how to get rid of fat on the thighs and legs
 Drop the fat on the thighs and legs is very difficult, especially for women. But over time, combining diet with exercise, anyone can lose unwanted fat in the thighs and legs. If you feel that you can not do it alone, try to find a partner or someone who will motivate you to achieve the goal.

 How to get rid of fat on the thighs and legs - komibiniruyte diet and exercise


  • Before starting the program revise your daily diet. To get rid of unwanted fat from legs and thighs, give up junk food. Eat fruits, vegetables and foods rich in protein to lose fat and build muscle. If you would cut themselves in the consumption of sugar, it will accelerate the process of getting rid of fat, especially in the hips.
  • Do the exercises as often as possible throughout the day. If you have a job that requires you to seat at the table, you are likely to gain weight around the hips and legs. Try to do some exercise during the day: Take the stairs in your office building instead of the elevator, take a little walk on foot during a lunch break or strengthen the bottom of the body when sitting at the table. These exercises will not only help you lose weight, but also will give you energy.
  • Do exercises to raise the legs in the standing position for 30 minutes a day. To properly do these exercises, make sure the stand straight. With one hand stick to the wall or a stable chair for balance. Lift one leg to the side as far as you can do it, then lower to the floor. Repeat with the other leg.
  • Makes a turn to the sides of the trunk to 30 minutes each. These exercises help to remove fat from the hips. Sit on a chair right and slowly rotate your trunk to the left and right as far as you can do it. Try doing it while watching your favorite TV show.
  • Perform cardiovascular exercise for at least 30-45 minutes every day. This will accelerate the loss of weight in the hips and legs. Running, walking, aerobics and swimming - examples of good cardiovascular exercise.

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  • How to lose weight from the thighs: proceed according to plan
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