• What pollutes our home - a dozen basic chemical pest
  • Cosmetic products


Cosmetic products - not just beauty

Deodorants, antiperspirants, toothpaste, shower gels ... a lot of these products in any bathroom. All of these hygiene products are not always safe, and especially the sprays, which contain toxic elements.

But in this case it is necessary to calm down and not to sweep away everything from the shelves. Cosmetic products tested many times before you go to the free market. So do not assume that using a shower gel Shower Gel: is it better soap?  Shower Gel: is it better soap?
 You run the risk of getting cancer. The only thing - you can make allergies or aggravate it, if cosmetics contain a substance that your body will perceive as too aggressive.

To prevent the occurrence of intolerance, you need to be attentive to the moment of purchase. If you buy a moisturizer for daily use or shower gel, try to choose one that does not offend delicious flavor and bright color How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips  How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips

The really dangerous in a woman's beauty arsenal may be the nail polish Nail polish: to be beautiful from top to toe  Nail polish: to be beautiful from top to toe
   and nail polish remover. Their pungent smell indicates the content of corrosive components. Many nail polish remover containing acetone - highly toxic substance. Fortunately, these tools gradually replaced by safer counterparts - and they need to pay attention when choosing the store counter.

 What pollutes our home - a dozen basic chemical pest - Cosmetic products


Many noticed stains on the tile in the bathroom. This mold, which is an accumulation of microscopic fungus which will spread further if it does not interfere. The emergence and development of mold contributes to high humidity, because it is often gaining the territory of the bathroom and kitchen.

The mold itself is unsightly, but it also has a more serious aspect. Its spores secrete a substance having a characteristic smell of damp - they can be very toxic, containing mycotoxins - organic volatiles. In hypersensitive people exacerbates mold allergies, irritation of mucous membranes.

Tip: To prevent the occurrence of mold has one simple recommendation - ventilate the room, avoiding the formation of condensation on surfaces. Try to ensure in his apartment a good ventilation system.

 What pollutes our home - a dozen basic chemical pest - Cosmetic products

Bisphenol A

Many have heard that such a substance as bisphenol A is part of the children's feeding bottles, considering that for this reason it is safe. Also, a substance present in many more products that we use in everyday life. Its contain several plastic bottles, it can be detected on the inner surface of the lids utensils, and even some metal parts, for example, in cans.

Bisphenol A is used mainly in those things that are associated with drinking or cooking. He must protect the taste of food and prevent the development of the fungus. Scientists of many countries conduct studies to identify the possible dangers of bisphenol A, which began to speak in the thirties of the last century. Research materials containing it are still under way, and a clear answer to the question about its toxicity has not yet been received.

For example, French scientists have come to the conclusion that in those doses, in which people are usually faced with bisphenol A, the substance does not pose a danger to it. There are, however some exceptions. Pregnant and lactating women should confine its effects on the body of the agent, avoid heating plastic bottles, to which it is part.

For mothers who are concerned about the presence of bisphenol A in baby bottles, can be advised not to use the old feeding horns, and buy them only from trusted manufacturers.

 What pollutes our home - a dozen basic chemical pest - Cosmetic products

Printer and tobacco - are different and similar

 How can there be similarity between cigarettes smoked and the printer? It appears that they both contain a substance as a xylene, a derivative of benzene, which is toxic, therefore, xylene, too. It can be argued that the effects of xylene are subject to almost all - some do it by smoking cigarettes or inhaling their smoke, the other - are in constant contact with the printer, with the printed paper. Furthermore xylene part of some inks, nail polish, adhesives, and even insecticides.

The problem is that xylene is in the form of a liquid substance without odor and color which is released into the atmosphere when a person does not notice this. Therefore poisoning can occur quickly, because there is no alarm at first, does not come. Xylene is dangerous for many body systems, but brings the greatest harm to the nervous system.

Tip: regularly ventilate the room and obzavedites plants are able to absorb the evaporation of xylene. This Aglaonema, Cycas (cycad) difenbahiya, betel nut.

 What pollutes our home - a dozen basic chemical pest - Cosmetic products

Tips that you must remember:

  • Every day at least thirty minutes, ventilate the room in the apartment. So you get rid of moisture, odors and toxic substances.
  • Do not smoke in the apartment. Do not try to mask the smell of tobacco and food aerosol sprays or scented candles. Normal ventilation is much more effective and safer for health.
  • Close all hazardous chemicals and keep them away from children, as well as warm and moist areas.
  • When choosing cosmetics, household chemicals, building materials, always try to buy something that is less toxic.

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