the emotional state of the body changes in the second trimester of pregnancy
 You are pregnant. Of course, you wonder what will happen in your body over the next nine months. There will be many changes, and what they actually are?

 The emotional state and changes in the body in the first trimester of pregnancy


Most often, this condition is associated with morning sickness, but in fact, you may feel sick at any time of the day. As your body increases the level of certain hormones, levels of other falls, and this confusion causes nausea.

You should not worry too much about this, you need to beat the alarm only if the seizures are very heavy and prevent you eat normally. Tell your doctor, he will advise you how best to deal with this situation.

 The emotional state and changes in the body in the first trimester of pregnancy


Feeling tired - another common symptom of pregnancy. In the body, dramatically increases the level of progesterone and sometimes increases the pressure, blood sugar level drops, increased production of blood cells, all of these processes the body spends a certain amount of energy and this causes fatigue.

Well, if you have the opportunity to get some sleep during the day, but if you can not do that - take a walk in the fresh air, it's a little cheer you.

 The emotional state and changes in the body in the first trimester of pregnancy

Increased breast tenderness

If you do not have a supportive bra, it's time to get it. During this period, breast tenderness increases, it increases in volume, there pain. The reason for these phenomena are hormonal changes.

 The emotional state and changes in the body in the first trimester of pregnancy

The desire for a certain kind of food

This is the way the body tells you about the lack of a vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   or mineral. You may want to eat anything except what you previously did not want to, and vice versa, for example, if you loved before pregnancy strawberries in your new state of one of its scent will cause you retching. Changes in the hormonal background during pregnancy in women each occur in different ways.

 The emotional state and changes in the body in the first trimester of pregnancy

Heartburn and constipation

During pregnancy, the digestive process is slowed down, the food is not so fast reaches the stomach, and not so quickly digested. In fact, this mode is useful for the digestive system of your unborn baby, so the fruit absorbs all the nutrients contained in the food consumed by you, but then it turns out to you heartburn episodes and periods of constipation.

Try to drink more fluids, eat more often, but in small portions to the digestive process does not lose its intensity.

 The emotional state and changes in the body in the first trimester of pregnancy

Changes in emotional state during the first trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy, particularly the first trimester, changes in the emotional background is quite normal and typical phenomenon.

Today, you can be in a buoyant, cheerful mood, but the next day may bring feelings of anxiety, frustration and irritability. You do not necessarily need to look for the cause, as a rule, these conditions may visit you for no apparent reason.

  • Mood swings: the phenomenon you will encounter throughout their pregnancy. Do not ignore changes in mood, listen to their feelings, there are signs of a condition and be sure to discuss them with your doctor if you feel that you become more and more difficult to control your mood.
  • The feeling of excitement and anxiety: during pregnancy is a feeling of anxiety and anxiety is normal. You need to constantly monitor their health and development of their unborn child in order to prevent potentially dangerous situations and prevent their occurrence.

It is natural that you are worried about the health of her unborn child, the upcoming labor and delivery, too, evoke a sense of fear, a sense knocked changes occurring in your body. Seek support from family members and professionals, feeling their care and support, you will pass all the way long in the first nine months much easier.

Regularly throughout pregnancy visit your doctor and obstetrician, inform them of any changes in your physical and emotional state. You need to get used to the thought that during pregnancy, your doctor and obstetrician - your constant allies.

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Article Tags:
  • pregnancy problems
  • The emotional state and changes in the body during the second trimester of pregnancy
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