phytoestrogens and breast
 According to statistics, one in three women surveyed suffer mastopathy. Mastopatia only at first glance, it seems harmless disease. However, not all so simple, the most terrible and dangerous complication of mastitis is a degeneration of the nodes in malignant forms, ie breast cancer. The age contingent of women suffering mastopathy is the interval from 30 to 40 years. In the treatment of mastitis Treatment of mastitis - covers all the mechanisms of disease development  Treatment of mastitis - covers all the mechanisms of disease development
   in addition to compliance with certain diet uses a variety of drugs, including hormonal. Recently, in the treatment of mastitis have been widely applied phytoestrogens. In general, phytoestrogens and breast - this is the most optimal combination.

 Phytoestrogens and breast - an optimal combination

Separately, about the treatment of mastitis

Treatment of mastitis, as well, and all other diseases, depending on the form and stage of the process, age and medical history of the patient. Treatment of the disease should be complex, since dieting and some restrictions (can not sunbathe, visit the bath or sauna) and ending with prescription drugs: hormones and vitamins. In some cases, breast conservative therapy does not lie down, and then resort to surgery (eg, removal of cysts or suspicious node). Currently, the treatment of the disease have been widely used phytoestrogens, such as Mastodinon.

 Phytoestrogens and breast - an optimal combination


Mastodinon considered one of the most effective herbal medicines used for the treatment of mastitis and premenstrual syndrome. The structure mastodinon includes extracts of plants such as common prostrate summer cypress, vasilistnikovidny cohosh, alpine violet, grudoshnik bitter, iris and colorful tiger lily. Mastodinon blocks the formation of prolactin, causing prevent the emergence of hyperprolactinemia. In this way, in the pituitary gland to normal production of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (FSH and LH), which affects the ovaries and the menstrual cycle. It eliminates the insufficiency of the corpus luteum. Reducing prolactin normalization of ovaries and have a beneficial effect on the disease recedes and mastopathy. Assigned Mastodinon 30 drops twice a day for three months.

 Phytoestrogens and breast - an optimal combination

What are phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens - a plant hormones, which, by their structure and action similar to estrogen produced in the body. Phytoestrogens have a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating dryness and flaccidity, improving elasticity and tone, thereby delaying its aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 . Additionally, phytoestrogens prevent the formation of benign and malignant tumors of the reproductive system. The antitumor effect is due to the blocking of the aromatase enzyme in adipose tissue, which is involved in the conversion of androgens to estrogens. Thus, they prevent the formation of "bad" estrogen metabolites, responsible for the appearance of tumors, including breast. Furthermore, phytoestrogens prevent estradiol binding to the receptors, thereby providing an anti-proliferative effect. Phytoestrogens are also involved in the receptor responsible for growth factors, and have an antioxidant effect. And, of course, phytoestrogens inhibit prolactin secretion which causes hyperprolactinemia, and, consequently, mastopathy.

The content of phytoestrogens in plants change as they grow and mature. Most of phytoestrogens found in the seeds, so the therapeutic use mainly seeds of medicinal herbs.

Science knows of six main types of phytoestrogens: isoflavones coumestans, Lingala (they are found mostly in foods), triterpenoid and steroidal saponins, and fitoestroly resorcylic acid lactones.

Characterized by a high content of phytoestrogens soy. It is also a phytoestrogen found in all legumes, dates, pomegranates, sunflower seeds, flax. It is also a phytoestrogen rich in wheat, rye, oats, clover and corn. Contains phytoestrogens and medicinal herbs: sage Sage - useful properties do not count  Sage - useful properties do not count
 Licorice, St. John's wort, marjoram, verbena.

Anna Sozinova

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