• Diffuse pancreatic changes - no disease and a diagnostic study data
  • Why are there
  • Treatment

 diffuse changes of the pancreas why there

Why are there

An ultrasound of the pancreas, many people find it diffuse changes. At the same time, patients are sometimes not even aware that they have some changes in this area and terribly frightened. But if you look, then there is nothing wrong conclusion.

 Diffuse changes of the pancreas - is not a disease, and diagnostic testing data - Why are there

What can be seen on ultrasound of the pancreas

Pancreas - is unpaired endocrine and exocrine located on the back wall of the abdomen. The pancreas secretes digestive juices, digesting proteins, fats and carbohydrates (exocrine activities), as well as insulin, which helps the tissues to absorb glucose (endocrine activity). Located pancreas standing behind the stomach and in the supine position - under the stomach and has a head, body and tail are smoothly into each other.

Ultrasonography (US) of the pancreas can be seen that in the normal fabric of her uniform, thus evaluates its size shape, uniformity tissue revealed the presence or absence of some entities (stones, cysts, tumors). Ultrasound of the pancreas is not easy to do, since the iron is on the back wall of the abdomen and placed in front of her stomach and intestines, which often contains gases. During the study, the physician assesses the ultrasound echogenic structure (density), pancreatic tissue, and if it is raised or lowered uniformly, in conclusion said about diffuse changes of the pancreas.

The conclusion that the patient has diffuse changes of the pancreas, is only important for the treating physician, who sootneset this conclusion with the state of the patient's complaints and other diagnostic studies.

Conclusion "Diffuse changes of the pancreas," it says only that these changes span the entire gland, and what kind, these changes are not visible on ultrasound. This is the conclusion of US also says that in the study revealed no focal changes (in some specific location of the pancreas), and it is quite good, as a focal changes are stones, cysts, tumors and hemorrhages in the breast tissue.

The pancreas is closely linked to liver and biliary ways, so any changes in the liver necessarily affect the condition of the pancreas and the opposite changes in the pancreas always affect the liver. Therefore, these organs with ultrasound always look together.

Only the conclusion of US doctor says little about the state of the pancreas, but this study can detect any changes that require any additional studies. For example, in order to clarify what is the conclusion of "Diffuse changes of the pancreas" is assigned to endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract (EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy), during which we will see the state of the duodenum and the common bile duct (in the duct opens pancreatic duct ). In addition, laboratory tests are conducted on blood, urine and feces, which may also say much about the state of the pancreas.

To the physician ultrasound could well consider the pancreas and make a qualitative conclusion, the patient must carefully prepare for this study - detailed instructions on the correct preparation of the patient to give Doctor.

 Diffuse changes of the pancreas - is not a disease, and diagnostic testing data - Why are there

Why in the pancreas may occur diffuse changes

Most of these changes are found in the elderly, particularly in patients with diabetes mellitus Diabetes  Diabetes
 . In this part of the pancreatic tissue atrophy (decrease in volume), and is replaced by fatty tissue (lipomatosis of the pancreas), which looks like an ultrasound diffuse increase in echogenicity in normal amounts of the pancreas. Patients with this conclusion usually do not feel any change in this area of ​​treatment and they are not required.

Diffuse changes of the pancreas will Fibrosis - Pumping breast tissue in the connective tissue, which replaced the destroyed for some reason the cells of the prostate gland. Most often fibrosis is a consequence of acute pancreatitis, or long flowing metabolic disorders. On ultrasound echogenicity seen a decrease in normal or reduce the size of the pancreas. If the patient with no complaints, the treatment it is usually not administered.

Diffuse changes pancreas can also occur in acute pancreatitis, which interferes with its outflow of juice, which may lead to autodigestion gland tissue. In the US at the same time seen an increase in the size of the prostate and diffuse changes in the type of tissue echogenicity decrease. Diffuse changes of the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis Chronic pancreatitis  Chronic pancreatitis
   identify reduction echogenicity under normal amounts of pancreas.

Diffuse changes of the pancreas - is the conclusion of US designed for the physician who determines whether a given patient carrying other diagnostic tests and some treatment or not.

Read more Treatment

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