children grow up happy
 All parents want their children to be happy. Wanting the best for your child - it's a natural tendency, inherent in all living beings. No matter whether you are raising children of their own or other people (on duty), they deserve to keep a child only pleasant and happy memories, as a happy childhood - a springboard to a happy life.

 As children grow up happy people: practical tips

Most praise the child

In children, there are times when they are suffering from low self-esteem, and sometimes the problem does not go away, even in adulthood. In most cases, lack of confidence in adults is rooted in childhood, when they have not received the necessary approval, praise and attention.

We all need approval, and almost at the physical level, as well as the need for food. Children especially need praise, because they perceive themselves as adults and include: if the parents are indifferent to the child, do not pay attention to him, he thought it was not worth it. Therefore, since the children are trying to win the approval and praise of the adults, it gives them a sense of comfort and satisfaction.

 As children grow up happy people: practical tips

Tell your child that you love him

Most repeat these golden words. Let the child know that you love him just like that, such as he is, not for some achievements and actions. The child should feel loved - it is necessary for its full development. He must know that parents will love him always, no matter what happens. Make it clear to the child that he is no worse than others, and can achieve everything he wants.

 As children grow up happy people: practical tips

Encourage good

Discovering that a child has done something good, praise it, so he knew exactly what he did, and why it's good. If a child misbehaves or acts badly, bullied other children and laughs at them, you do not just scold and punish him and to explain why it can not be done.

 As children grow up happy people: practical tips

Do not be too hard

Children need clear boundaries, they need rules, but it is not necessary to treat them with excessive rigor - so fleeting childhood, let them enjoy the moment. If the child is put on rubber boots and wants to jump in puddles, do not disturb him. From this no one will be bad, but the kid will enjoy. The most important thing - that the child often smiled and behaved as it should be the child, that is naughty, ran and sought adventure.

 As children grow up happy people: practical tips

Set the border

Sometimes you need to tell the child firmly and decisively "no." The child should be clear boundaries set by adults. Children need order, structure, they need to know when and what they will do, what to do can be and that - you can not. If anything does not restrict the freedom of the child and let him do whatever he wants, it will please him only for a short time, and then he will be upset, because it will think that adults do not care what he does. The children planted a natural need in the manual. In addition, the child must learn at an early age that one can not always get the desired - it would prepare him for adult life. He also needs to get used to the norms and rules of behavior in society, in order to avoid problems in the future.

 As children grow up happy people: practical tips

Encourage your child's friendships with peers

Socializing with other children helps improve self-esteem of the child. In relationships with peers child learns to value friendship, understanding its value, know the value of loyalty and devotion. Try to keep your child more often in places where the people: in the parks, on the playground, in circles or sections.

 As children grow up happy people: practical tips

Encourage your child to make independent decisions

Allow your child to choose what he wears: blue or brown pants, green or red dress. It taught him to self-sufficiency and independence.

 As children grow up happy people: practical tips

Spend more time with your child

Take time to relax with your child. Read aloud, play with your child, look at the movies or cartoons, or just listen to what the kid will tell you - he should know that can not hesitate to talk to you about everything and ask you any questions. Remember that the quality of the time with your child is much more important than its quantity. If your child sees you all day long, but you're too busy to listen to him, or to do something together, and any attempt to draw his attention to your cause you irritation, it is hardly the time spent with the child. Much better to spend with your baby a couple of hours a day, but with the benefit and pleasure that he expected the meeting would. In this case, the child will be more respect and appreciate you, and he retained fond memories of that time.

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