• Cervicitis - the effect of infectious agents on the state of the cervix
  • Inflammation of the cervix

 The infectious disease can be an inflammatory lesion with cervical mucosa or only a portion of the vaginal. Cervicitis is the most common problem in the reproductive age, with increasing age of the inflammation is less common. If a woman has inflammatory process is prolonged and become chronic, it is at risk for development of malignancy of the cervix.


How important is contagious beginning

If an assessment of the possible causal factors of cervicitis, the first place will be the impact of certain types of pathogens. Conditionally divide the specific nature of the infection and opportunistic flora, which becomes a source of inflammation under certain predisposing factors. Some types of pathogens have an affinity (or tropism) to the cervical mucosa, the cervix, which is the cause of the inflammatory process.

The infection has several ways to spread. The main path is a direct effect on the mucous membrane. Pathogens can become a cause of cervicitis, infiltrating from the neighboring organs (this pin route of infection). Less common hematogenous spread of infection. For each way of the spread of infection are characteristic features of their clinical picture, so it affects the choice of further treatment policy of the inflammatory process.

As the causes of cervicitis examines the impact of urogenital infections, which include pathogens chlamydia, trichomoniasis Trichomoniasis - why it is not worth it to treat yourself?  Trichomoniasis - why it is not worth it to treat yourself?
 , Genital herpes and other diseases. Against the backdrop of a long-term trichomoniasis (chronic forms that are difficult to treat) revealed an increase in the number of cervical cancer cases. This confirms the need for treatment of cervicitis in case of detection.


Clinical manifestations in acute inflammation

Often there are a combination of acute and acute vaginitis cervicitis. Infectious inflammatory process has clinical features:

  • the appearance of heavy discharge from the genital tract of a pathological nature. They become purulent or mucopurulent can drain freely from the vagina that causes marked discomfort
  • complaints of itching in the genital area outside due to the impact of a large number of selections
  • can join abdominal pain blunt nature

Confirmation of the diagnosis of acute inflammation of the cervix is ​​to conduct inspection in the mirror. The mucous membrane of the vaginal portion of the cervix looks congested, tissues become swollen. There may be bleeding in the mucosa, while the mucosa is easily injured during vaginal examination using a mirror or when using medical instruments. If the disease is severe, it is formed on the surface of the ulcer.

In the acute stage marked the presence of abundant secretions. During the inspection, they derive their cervical canal. When combined with cervicitis vaginitis Vaginitis - find out the cause of the disease  Vaginitis - find out the cause of the disease
 , The allocation will cover the wall of the vagina, mucous changes accordingly severity of the inflammatory process.

Cervicitis in the chronic form characterized by scant clinical therefore fundamental importance in the process of diagnostic activities assigned to the local symptoms. The woman notes the meager discharge from the genital tract, but can not pay the proper attention, postpones visit to the doctor for examination. This is the reason why cervicitises become resistant within. Priority is given to the method of colposcopy, which allows you to reliably assess the condition of the cervix and identify the nature of the changes.


Place of colposcopy in the diagnosis of cervicitis

Characteristic changes characteristic of inflammatory processes are identified during the extended colposcopy Colposcopy: women's health under control  Colposcopy: women's health under control
 . On the investigation can begin only after the removal of secretions with a cotton swab. In the mucosa of the cervix revealed reddish spots. Their appearance is due to a reaction vessel in the inflammatory process, the capillaries dilate and create a picture. After the sample with a solution of vinegar vessels fade, become whitish.

During the extended colposcopy performed test with iodine solution. The drug can not be uniformly paint over the cellular elements of the mucous membrane, so when cervicitis will be a mixed picture, alternating sections dyed with iodine and yodnegativnyh sites. Method colposcopy is of paramount importance for the diagnosis of the disease, as it allows to control the state of the cervical mucus prior to anti-inflammatory therapy and after its completion. This leads to the conclusion about the effectiveness of treatment.

If the inflammation affects the mucous membrane (endocervicitis), the picture will be Colposcopic characteristics .  The mucous around the external opening of the cervix edematous, with symptoms of congestion .  If the background of an existing endocervicitis spend manipulation (for example, aiming to take a smear cytology), there will be slight mucosal trauma, there is a slight spotting .  After an adequate course of anti-inflammatory therapy of this kind are changes in the mucous .  For therapy to be effective, it is recommended to take a sighting of cervical material for bacteriological examination .  Establishment of the sensitivity of detection of the pathogen to antibiotics makes it possible to assign the drug strictly according spectrum sensitivity .  Carrying microscopy and bakterilogicheskogo studies included in the mandatory testing of patients with cervicitis .

Read more Inflammation of the cervix

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