exercise during pregnancy
 In the past, women urged to reduce or completely forget about exercise during pregnancy. Today the situation has changed. Being physically active during pregnancy it is considered to be not just normal. It can positively affect both the baby's and the mother.

Doctors say that during pregnancy the need of physical activity. This has a significant positive impact on the outcome of pregnancy, and even makes the fight shorter.

At the same time, it seems that the myths relating to fitness during pregnancy, do not disappear. Experts say that the view that it is safe and what is unsafe, different, and so women can get confused and get the wrong advice.

There are so many rumors, some of which are due to start a popular books about pregnancy, while others are the result of inventions of old grandmothers, women just do not know what they can and what can not.

Experts in the field of fitness and medicine explain how in fact you can do during pregnancy.

Of course, consult your doctor before starting any exercise program. Some women may not be involved in pregnancy because some diseases or complications.

  • Myth or fact: heart rate in pregnant women during exercise should not exceed 130.

Myth. There is a certain heart rate, which is the right one for any pregnant woman. People are still fixated on the question of the frequency of the pulse, but he has never been based on anything in particular, experts say. Now they rely on the scale of the load alone. This scale determines how hard you do, and is based on how you feel about yourself.

  • Myth or Fact: It is unsafe to load the abdominal muscles during pregnancy.

Myth. Experts say that to train the muscles of the abdomen during pregnancy is not only normal, but also largely helpful.

The abdominal muscles and the entire middle part of the body including the pelvic floor, it is necessary to strengthen during pregnancy, and this will help not only during pregnancy but also during labor and delivery, and during recovery after childbirth. In addition, it will help to avoid problems with posture, which also will do you good when the baby is born.

Because after the first trimester should avoid any exercise performed on the back, experts suggest to perform accurate movements in the pelvis when standing, abdominal breathing in a sitting position, or the contraction and relaxation of the abdominal muscles to keep them in good condition.

  • Myth or fact: If you are a runner before pregnancy, you can continue to run during pregnancy.

Fact. If you are healthy and your pregnancy is proceeding normally, and you feel good, experts say it is safe to run as long as you do not start the fight. If you ran before pregnancy, you can continue to do so, subject to good health.

If there is a strange feeling, listen to your body and do not do it. Remember also that the pregnancy - is not the time to set the record. Understand that, as pregnancy progresses, you will be in each trimester to reduce the load. So do not compete with their former achievements. Talk to your doctor about your plans for the exercises and discuss all the precautions that may apply to your individual situation.

  • Myth or Fact: Pregnancy can make you more prone to some injuries during fitness.

Fact. During pregnancy, your body produces the hormone relaxin. This is in order to "lubricate" the joints to ease childbirth. When the joints are too "greased" the risk of injury.

It is necessary to avoid any exercises that require a strong movement of the joints or muscles: deep lunges, squats, and so on.

During stretching Stretching - Get a wasted no time  Stretching - Get a wasted no time
   for any training need to be careful. You will find that your range of motion increased, but this is not necessarily a good thing, because it can lead to injury. To avoid problems, do not go beyond the range of motion that you had before pregnancy. Even if you are now easily pulls socks on his feet, it does not mean that you should do it.

  • Myth or fact: not every exercise is safe during pregnancy.

Fact. Exercises that require balance, such as cycling or skiing, or contact sports such as football, can be risky during pregnancy. After the fourth month, your balance is disturbed. Therefore we can not do anything that creates an unstable posture, and that any exercise associated with balance.

  • Myth or fact: if I'm too much of exercise during pregnancy, I will take away the nutrients a child, and it will not grow properly.

Myth. In fact, your baby will get what he wants. In which case, your own nutrient reserves suffer, but reserves the baby will be fine. To avoid problems with your own body, you need to maintain your blood sugar levels, eating smaller meals more often. Children of mothers who engaged in exercise during pregnancy are born more thin, but the size of head circumference and they are normal. So do not be afraid to deal with during pregnancy, experts say.

  • Myth or fact: if I never worked before pregnancy, now is not the time to start.

Myth. If you have never done before, pregnancy is not a good time to set sports records. But this does not mean that you need nine months to sit on the couch. Something very simple, such as a daily walk or swim in the pool, can magically affect your pregnancy and help you sleep better at night. And, of course, start slowly.

Ten minutes a day - great place to start. Then increase the time to 10 minutes twice a day, and then, gradually, to 15 minutes. Even a simple walk around the house will be useful.

  • Myth or fact: any alarming sign, such as spotting or pain, it means that I should stop training and did not return to them during pregnancy.

Myth. Although the pain, spotting, dizziness, and nausea - is cause for immediate termination of employment, it does not mean that you necessarily have to give up exercise ever. This means that you need to talk to your doctor. Tell us exactly what you feel and what you were doing at the time, how long it lasted, and how much. Then ask the board whether you can continue your exercise.

These are the signs that mean you need to stop training and consult a doctor: vaginal bleeding, vaginal fluid isolation, the weakening of fetal movement, uterine contractions, muscle weakness, swelling or pain in the calves, headache Headache  Headache
 , Effort dyspnea, dizziness, nausea.

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  • exercise for pregnant women,
  • fitness
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