• Homemade Christmas decorations: a holiday with their hands
  • Ideas

 homemade Christmas decorations ideas

Interesting ideas

Have not many were beautiful old toy - rare, expensive, filigree, as jewelry, filled with extraordinary fiction. As a rule, in recent years, it is fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree Set of shiny futuristic identical balls and provide it for the talented brevity. But sometimes laconic and from a lack of imagination, and when the soul yearns for something different, then you remove the box from their normal spheres, regretfully realizing: "It's not that."

And that was "something" you just need to make the Christmas decorations themselves, especially since there is no better fun for children, useful and fascinating at the same time fun to help them carry through the next difficult adulthood priori sense of the New Year as a holiday.


Several options for toys

So, make toys with their own hands. First, an empty egg in our hands can become a clown (painted with the face, collar-tansy corrugated paper shred dyed red wool or wool on the forehead), fish-veiltail (scales draw and place somewhere strazikami and tail - from Same corrugated paper of several colors), with a cockerel beak and crest, and so on.

 homemade Christmas decorations ideas
 If children know how and love to sew, make these beautiful dolls: put a round ball of cotton wool in the nylon sock skin color, this will be the head - then draw on it with markers eyes and mouth. From yarn to knit you can make your hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 , And only in the choice of clothes your imagination is not limited. You can write a story for the whole Christmas tree: make Santa Claus, or Beauty and the Beast, or caricatures of tiny self.

Christmas stars cut out of thick decorative paper and paste-sheathe on the edge beads. We hang on the Christmas tree red and white striped candy canes long as in the American family comedies. By the way, in Europe and in America can appreciate the attributes of Christmas: some just little things you will not find on special Christmas markets - and boxes and figurines, and small animals, and little apostles. The Russian Orthodox wishing to collect song about Christmas would have much harder, but not, however, now it's about Christmas, but a lot of bright tinsel, bells, snow and bows can not hurt you, too.

And how nice to make a Christmas tree fully in the old, amateur style. Carefully uncover not to damage the shell, walnut kernel scrub, glue shells, not forgetting to put out of her loop of thread, painted in silver and gold color. Hang fruits, cones, weightless cut from tissue paper snowflakes - no amateur, and on the complex, thought-figure advance. Moreover, the Bull appreciates all natural, and the natural tree - the best way to appease him.

You can not use ready-made beads, and teach the younger children to do the soft tassels of bright thread, simply reeling them in a matchbox. Then snizhet in beads, alternating blestyashki, and that's another beautiful thing on the Christmas tree will be the fruit of your hands.


Edible Decorations

 homemade Christmas decorations ideas
 Another excellent idea for decorating the Christmas tree, especially if your home is an impromptu matinee for children, competitions and gifts, decorate it with toys, biscuits. Prepare a very simple cookie dough, if desired, add him nuts, chocolate, candied fruit. Cut dough molds stars, Christmas trees, houses, mushrooms, bake, razrisuy kornetika of chocolate glaze, do neat holes with a toothpick (or create easy hygienic packaging of wrapping film) and bravely hang on the Christmas tree. You will shoot and handing a small winner.

Beautiful Christmas tree, which will remain in memory for a long time - this is not the result of this process. This quiet evening spent at a desk, with his family. For a long time we did not prepare for the new year in this way, right? But that will gladly do everything as it should be.

  Multiple Cyrus

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