• Booties: layette for the baby
  • Comfort and tenderness

 booties for the baby

Booties for the baby: comfort and softness

All that is somehow related to the newborn or the grown kids is inexpressible tenderness and trepidation. What a pleasure mothers attend children's clothing stores! "Adult" shopping does not differ in such charm that breathes miniature vests, sweaters, booties and sliders tenderest colors. But being at the mercy of such delights, we should not lose sight of the fact that all parts of children's clothes must be chosen with great care and according to certain rules. This is especially true pinetok, which will decorate the baby's legs.


The transition period

Booties - a kind of intermediate option, the transition from soft thin sock to stiffer shoes. As long as the baby does not walk or even crawl, he is useless as a charming setting foot booties. During this period, there is nothing better than socks that do not interfere with the baby, still lying in bed.

Around six months there is a need for booties. It may come before, and due to the fact that the baby begins to not only sit, and crawl. As long as he knows the world, we need to do this process for a comfortable and secure. From this and the need to make a start in choosing the right pinetok.


Special attention

What should be the booties, and what to look for when choosing? Firstly, they must be made of natural breathable material, which does not allow the legs to receive the freeze or irritation from synthetics. For manufacturing pinetok use different materials, and design of modern children's fashion creators can come up with is quite elegant, so convenience - is another important characteristic of soft baby pinetok.

All joints should be treated very carefully, and do not have to rub it is desirable that as little as possible. Many mothers like refined models with the presence of decorations - sewn or glued. No doubt - everything is beautiful, maybe even elegant and refined, but not what you need baby. Design pinetok can be very different, beauty can be achieved by using different colors and knitted items, but all the things that my child can tear through a long and hard torsion-spinning, it is necessary to deprive the booties. Especially dangerous are sewn or glued beads, bows, flowers.

By the way, no bows booties absolutely can not do, because they have to fix, tying at the ankle. Kids are extremely curious, can shoot booties with their further study, so it is important to make sure that he did not have such an opportunity. Soft sewn elastic, ribbon, lace does not have to drag a leg, while solving a critical problem fixing.


Types pinetok

 booties for the baby
 Booties can be knitted, closest to the preceding stage - socks, knit and leather soles.

Thin knit booties are made of cotton, they are more familiar to kids, light, do not carry any discomfort, the design basically they - the most discreet; suitable for the warm season, for home socks at a favorable temperature.

The most common are knit booties. Unlike knitted, they can not have seams, which is their unquestionable advantage, and well warmed. Knitted booties can be both soft and more dense, so it is important to ensure that the leg felt free to move fingers, not pinched, and that the sole was not too hard early on.

Before the baby is ready to be put on these shoes, you can wear booties with leather soles, which will be a preparatory stage. Genuine leather sole should not be slippery, the baby did not fall, especially on surfaces without the carpet.

Toe and heel booties in any greater density to be different, to keep up with the proper development of the foot. The sole must also be sufficiently dense, with a thickness of about 3 mm.


Cheerful children's fashion

If you insist on the right booties brevity, they are not necessarily boring. Kids respond positively cheerful yellow and orange, so do not be limited to the traditional pastel colors How to refresh its image by using pastel  How to refresh its image by using pastel
 . Also design pinetok can be different at the same time - safe. Booties can contain vyvyazannye flowers, berries, lace details and even the zipper on the more mature age slippers.

Booties are manufactured by companies that manufacture children's clothing, and even toys. The comfortable, thin, soft organic cotton booties you'll find at Bimbo. Models that are close to the boots, bright booties with rubber soles of bio-wool offers Disana. If you want to please baby booties fun with muzzles of animals, contact Teddykompaniet.

Select booties to the mind and certain knowledge. And when you get this knowledge, this process is not complicated, and will only get more interesting. The result would be happy and mom and baby, who even in this age still inexperienced will be happy to wear beautiful and comfortable booties.

Eugene Zhirkina

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