integrated approach treatment of vitiligo
 Vitiligo - skin disease in which there is a depigmentation of the skin. In some areas of the skin pigment melanin disappears completely. The causes of vitiligo may be different. This disease can be inherited. Vitiligo is subject to people of all genders, ages, color. The total number of people with the disease vitiligo is one to two percent of the world's population. Not less than sixty-five million people worldwide have vitiligo.

 An integrated approach to the treatment of vitiligo - disease may disappear

Causes spots

Vitiligo can occur due to the following factors:

  • side effects of drugs,
  • the harmful effects of chemicals
  • autoimmune disease,
  • infection and atrophied skin tissue.

White spots can occur on skin anywhere on the body. The spots without pigmentation appear gradually, gradually increasing in size. And over time, small spots are combined into large light areas. Spots may provoke an increase in stress, exposure to hazardous chemicals, physical injury.

Usually vitiligo What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots  What is Vitiligo: What are the white spots
   - It's just a question of beauty. Bright spots do not hurt. The only direct consequence of severe vitiligo health may become depressed and depressed. However, the white skin can be burnt very quickly in the sun, as it has no protective pigmentation. That in turn can cause the risk of melanoma - skin cancer. Therefore, the disease vitiligo need to be very careful to take measures for the treatment of skin pigmentation and protect skin areas without melanin Which foods contain melanin - skin care  Which foods contain melanin - skin care

 An integrated approach to the treatment of vitiligo - disease may disappear

Treatment of vitiligo

Vitiligo treatment lends itself to a certain extent. Study French experts have shown that the combination of specific laser therapy and the use of tacrolimus ointment skin can successfully repigmentirovat skin. Traditionally, vitiligo cure or completely removing skin pigmentation, or resorted to therapy. As therapy using lasers and steroid cream aimed at repigmentation of the skin.

 An integrated approach to the treatment of vitiligo - disease may disappear

Clinical Study

At the beginning of the two thousandth doctors at Hôpital de l'Archet in Nice, France, and studied fourteen patients with vitiligo aged twelve to sixty-three. The aim of the doctors had to prove that the combination of laser therapy and tacrolimus will work better than conventional laser therapy. Thierry Passeron, MD, and his colleagues chose from four to ten vitiligo lesions in each patient. Team Passeron treated lesions with laser therapy twice a week, in total, this amounted to twenty-four sessions. In addition, patients were also used 0, 1% tacrolimus ointment twice a day from the same group of selected lesions.

Combination therapy showed better results .  Repigmentation was seen in 100% of patients in the combined treatment .  While those vitiligo spots which were irradiated with laser only repigmentirovalis only 85% .  Quality of repigmentation in the combined treatment was also higher .  After the procedure patients examined for achieving the level of 75% repigmentation .  In the case of combination therapy repigmentirovalis seventy percent of spots in the case of laser treatment only twenty .  The spots of vitiligo received no treatment showed no changes in pigmentation .  Places in which there are spots also had an impact on the degree of repigmentation .  Vitiligo on the skin more sensitive to sunlight, showed the best results in repigmentation .  These areas include the skin of face, neck, chest, arms, legs (except for the skin on the knees and elbows, and the inside of the feet and palms) .

"The combination of tacrolimus ointment 0, 1%, which was applied twice daily and treatment by an excimer laser with a wavelength of 308 nm, twice a week, gave excellent results on a sensitive and non-sensitive areas of the skin to UV radiation. Treatment is easily tolerated, and the patients were satisfied with the result, "- wrote the researchers in the September issue of Archives of Dermatology in 2004. The team also named Passeyrona research results "encouraging" and called for further research in this area.

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