Body scrubs
 Body Scrub - a popular remedy for skin care, with which you can make the skin soft and smooth. It exfoliates the skin and, depending on the composition, feeds or its hydrates.

 Body scrubs: how to make your skin smooth

How to use

Use scrubs is recommended at least once a week; better - two. To put their best on moist steamed out skin, so before using the scrub take a hot shower or bath. Rub the skin scrub the entire body - from the feet to the shoulders. For the delicate skin of the neck is better suited facial scrub - it smaller and not so hard abrasive particles. Particular attention is given to the most rigid and rough patches of skin - such as heels and elbows.

Carefully massaged body scrub rinse with warm water. Use a shower gel or not - depends on the composition of the scrub. For example, if one of its ingredients is a salt or oil, you need to wash it off using a soft shower gel.

Body scrubs not only removes dirt and dead skin cells, and improve microcirculation in the skin, stimulating the metabolism. Regularly using scrubs, you accelerate skin cell renewal.

Do not use a body scrub in the presence of sunburn, hives, and various skin lesions.

Body scrubs - one of the easiest to prepare cosmetics. Here are some recipes for scrubs that you can prepare yourself.

 Body scrubs: how to make your skin smooth

Homemade body scrubs

  • Almond and vanilla scrub

Ingredients: 0.5 cups of brown sugar, 0.25 cups almond oil, 0.25 cups of liquid soap, 0.25 teaspoon vanilla powder. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and use it as a scrub. This scrub gives the skin a pleasant aroma; it can be simply washed off with warm water without soap.

  • Lemon Scrub

Mix 1 cup of sugar, half a cup of olive oil Olive oil: useful properties  Olive oil: useful properties
   and 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel. Scrub cleanses and moisturizes the skin and evens its tone.

  • Scrub with essential oil of lavender and rosewood

Take 1 cup of brown sugar, 0.25 cups almond oil, 0.5 teaspoon of vitamin E, 6 drops of essential oil of rosewood and 4 drops of lavender essential oil. As the ingredients mix; it is desirable to use a scrub once.

  • Coffee Scrub

0.25 cup brown sugar, 0.25 cups white sugar, 3 tablespoons of ground coffee (preferably freshly ground), 5 teaspoons of almond oil, 5 teaspoons of jojoba oil, 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   E, 1 teaspoon vanilla powder. Cook scrub immediately before use.

  • Scrub with honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
   and tea

You will need: 2 cups white sugar 1 cup honey, 2 tablespoons of black or green tea, 5 drops of vanilla essence. If necessary to reduce the amount of certain ingredients used.

  • Scrub with yogurt

Take 3 tablespoons of baby oil, 3 tablespoons brown or white sugar and 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Mix the ingredients before use. This scrub is suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

  • Scrub aloe and sugar

Take 1 cup sugar 1 cup of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of aloe gel and, if desired, 8 drops of any essential oil. Thoroughly mix the ingredients. The remains of scrub can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

  • Scrub with powdered milk

Ingredients: 1 cup brown sugar, 2 cups dry milk, about 1 cup of olive oil, 10 drops of essential oil. Mix the dry ingredients, then slowly pour in the olive oil in them, stirring constantly. When the mixture acquires the desired consistency, add the essential oils.

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