What can now be read more often seen in women
hands? No, of course, it happens to see something of the fashion books now
"Pocket-sized" (works like Akunin or Coelho), and sometimes
specialized literature, will need to work or study. However,
the majority of cases, noting the reading of the fair half
Humanity can be a high degree of confidence that its focus
He was awarded one of the many women's magazines. What is so
delectable in these journals, why they are such women
popular - asking men and curiously colorful leaf
Pestryaev bright photographs of publication.
First of all struck by the abundance of advertising of all that
may or may not, but the idea of the editors must, need their readers.
Here, cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, lingerie, jewelry and even a very
not cheap jewelry. Advertising is so much that it takes almost
one-third of the total volume of the journal. And this is one of the main distinguishing features of it
women's glossy magazines.
Of course, the lack of advertising in the most popular
the male population of the printed media products - all kinds of sports media
and "purely masculine" magazines, but the number of commercial ads in them
go to any comparison with the female "gloss". And the explanation for this should be
sought not only in the fact that women have more needs and those needs
more expensive (although in this remark there is a truth). Main
psychological motive popularity of women's magazines lies in abundance
colorful advertising sheets. And the casket opened here is quite simple.
All products appearing on the pages of various "glamor" and
"Cosmo", promoted by young attractive women, celebrities or
Just a girl with model looks. It is their beautiful face and body, to
is brought to perfection a professional make-apom and not less
Professional Photoshop, and a significant proportion of glossy magazines.
According to the man's opinion, the popularity of this kind of publications from the visual point
view lies in the fact that women, consciously or unconsciously,
looking at these particular ladies advertising. And they do so in the following,
purely feminine reasons:
1) readers are looking at models and remember (or want
think), that they were so in the near (the concept of "narrow-minded" in this case
can range from several years to several decades) and youth
2) readers are looking at the embodiment of his own
ideal - "I want to look like and what I need to see the others";
3) readers look and are comforted by the fact that it is such,
these unreal beautiful nymphs and other fairies, they are, in their opinion, would
It is, but were not because a) does not want, and b) that there is no time to seriously
engage in) husband (lover) does not earn enough to enable them to
afford all these braces, liposuction and other cosmetic treatments
surgery, the result of which was bound to be an eternal youth
and appeal.
Oddly enough, but the women's glossy magazines are bought
not only to see them, but also their motivation to read. Throwing
all the literary and journalistic husk like gossip about the life of movie stars,
TV, sport, entertainment and other "rich and famous", and
interviews with these very favorites of fortune, horoscope, outlandish tips
psychologists, designers, therapists and other dubious figures, we remain
that is the heart and soul of any female "gloss".
Verbal and literal content of such magazines is reduced to a few
principles that are observed in the materials of any direction from the "Notes
traveler "to the various literary opus of love (required
happy). So here they are, these simple principles:
1) women like to read about what they are beautiful, intelligent,
good (the list goes to about a couple of hundred enthusiastic epithets,
crowning it with the word "modest");
2) women like to read about that, even if they sometimes
enter foolish, ugly, bad, while they still smart,
beautiful and good;
3) Women love to read that almost all men,
except those in which women fall in love (and there are very, very, very
few, they are literally all without exception and to all the women have to fall in love with one
and the same), stupid, ugly, bad, and their actions are guided by
only one instinct - it is clear how ...;
4) women like to read about that, even if a man and a
good, and beautiful, and intelligent (ie have in mind the very rare species in
which happens to fall in love), and in fact these were the sons of Adam
so good, beautiful and smart, because the main motive of his actions
They have all the same notorious instinct of reproduction.
By virtue of these two motivations (visual and
Intelligent) to buy women's magazines, these publications did not really carry
some cognitive content, and their main task is to at
different levels, psychological and rational, to convince women that they
the best. Well, and in the process push them to buy what is advertised
Cute girl, a computer turned into a real goddess.
The author specifies that it is not nurtured insidious
intention to denigrate women "luster" and cast a shadow on the condemnation and ridicule
readers of popular magazines. I am sure that women have much to say in
a similar vein about the motives of men to study the "specialized" and sports
Alexander Babitsky
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