the reason for the refusal diet
 Most women at least once in his life sat on a diet - or sit on a diet until now, or plan to fight obesity in the coming 2010. In fact, to save time and money will help the rejection of the diet - that is, by and large, is not working. All those "miracle diets", which in just two weeks, a woman loses about ten kilograms, are effective only in the short term. After the cessation of all diet lost weight, as a rule, returned again. There are at least 7 reasons for deciding to give up the diet.

 7 good reasons for the failure of the diet

1. Lack of nutrients

Contrary to popular belief, most of the diet is not only useful, but also harmful to health due to a lack in the diet the body needs nutrients. Most diets provide rejection of certain categories of products, but a healthy diet provides all the nutrients - fats, carbohydrates, proteins - and the minimum number of calories to maintain health. Rather than give up part of the nutrients is better to choose a healthy and wholesome food at a time, make a balanced diet.

 7 good reasons for the failure of the diet

2. Loss of health

Depriving yourself of the delicious and wholesome food for the body turns into a real shock, which causes him to lose the extra weight. However, after a short period of time, the body adapts to the new conditions. One effect of such a dietary adaptation to "starvation" becomes slower metabolism and increased production of ketone bodies in the liver, leading to the development of ketoacidosis as diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
 . In severe cases, ketoacidosis can lead to death. The best solution is not to diet and lifestyle changes - the transition to a healthy diet that will help gradually to lose extra weight and maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime, not just for a few summer months.

 7 good reasons for the failure of the diet

3. Emotional instability

The strict limitation in food causes an emotional instability - mood swings make a woman feel very good, very bad. Rather than sit on a rigid diet, it is best to choose a moderate approach food - enjoy your favorite foods, but in moderation.

 7 good reasons for the failure of the diet

4. A diet does not fit with the usual life

Diet makes a woman change related to food habits to the extent that normal life becomes difficult: dinner at the restaurant, reception, corporate event turns into a real problem. At the same time, that such events make life more intense and a modern working woman often can not afford to waste time on preparing dietary meals Dietary food: what goes with what and why  Dietary food: what goes with what and why
   and carefully counting calories, which are required in most diets.

An excellent alternative to the diet in this case will move to a healthy diet that will allow both to enjoy life and stay healthy. Many of the nutrients found in quite tasty product.

 7 good reasons for the failure of the diet

5. Lack of energy

The sharp decline in calorie intake usually leads to chronic fatigue and lack of energy to perform daily tasks. An alternative diet - find a food that would provide the necessary energy. An effective method of dealing with excess weight without going on a rigid diet - eat little but often. This approach allows not feel hunger and provides energy, while promoting weight loss.

 7 good reasons for the failure of the diet

6. Quality versus quantity

One of the main disadvantages of the diet is that diet does not teach nutrition. It is possible, carefully counting calories woman on diet eats those foods that stimulate hunger Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin  Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
   and forced to eat more. Rather than limit yourself to food, it is best to find out which food is the most healthy and nutritious, and which products are better suppress hunger.

 7 good reasons for the failure of the diet

7. Physical Activity

In order to get rid of the extra kilos, you need to eat right and do not give up physical activity. This does not mean that you need to run a two-kilometer cross daily, however, given that the metabolism slows down with age, physical activity helps to keep the body in shape and burn more calories. The secret to weight loss - in the movement: walking up the stairs instead of riding the elevator to go to work on foot, not on the bus, take small daily walks.

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