 Male chauvinism - is a broad concept that includes a set of ideas, according to which men are superior to women. In our daily life it is manifested in the mass phenomena - the difference in wages between men and women and bias in hiring (which is far from being abolished, even in Western countries), to the unequal distribution of responsibilities for housekeeping and childcare. Such disparities exist not only in representations of people, but are often supported by legislation.


Where it all begins

The roots of machismo, like most other phenomena to be found in the traditions of education. The division of responsibilities by men and women, vaccinating girls stereotypical feminine qualities (kindness, diligence, obedience), and the boys - men (the ability to fend for themselves, leadership, determination), various toys for boys Toys for boys  Toys for boys
   and girls - it all contributes to the fact that the human mind from early childhood rooted notion that the representatives of the two sexes are not only physical data. It creates a persistent view that between them there is a fundamental difference - they have from birth different tastes, interests and objectives. In fact it is not obvious that the boys have to play with toy cars and girls - with the dolls. But these traditions - and many of us did not hesitate to put the girls in pink is sure, boys - in blue, and create many more differences that invisibly influence our society for hundreds of years. As a result, the boys grow into the next generation of men who take it for granted that they need to be leaders in the workplace and in the family. Advancing girls are often maintained because of male chauvinism deeply rooted ideas about what is feminine and unfeminine thing.

The term "machismo" appeared only in the 20th century, when women began to actively fight for their rights. Prior to this lack of equality considered normal and, accordingly, this term need not. Now, despite the fact that in developed countries, gender equality approved by law and gender discrimination is punishable, male chauvinism still exists. Especially brightly it is shown at the workplace, for many women it becomes an obstacle to career development. We'll talk about how to deal with the chauvinists at work; Some of these recommendations can be applied in other areas of life.


How to deal with male chauvinism in the workplace

  • Deliberately ignore chauvinist. This recommendation relates to situations where employees are turning to you, who have previously demonstrated disdain for you or other women in the office. If you work at a computer or talking with a colleague, and suddenly you drawn such a person, ignore it, finish typing a paragraph or complete the conversation, and then turn to him and ask him to repeat what he said. No need to show contempt and, especially, aggression; the best weapon against chauvinist - indifference. Show him that you do not care about him and his chauvinist views, and you pay attention to it only when there is a free moment.
  • Sit with your back straight. Crooked back, lowered his shoulders - a sign of weakness and insecurity, and it is not the quality that is showing in the team, which hovers the spirit of machismo. So keep your back straight, even if you have many hours sitting at the computer; it sends a signal to others that you - tough nut to crack, and you is not so easy to break.
  • Choose the right clothes. At work, do not allow clothing negligence and excessive sexuality. A classic suit or a pencil skirt Pencil skirt: femininity, which can not resist  Pencil skirt: femininity, which can not resist
   a blouse, a few decorative details (scarf and bracelet, for example), neat hair and neutral makeup - the optimal choice for the job. At work, a woman should look like, first of all, as a professional, not showing its appeal.
  • Know your business. Men who believe that you are doing business unfeminine, will be watching your every action, gleefully noting the slightest error. The best way to deal with them - a thorough knowledge of the work. In the end, they will be convinced that the woman can work with them as equals, and if they continue to attack, you can occasionally do they indicate shortcomings in their work - this is the case when the strike on self-assessment is quite acceptable.
  • He answered them, and answer loud. If a male colleague makes you frankly chauvinist comments, reply to it, and it is desirable so that it is heard by others. First, it will show the rest of the staff that you can not touch with impunity. Secondly, in your conversation may include other women who machismo is usually not too cute. Finally, if you have a reasonable boss, noting the conflict, he himself will be able to explain the subordinate that employees need to evaluate them solely on merit. And remember, if you once silently swallow giving offense, it will be repeated again and again.
  • Point out their mistakes. If adherent ideology of male chauvinism in a conversation accidentally calls Barack Obama Republican, or a long time can not figure out how to change the operation mode, openly laugh at him. Even better, if you fix it (make a note - "Democrat Obama, in fact," or will understand with air conditioning) - even made fun of him by others. And so - every time he makes mistakes. It is cruel, but if it allows such behavior towards you - respond in kind. May he always remembers that he can be convinced of anything - we have freedom of belief, after all - but showing its chauvinism, it can get a severe blow to self-esteem. As a result, he either realizes that the woman is also able to stand up for themselves and the work community can be equal to men, or to remain a chauvinist, but will no longer hurt you, and along with the other employees.

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