How to remove fat from a double chin
 Double chin is formed by a layer of excess fat under the jaw bone, reminiscent second chin. This excess fat is not dangerous, but it is very noticeable and can affect self-esteem. The best remedy to fight the double chin - reduce the amount of calories consumed each day and do the exercises.

Keep a log of calories. Reduce the number of calories by 200 a day. Choose foods rich in fiber and protein, including dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Eat five times a day, but in small portions to keep the metabolic rate. Fats must be a source of not more than 35% of calories.

Walk, run or ride a bike for thirty minutes a day, every day. This will help you reduce the amount of fat throughout the body, leading to a reduction of double chin.

Keep your head up and look ahead - so you will improve your posture, and if you are used to lower the head and neck, the chin will be more noticeable.

Do exercises for the elasticity of the skin under the chin. This is one exercise that you can do every night before going to bed - lie down on his side, his head resting on a pillow and leans her head back slightly, stretching his neck. During the day you can chew gum - it is also a good way to keep muscles toned face and chin.

You can turn to plastic surgery to remove or reduce fat, but only if the change in lifestyle and diet have not helped to improve the appearance of the chin. Find a professional surgeon and discuss with them options.

 How to remove fat from a double chin: regular exercise

Tips & Warnings

  • Talk to your doctor before starting a diet or exercise.
  • Respecting the principles of healthy eating Healthy eating  Healthy eating
 , Be sure to eat a variety of foods.
  • Start with a small amount of exercise repetitions, then gradually increase them.

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  • dewlap
  • How to pull double chin: in the fight for a beautiful outline
  • Exercises for the face - get rid of a double chin