fibrocystic breast disease treatment
 Despite the fact that the breast is a benign breast disease, its treatment should be approached with the utmost seriousness. Fibrocystic breast disease - treatment of it depends on the prevalence of the process, disease duration and age of the woman. In the first place in the treatment of this disease focuses on the elimination of the causes that led to its development.

 Fibrocystic breast disease: treatment is important to start as soon as possible

Non-hormonal treatment of fibrocystic breast

Conservative non-hormonal therapy fibrocystic breast begin to correct diet .  Scientists have found that one of the causes of the disease are methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine) that provoke the development of seals in the chest and the formation of cysts .  Methylxanthines are found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa and cola .  Accordingly, it should abandon the listed products or reduce their use .  In addition, it found an association fibrocystic breast with impaired functioning of the intestines, constipation and dysbiosis .  Therefore, patients recommend foods rich in fiber (fresh fruits and vegetables, wholemeal bread) and fluid intake of at least a half - two liters per day .  Impaired or hindered the work of the liver (alcohol, gallbladder disease, fatty foods) leads to a delay estrogen in the body that cause disease .  In this regard, patients are assigned the B vitamins and enzymes .

Equally important is the choice of bra. Not pick up the size of the toilet or unwillingness to wear it all leads to compression of the chest and the development of venous congestion, which causes the development of mastitis.

Also, patients with fibrocystic breast Fibrocystic breast disease - one of the pathologies of the breast  Fibrocystic breast disease - one of the pathologies of the breast
   appoint B vitamins (especially B6), A, E and C vitamins have antioxidant effects, strengthen the immune system, promote the development of epithelial cells, normalize metabolism and hormonal balance.

To cope with the swelling and breast engorgement and edema eliminate cancer and legs help diuretics. In addition, it is recommended to limit the intake of salt (and it is better to replace it with iodized).

To relieve the pain in the mammary glands at the end of the second phase of the menstrual cycle The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable  The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable
   appointed NSAIDs (diclofenac, indomethacin).

Since the breast is accompanied by venous congestion in the breast, it is recommended to take drugs that improve blood circulation (Ascorutinum), and foods rich in vitamin data Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   (citrus, cherry, raspberry, chokeberry).

Often, the disease leads to the development of long-term stress, so the patients received sedatives and drugs, normalizing sleep (tincture of Leonurus, valerian, phenobarbital).

 Fibrocystic breast disease: treatment is important to start as soon as possible

Hormonal treatment of fibrocystic breast

The goal of hormone therapy - is reducing the impact of estrogen on breast tissue. Because hormones are used:

  • Antiestrogens

Purpose antiestrogens (e.g., tamoxifen) block estrogen receptors in target tissues that do not eliminate the possibility of estrogens bind to them. But anti-estrogens have strong side effects, reminiscent of menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, excessive sweating, nausea, and dizziness). Moreover, early treatment with tamoxifen amplified breast pain.

  • Combined estrogen-progestin drugs (oral contraceptives)

Oral contraceptives blocks the formation of hormones in the pituitary gland (follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones) and ovulation in the ovaries. This eliminates the possibility of the body's own oestrogens.

  • Gestagens

Progestins (eg norkolut) eliminate the relative and absolute hyperestrogenia, which invariably accompanies the disease. One of the reasons the appointment of progestogens is the fact that during pregnancy, breast fades, so this period is produced in large amounts of progesterone (progestin analogue).

  • Means suppressing the synthesis of prolactin

This group of drugs include bromocriptine (parlodel). Bromkriptin encouraged to nominate women with hyperprolactinemia confirmed.

Anna Sozinova

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Article Tags:
  • Treatment of mastitis
  • Fibrocystic breast disease - one of the pathologies of the breast
  • Breast disease - characterized by symptoms