• Conception - as the emerging life
  • Herbal remedy

 herbal remedies that promote fertility

Herbal remedies that promote fertility

Flower essences have long been used to treat diseases of the reproductive system and the normalization of the ovarian cycle in women. Their healing properties help to restore physical and mental harmony, restore inner peace. High efficiency and sparing effects of herbal medicines make them an ideal natural remedy for the preparation of a woman to conceive and pregnancy.

By natural means, which are used in folk medicine to prepare for pregnancy include: primrose (gives inner peace and healing emotional pain), violets (contributes to the development of female characteristics such as intuition and softness, as well as facilitates the emotional and physical closeness) .

When a couple is having difficulty conceiving, nature again come to the rescue. There are a number of herbal remedies for those who want to get pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
   Vitex or chaste sacred tree - one of the most frequently recommended plants to reduce the symptoms of PMS .  Modern research has shown that Vitex sacred positive effect on the hormonal balance of the female body, helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, helps prevent diseases of the female reproductive organs, reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and effective for some types of infertility .  Abraham berries are also used to normalize the levels of sex hormones in the rejection of hormonal contraception, endometriosis and fertility problems .  Chasteberry act directly on the pituitary to inhibit the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and stimulating the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) .  LH improves the growth of the corpus luteum, which stimulates the secretion of progesterone .  Thus chasteberry stimulate LH, which leads to increased levels of progesterone and normalize the balance of estrogen and progesterone .

Other herbal medicines that help improve reproductive health and hormonal balance: black cohosh and Siberian ginseng. Black cohosh - the most popular in Europe, substitute hormone therapy, recommended for women after the cessation of the menstrual cycle, which is also used to stabilize the menstrual cycle. Cohosh helps prevent miscarriage in early pregnancy.

Here are a few tips that will help increase the likelihood of conception:

  • Have sex more often. Regular intimacy will not only increase your chances of conceiving, but also help to strengthen the relationships that form the basis for your family. Try to sex did not become a routine or a means to an end (of pregnancy). It will have to make an effort, but the relationship is worth it.
  • The best time for sex - during ovulation and a few days before her and after a few days. Although the daily close at this time is usually sufficient for conception, some experts recommend to have sex every day, and every two days - the time needed for recovery of sperm cells.
  • Stress, fatigue and other emotional problems can disrupt the natural cycle required for healthy conception. Therefore it is necessary to solve emotional problems or reduce stress. Use the relaxation techniques such as meditation Meditation and women's health  Meditation and women's health
   and yoga.
  • Both partners need to take care of your physical health: eat right, eat only fresh and natural products, and regularly do fitness.
  • If you (or your partner) smoke, take drugs or consume alcohol, it's time to get rid of these bad habits. This will benefit not only you but also your future children.
  • Before planning a pregnancy, a complete physical examination (especially for women). Experts reveal any health problems (most common: anemia, diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes mellitus Diabetes  Diabetes
   and kidney disease), and make the treatment program.

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