• Massage for infants - a useful warm-up
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 how to massage babies

How to massage babies

Up to a year massage - an effective method of preventing and treating many diseases. The baby massage Baby Massage: a child's health is in your hands  Baby Massage: a child's health is in your hands
   We used almost the same techniques (except for some methods of vibration) in the classical massage, but they performed gentle, with great care.


What is baby massage and its effect on the child's body

Baby massage - a combination of techniques dosed mechanical impact on some parts of the surface of the body of a child produced by the hands of the masseur. As a physiological method for the body of the child, combined with massage techniques gymnastics used to treat and prevent various diseases in infants.

The mechanism of action of baby massage are interdependent complex reflex, neuroendocrine and metabolic processes regulated by the central nervous system. The initial step in these reactions is an irritation of the skin receptors that convert energy into mechanical stimulation impulses coming into the central nervous system. Under the influence of different massage techniques the excitability of the nervous system may rise or fall, providing some action on all organs and systems of the body of the child.

Massage improves metabolic processes in the skin, stimulates the function of sweat and sebaceous glands, causing activation of the metabolism, improve gas exchange in tissues and organs. Massage also activates blood circulation in the skin and in the muscles. Under the influence of massage creates new capillaries (tiny blood vessels), thereby improving blood circulation, lymph flow, improves skin tone and elasticity of muscles, improving their contractile ability and strength. Massage also strengthens joints and ligaments. All this contributes to the normalization of the internal organs and the nervous system.

Massage in infants is an integral part of physical education. It promotes the proper development of the child up to a year The development of the child up to a year  The development of the child up to a year
 , Improve its turgor of tissues, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract with the weakness of the abdominal muscles, abdominal distension (flatulence), massage promotes the release of intestinal gases. Massage also has a positive impact on the psycho-emotional sphere of the child, have excitable, nervous children normalizes the behavior and sleep.


Indications and contraindications for massage in infants

In early childhood, along with massage exercises can be used, starting with six weeks of age as a means of strengthening and proper physical development of the body of the child. According to testimony special massage can be appointed in the earlier periods.

Massage shown in preterm infants Premature babies: special care  Premature babies: special care
 , Children who are bottle-fed, in all cases, the backlog in the physical development of the child, children who have suffered various diseases (including infectious), with rickets, underweight, tendency to obesity. Effective massage with inflammation of the lungs, especially with prolonged course, bronchial asthma. Massage is widely used in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

Contraindications for massage are pustules on the skin, exudative diathesis, any acute diseases, including rickets, acute inflammation, bleeding, blood diseases.


Massage technique in infants

Massage technique in infants involves the use of all four techniques of classical massage - stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. The most widely used stroking, rubbing and kneading. Light stroking calms the nervous system, causes positive emotions, improves nutrition of the skin, improves its elasticity, blood - and lymph circulation, strengthens muscles. This improves tissue oxygen consumption, increased metabolism, which is manifested by increased appetite, weight gain, improvement in the general state. Stroking is especially shown at underweight.

Rubbing causes a rush of blood to the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles. It is produced by one or more fingers in the circumferential direction. Grinding is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially shown rubbing shins.

Kneading affects mainly the deep-seated tissue, there is increased blood supply and nutrition, improves muscle tone, their contractility. This technique is widely used in the treatment of residual symptoms of rickets, which is accompanied by considerable muscle weakness, and delayed development of motor skills.

Vibration - energetic welcome, accompanied by concussion underlying tissues. The massage in infants this technique is rarely used only for special indications, mainly to strengthen the muscles of the spine and children with increased weight.

All massage techniques in children should be carried out carefully, slowly and gently, given tenderness and vulnerability of the child's skin, easily occurs excitation of his nervous system.

Massage for infants sometimes supersedes all other methods of treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

Galina Romanenko

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