• Inguinal hernia: surgery is necessary
  • As shown
  • Treatment
  • Women

 inguinal hernia than dangerous

Inguinal hernia in women - why is it dangerous?

Inguinal hernia - one of the most common types of hernias internal organs. Inguinal hernia suffer more men than women. A quarter of men and three women out of a hundred has the disease inguinal hernia.

Diagnosis of inguinal hernia is simple. In patients with inguinal hernia in the groin area forms a soft protrusion. This protrusion is difficult not to notice, it is accompanied by pain and by the fact that part of the internal organs of the digestive system break through the internal tissues of the abdomen comes out in the inguinal region. When supine position protrusion disappears.

This protrusion of doctors called the "hernia sac" - the main and the main indicator that the patient hernia. Hernia begins with pain in the groin during exercise. Usually the pain more intense at the beginning, but by the time of the hernia sac may even become weaker.



Inguinal hernia can be caused by:

  • heredity,
  • excessive exercise,
  • obesity,
  • difficulty urinating,
  • long-term constipation,
  • coughing,
  • effects of surgery on the abdominal and inguinal region.

All these factors cause an excessive load on the connective tissue groin area, which leads to disruption or weakening of the muscles and the formation of openings for hernia.



Inguinal hernia is becoming increasingly common disease. If it because of the weakness of muscles groin protrusion going out of the digestive system. At the same time the skin forms a significant soft pouch. At the beginning of the disease the bag can not be, but already there are pain at the site of the hernia canal during exercise.

The bulge may appear immediately after exercise the muscles of the abdomen and groin, or after a certain time from a few weeks to a month. Most hernias disappear in the supine position. When additional load may increase pain. Sometimes the hernia is not accompanied by pain. Often the hernia is accompanied by sudden attacks of pain, nausea and vomiting, if the grounding occurred hernia - intestinal area.

Other symptoms of an inguinal hernia include:

  • A feeling of heaviness, burning sensation in the area of ​​the hernia, swelling scum or inner thigh, fever, arrhythmia, skin discoloration over the hernia.
  • In young children, the symptoms of a hernia is the protrusion of the hernia sac while crying and when the baby stirs.
  • Young children often occurs pinched hernia, in which part of the intestine bulges in the groin. Accompanied by vomiting, not eating, weeping. Required immediate access to a doctor.


Inguinal hernia in women

Inguinal hernia occurs when a portion of the intestines out through breakage or weakening in the wall of the lower abdomen. Out of the bowel can be very painful and lead to serious complications. Inguinal hernia usually requires surgery. According to the statistics, the male is ten times more likely to develop inguinal hernias Hernia: Types and symptoms - which are the most dangerous?  Hernia: Types and symptoms - which are the most dangerous?
 Than women.

However, cases of inguinal hernia in women are not so rare. This is especially true of the femoral hernia. It occurs more often in women of middle and older age, a few times to give birth.

Hernia can cause pregnancy, obesity, chronic cough or constipation, extreme physical exertion.

Hernia in women occur painful, especially when tension of the abdominal muscles, even such small, such as laughter. The worst thing in hernia - the possibility of crushing internal organs. Symptoms may include: fever, nausea, vomiting, red or blue hernia often swollen labia - these symptoms require immediate treatment to the doctor.

However, in some cases, herniation develops almost painless, and then the doctor detects herniate through routine inspection.

In any case, the hernia is required to be treated as it passes itself. With that, the sooner treatment is started, the better, because the risk of pinching a hernia, inflammation and tissue necrosis will be minimized.



Inguinal hernia - a dangerous disease. It does not heal, for its treatment need surgery. The development may occur infringement hernia hernial sac then becomes solid, and it can not be right. Strangulated hernia is dangerous because in the clamped portion of the internal organs may begin tissue necrosis, because it does not enter the bloodstream. Infringement can be fatal. Therefore, treatment of inguinal hernia should be as fast as possible and at the initial stage, and even more so in the case of entrapment.

In some patients, the hernia at the initial stage is easy to reduce a simple click on the hernial sac, but if the patient pulls the operation just by yourself returning internal organ in place, he thereby triggers the inflammation of internal restriction and entrapment hernia, because the cause of hernia - a hole through which exits the body anywhere disappears, and the body falls again and again.

In the treatment of hernia Dr. reduce a body in place, and eliminate a hole through which happened protrusion in the groin.

Sometimes, if there is no pinching hernia, surgery may be delayed. This occurs in pregnant women with a hernia. In this case, wearing a bandage allows internal organs to be in place before the time when it is allowed to carry out the operation. However, a band - this is only a temporary measure, and can not be a substitute for surgical intervention.

Do not be afraid of the operation of it will be very small, almost invisible scar, and recovery from surgery will take a few days.

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