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 NLP technique

Several useful techniques of NLP

Dissociation. Many people react negatively to stimuli that others do not cause almost no reaction. One person can be particularly painful to respond to the indifference of the partner, the other - on certain words, and the third is afraid quite harmless things. Using this technique, many NLP can cure phobias Phobias - psychological advice  Phobias - psychological advice
   and learn how to safely treat the fact that yesterday caused severe irritation or anger. To achieve the effect of dissociation, you must:

  • Identify the emotion from which you want to get rid of, whether it is fear of spiders, the uncertainty of public speaking, or something else.
  • Imagine you live in an unpleasant situation from start to finish, watching yourself from the outside. For example, imagine how you crawling on the big spider looking at the scene from the side or from above.
  • Lose this imaginary film from the end to the beginning, and then imagine how quickly you rewind it from beginning to end, and then review it at the end.
  • Lose Again "film" from the end to the beginning, mentally adding to it some cheerful music.
  • Now imagine the same unpleasant situation happens to you - that is, you should not see her hand, but from the inside as usual. If you did everything correctly, you'll notice that the attitude towards the situation has changed, and negative emotions have practically disappeared. Sometimes, in order to achieve the desired results of the exercise must be repeated several times.


Reframing content

This technique is very useful when you are in a situation in which feel anger or helplessness, and many unpleasant events .  Reframing allows you to change the situation (more specifically, how do you perceive this value) and begin to treat it more positively .  For example, your spouse filed for divorce .  This event is most people suffer very difficult, but we must try to see not only negative aspects of divorce .  For example, now you will have more time to build a career, self-education, sports, creativity, if you wish, you can move to another city or country, and, perhaps, to meet a new love .  If your spouse have relatives that you do not like, think about how cool to get rid of the need to communicate with them .  In general, list all, even the most insignificant at first glance, the reasons for which a divorce - it's good .  And then imagine that you'll be thinking about that divorce after five to ten years, if you are using all the opportunities that freedom opens up before you - chances are you will smile and think that it was a great chance that you have used one hundred percent .

The task of reframing is not to deceive themselves and to artificially induce positive emotions on the unpleasant situation. No, you only need to see the different aspects of their troubles - their realization does not prevent you from experience, for example, due to the break with a spouse, but will help easier and more productive to move a heavy period.



This is an important and useful technique that helps to communicate effectively with different people .  Broadly rapport - is establishing and maintaining trust relationships with one or more people .  In NLP for that use different methods .  For example, you can "otzerkalivat" movement, posture and gestures of the interlocutor (of course, this should not be too obvious), to use the words and phrases similar to those used by the source, and to breathe in the same rhythm as he .  It is important to pay attention to what channel the perception dominates a person - auditory, visual or kinesthetic .  This can be determined by how the person speaks .  For audialy in his speech often describe sounds (she spoke very loudly, he has a very nice voice, there were creaking doors, and so on), visuals - visual images (she is very lively facial expressions, she paints her lips bright lipstick, there were large door of dark wood), kinesthetic - sensations and feelings (it seemed to me that during the conversation, she felt uncomfortable, it was cold and damp, there were doors smoothly polished wood) .

Try to convey information to your closest companion language, that is, the visuals tell about visual images, audialam - the sounds and kinesthetic - about feelings.

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