appear discharge from the nipple, and in this condition are determined and seal assemblies in the mammary glands. Although the breast belongs to the category of benign processes, problems and inconveniences it brings in a woman's life a lot. Causes of mastitis is still not understood, but highlights some of the predisposing factors of the disease. What is necessary to establish the causes of the disease? In order to successfully treat it, eliminate the cause.

 Breast when breast pain - Causes

What are the causes of mastitis

As you know, all the female body is subject to the menstrual cycle. In the first phase under the effect of estrogen in the breast begin proliferative processes, in a second phase of the cycle begins to produce progesterone which inhibits proliferation. If there causing any hormonal failure, the estrogens produced too much, and decreases the secretion of progesterone. All this leads to a proliferation of breast tissue, the formation of knots in it, i.e., to mastitis.

  • Abortions

It is clear that abortion is a predisposing factor for mastitis. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the body undergoes a powerful hormonal changes in a large number of starts synthesized progesterone, which has a positive effect on the breast. And suddenly, the pregnancy is terminated. In most cases, the body will eliminate all problems, but often the cause of abortion and hormonal imbalance.

  • Heavy and prolonged labor

During the period of delivery in the body begins to produce huge amounts of hormones, particularly if deliveries difficult and protracted. This also leads to a variety of hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease  Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease
 , Including for the development of mastitis. Of course, a difficult birth is not so dangerous than abortion, but the fact remains.

  • Age for the birth of a child

The younger age woman gives birth to the child, the better. Mammologists believe that, ideally, a woman must give birth to two children under 25 years. The older expectant mother (especially primipara), the more pronounced hormonal disorders, especially when you consider that late pregnancy usually occurs with multiple complications.

  • Refusal from breastfeeding Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes

Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the child (because milk contains all the nutrients, vitamins and antibodies) but also for the mother. Breastfeeding stimulates the production of prolactin, which inhibits the formation of estrogen, as well as breastfeeding is the physiological massage breast.

  • Psychological problems

As is known, the cerebral cortex affects all processes in the body and normalizes the function of internal organs and systems. Any conflicts, troubles, and so can not postpone its mark on the work of the brain and, consequently, the functioning of the mammary glands. Chronic stress is often the cause of mastitis.

  • Problems in sexual terms

Irregular sexual life, or even the lack of it is often the cause of mastitis. In addition, the sexual dissatisfaction of women after sexual intercourse leads to the blood supply of the uterus that affects the ovaries and cause them to fail. The scientists observed that the nuns were twice as likely to suffer from breast cancer Breast Cancer: Myths and Facts  Breast Cancer: Myths and Facts
 Than women who are regular sex life.

  • Gynecological diseases

All diseases of the uterus, tubes and ovaries in one way or another affect the production of sex hormones in the past. Therefore, diseases such as ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis and other matter in the development of mastitis.

  • Hereditary predisposition

Often breast disease develops in women whose relatives on the maternal side had any problems with breast cancer.

  • The trauma of the breast

This factor also plays an important role. Any strikes, collisions and even butting in the chest in public transport can cause mastitis.

Anna Sozinova

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