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Passions over the years: the secrets of saving drive

After many years of living together passions subside, giving way to a habit, routine, routine. This represents a serious threat to the relationship, because the wife may lose interest in each other. But it is fixable, and the old drive can be restored, if you really try.


Think of yourself

Rather even say - to think about the couple. It is important for a while just to disconnect from all external stimuli, which in this case could even be friends and relatives. To the couple lived and felt she needed to be given time. Adolescents and young people, when there are no children and any special obligations with pleasure revel in the time spent with your loved one. But over time, all the time loom any worries, troubles, problems of friends, children, associates, and so on. We must find the strength to pull away from it all. It's selfish, but it works.


Care for body

Sexual attraction is largely dependent on the state in which the body remains. Beautiful shape, smooth skin, no imperfections give the woman the opportunity to feel irresistible and attract the attention of a partner.

Also, do not run medical problems. Perhaps worried about back pain or joint pain, suffering posture that is not always the best way affects the well-being and appearance. Do not be put off going to the doctor when there are serious indications.


Program seduction

You should not hesitate to continue to seduce your partner. It seems that young age just more to it has, however, seduction, the game can not be redundant in any age. It is necessary to reconsider their behavior, to become perhaps a little more relaxed and playful, forget about everyday worries. Relieve some of the burden of responsibility, it is possible to revive the behavior that was typical couple years ago.


Changing roles

Sometimes there is nothing wrong to turn the tables. The man who in the home is too heavily loaded, sometimes has the right to fully relax and surrender to the power of his partner, becoming weak and defenseless, capricious enough. Another, who on the contrary, is quite malleable and pamper must try on the role of the leader, taking responsible decisions, offering something that previously did not dare.


Things bedding

Intimacy - a measure of harmony in the family. The modern pace of life, though sometimes dictates the conditions, and with the passage of time sex at all can come to nothing. It comes late and goes to bed, she gets up early, when he was still asleep. This is a classic situation, but sometimes you have to muster courage and break that routine scheme. At least once a week is a romantic evening for two, with viewing of the film, a delicious light dinner and, of course, do not forget about sex as a dessert.


The interest in the partner

There is nothing worse than a partner who becomes another "open book", because then there is no desire to learn it, to rediscover for themselves. I do not need to repeat the other something like, "Here you have, as always ..." with a negative tinge. On the other hand, must always be seen in the life of the satellite is something new, happy noticing it himself, but also does not forget also remain interesting for the second half.


Useful time for two

Relationships require work in pairs and constant attention. But very often the spouses have different hobbies, habits, hobbies, responsibilities, and all this does not give them much time to spend time together. Do not forget about the joint travel, trips to the theater and cinema. If this is the only one in love couple, why not join another? So everyone will discover new horizons and time will be two more. You may be a common hobby, expand the range of interests, which is always helpful for two people living together.


Small pleasures

Our life is not always so difficult and loaded as it seems to us. You can always find a way to relax and indulge in small pleasures, which are even in the routine. They very much, if you look closely. It can be chatting with friends, children, reading books, enjoying a delicious meal, contemplation of beautiful scenery, watching a good movie. It is necessary to catch the moments of happiness and enjoy them, eating with positive emotions.


More emancipation

Young beautiful years of his carelessness, and it seems that only young men and women without obligation you can enjoy life without looking at the others. Over time, people are becoming more gloomy and serious, reserved, including in relations with the partner in life. But this is not necessarily because, freed from this burden of responsibility as the years who allegedly provided with a similar footprint, you can feel completely happy. You should not be embarrassed, afraid of an active life, including intimate. Maturity - a great time, from which we can always benefit more than it seems at first glance.

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  • seduction technique
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