Ovulation Test: each needs
 Ovulation Test can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is necessary to determine the time of ovulation - it allows a woman to get pregnant ovulation How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
 . And if you know the time of ovulation, and it is time to implement a sexual contact, can be sure of getting pregnant.

Check availability of ovulation with suspected anovulatory (single-phase) cycle. This happens when the body produces enough hormones to stimulate maturation of ova in the ovary. If there is no egg, then pregnancy is impossible. But anovulatory cycle may be every month, sometimes it alternates with the usual two-phase menstrual cycle and the release of mature egg from the ovary.

In order to understand why no pregnancy, you should see a doctor. Usually, the doctor will want to familiarize yourself with ovulation calendar Ovulation Calendar - to help women  Ovulation Calendar - to help women
   or menstruation, so every woman should keep a calendar of the time, even if her menses occur on a regular basis, because the menstrual cycle can change, and it will feature some changes in a woman's body.

If a woman is all right, but pregnancy does not occur, it is recommended to perform sex for two to three days in the middle of the menstrual cycle - the day - two before (the sperm lived for about three days, and be sure to wait for the egg) and the day after (the egg lives day) ovulation.

Best time of ovulation can be determined using Test ovulation. But this will also require menstruation calendar you want to keep for at least six months. Standard tests for ovulation usually contains 5 sets for daily use and need to know, from what on what day of the menstrual cycle to use them.

 Ovulation Test: each needs

How to test for ovulation

The general rule is .  Need to know the average length of your menstrual cycle .  For this takes the longest and shortest cycle in half, the number of days they formed and divided into two .  For example, the longest cycle was 30 days and the shortest - 26 .  30+ 26 = 56 2 = 28 .  To determine the first day, when you need to conduct a test on the figures need to take 17: 28 - 17 = 11 .  This is the first day when you need to perform the test .  The test is carried out for 5 days or until ovulation .  At very short menstrual cycles or prolonged menstruation the time the test is better to consult a doctor .  If ovulation is not detected within 5 days, the need to continue to study up to 10 days .  Lack of ovulation in this case suggests that the menstrual cycle was anovulatory or single phase .  But frustrated after one month of the study early: most women anovulatory cycles occur .  But if three consecutive ovulation cycle was not found, then you need to see a doctor .

Test ovulation usually consists of five test strips or 5 Tablet computers that are in a special bag and the bag with a moisture absorbing substance, the bag simply discarded. Test strips or Tablet computers with removed cap is immersed into a pre-assembled in a clean dry dish urine at five seconds before the particular label. Thereafter, a test strip or Tablet computers, closed cap spread on a flat surface to dry for 10 minutes and only then look at the result.

Test result for ovulation is considered positive if the test strip (located at the end of the test field) looks just as a test, or a lighter. This suggests that the amount of LH increased dramatically and the next day - two ovulation occurs.

With a negative result will be lighter than the test strip. The test is considered invalid, in which there was not a control strip, as it is its appearance indicates that the test is. If the test strip does not appear, it means that the test was conducted properly, and must be repeated.

Incorrect result may be that if urine has been collected at the wrong time, for example, the first morning urine - it can not be investigated. Best fit urine collected from 10 to 20 hours. It is better to carry out the test at the same time, with two hours prior to the study should limit intake of liquid (urine will be more concentrated, and it will be easier to determine the increase in LH). Some gynecologists not to miss the time of ovulation, it is recommended to test twice a day - at 10 and 20 hours. In this case, a woman may need two sets of tests for ovulation.

At ovulation test results may affect the reception of certain hormones (eg hormonal contraceptives), so during ovulation test their compatibility with hormonal drugs should be discussed with your doctor. In tests not affect the reception of other medications and any food.

Ovulation Test - this is a very convenient way to conduct a preliminary (before graying doctor) study of the condition or to determine the most auspicious moment for conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life

Galina Romanenko

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