apply concealer
 Tone Cream - an essential element for creating make-up. Its quality, proper selection and application depends on the final result. And it is not so important how much cream, whether it belongs to the rank of democratic brand, or refers to the honorary rank of luxury cosmetics, without knowledge of the underlying technology beautiful makeup fail. And if the tone - it is something on which everything else rests, then the paramount issue: how to apply foundation?

 How to apply foundation - take care of the natural

Selecting texture

Before you apply foundation on your face you need to make sure whether it is appropriate to this type of skin, because it is also one of the most fundamental of successful makeup. Their species is currently quite a lot - so much that even the girls who are not the first year of use decorative cosmetics, sometimes can not understand. But nothing serious, and sometimes trial and error - the best way to find the perfect makeup.

Traditional liquid cream is suitable for different skin types, you only need to select it according to their needs. Here you can find the tone with reflective particles, or liquid denser texture, hypoallergenic that do not contain fat. The liquid fluid - easy tool that you need for subtle toning skin without any problems were in the form of wrinkles, redness, inflammation. Cream with reflective particles need mature skin with the outlined wrinkles.

Mousse - texture for oily and combination young skin, which is useless excess oil. Compact foundations tend to have a fairly dense texture, applied enclosed sponge and are ideal for masking denominated issues. Such funds, as well as solid sticks, it is very convenient to take with you to touch up makeup throughout the day.

 How to apply foundation - take care of the natural

The preparatory stage

Before cast foundation, a person must be prepared, first, to avoid irritation, secondly, for a more natural look and durability of makeup. Apply the cream on clean skin - big mistake inexperienced and impatient fashionistas. Only in a prepared canvas, as that can be considered a person, cosmetics looks good and lasts a long time.

Many regularly heard on the basis of a special base for the face and on the other hand - the need to use a moisturizer. A reasonable question arises - what is really needed is more important and whether you can use once the two funds? Apply a cream base tone, which subsequently applied powder is not recommended - the skin is elementary will be overloaded. Under the foundation to choose just one thing, and that it was - prompt the skin, its problems or the lack thereof. In any case, today there are dampening base effect and day creams, which should mark "may be used as a makeup base."

Once fully absorbed the foundation you need to disguise the flaws - bruising, under-eye circles, pimples and redness. Under eye concealer should be applied with a yellow tinge, neutralizing blue for redness - either green or dense natural beige concealer Concealer: Learning to mask skin imperfections  Concealer: Learning to mask skin imperfections
   slightly lighter tone. Hiding skin defects, feathered makeup pat, you can proceed to the application of a tonal framework.

 How to apply foundation - take care of the natural

Makeup Technique

Foundation is applied as a hand and a sponge. For compact dense sponges attached creams, mousses shaded fingers, liquid funds can be used as a soft sponge and apply their hands.

Impose tone needed from the midface, shading the contour, working through all the hollow at the nasolabial triangle slightly passing light pat on the eye area. In areas of hair growth Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   color shade must be carefully with your fingers, avoiding visible boundaries. From bottom line cheekbones cream should move on to the neck, where it is also necessary to dilute, to avoid the effect of the mask. If necessary, adjust the shape of the face can go a little sponge with a slightly darker tone on the contour and the cheeks.

Tips for a natural facial tones How to align the tone of the face - the secrets of disguise :

  • You must select the hue respectively tsvetotipu: cold-type - pink base, to warm - yellow.
  • Foundation should match the color of the skin on the neck.
  • If the cream was a little darker or thicker, it is necessary to mix it in a ratio of 1: 1 with a moisturizer.
  • After the make-up is completely finished, on the face can be sprayed thermal water, to remove the sense of matte clogged and give the face a natural glow.

Eugene Zhirkina

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