• Diffuse pancreatic changes - no disease and a diagnostic study data
  • Why are there
  • Treatment

 diffuse changes in the treatment of pancreatic cancer

Do I need treatment?

When the doctor, after the US, shows that patient diffuse changes of the pancreas, it is not a diagnosis. Diffuse change implies that no pancreatic tumors, cysts, bleeding, ulcers, and changes in its structure uniform. The degree of change can be minor or serious, sometimes they talk about some problems in addition to the pancreas, and sometimes - not. Not always diffuse changes of the pancreas require special treatment.

Pancreas - is an important organ of the digestive and endocrine systems. About twelve centimeters length, is located deep in the upper abdomen, between the stomach, small intestine, liver and spleen. Conventionally, it consists of three parts: the head (the widest part), body (middle part) and tail (narrowest part).

The pancreas secretes digestive juices, insulin is involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Any problem with one of the functions of this gland is capable of causing diffuse changes.

People with diabetes often diffuse pancreatic change, which does not produce enough insulin to break down glucose in the blood. In this case, diffuse changes in cancer is not a cause for concern and are not subject to special treatment.

The cause of diffuse changes may be excessive load on the liver, gall bladder and pancreas, as their activities are closely linked.

Abuse greasy, spicy, salty, spicy food, flour, alcohol - all of which can cause diffuse changes of the pancreas. In this case, doctors recommend to revise your diet and give up bad habits. Otherwise, violations of the pancreas and liver can gain much more serious.

Also, diffuse changes of the pancreas may be a symptom of a serious disease such as pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is more common in men than in women. Attacks of pancreatitis in people more often during the holidays, when not completely healthy organs given too much load overeating and alcohol.

 Diffuse changes of the pancreas - is not a disease, and diagnostic testing data - Treatment


Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. It may be acute or chronic. And in fact, in both cases it requires special treatment, diet, lifestyle review. The most dangerous form of the disease - acute pancreatitis, in which require immediate medical care to alleviate the twinge to the affected area must be applied cold. In acute pancreatitis, gastric juice begins to eat away at ourselves pancreatic tissue, thus there is a strong poisoning toxins, which are similar to the action of snake venom. Symptoms of acute pancreatitis: girdle pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, bruising on the abdomen, bloating, Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?  Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?
 , Fever, heart palpitations.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by dysfunction of the pancreas, patients complain of pain and feeling of heaviness in the stomach, especially after eating, feeling of bitterness in the mouth Bitterness in the mouth  Bitterness in the mouth
 , Nauseous. Diagnosis takes place only after a comprehensive medical examination.

After treatment and maximize the recovery of the pancreas, in addition to drugs that help digest food, doctors strongly recommend to give up alcohol, smoking, fatty foods and overeating, avoid stressful situations.

Refusal of bad habits will help the health of the pancreas, and the change in diet is one of the most useful ways to maintain normal functioning of the pancreas. Foods such as fish rich in omega-3, nuts, vegetables, legumes and fruits, can help protect against diseases and disorders of the pancreas. Including in raw and untreated diet product would also be beneficial for the health of the pancreas. Furthermore, it is important to limit the consumption of meat and choose products with low fat content.

Regular massage and detoxification of the body will help the pancreas. Proper massage and natural way to help detoxify the body get rid of harmful toxins. Moreover, the life is necessary to eliminate the sugar, tobacco and alcohol, which cause deterioration of the pancreas.

Galina Romanenko

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