What if the mother had no milk
 The benefits of breastfeeding Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes
   It said a lot of words written many books and articles. This is not surprising, because for a newborn is nothing more precious than mother's milk, so each nursing women should take care to extend the period of lactation. Unfortunately, in our time of stress is often a decrease or complete cessation of secretion of breast milk (hypogalactia). What to do in such a situation? And whether it is possible to recover in full lactation?

First of all, women need to calm down (after all her excitement will only get worse the overall situation) and make every effort to solve this problem.

 What if the mother had no milk

Errors parents if there are signs hypogalactia

Often, the parents noticed that the child eats not, immediately start to panic. Feeling empty chest becomes an occasion to visit the store in search of bottles, pacifiers, and artificial mixture packs. And if the baby was still weak or did not initially gain weight, the baby crying or refusing to take the breast turn into a catastrophe of universal scale.

The excitement of the mother and the uncertainty of the need to continue breastfeeding . Any experience of women is likely to disrupt production of oxytocin - the female sex hormone, is responsible for the outflow of milk from the breast. The process of sucking difficult, and the child begins more often refuse the breast.

Shifting all the concerns on the shoulders of the mother . This approach leads to excessive fatigue woman and a complete loss of lactation

Attempts to calm the baby using a pacifier and dopaivanie using bottles . As a result, the breast without getting sucking stimulation and gradually stops its secretory function.

The use of supplementary feeding earlier than the sixth day from the start of lactation crisis . Realizing that receive food through the nipple - is much easier than to breastfeed, the baby begins to be lazy, and parents have to translate it to artificial feeding. As a rule, small malnutrition baby within three days, virtually no harm to him, if the amount of urination is temporarily reduced to six to eight a day. If after six days, the number of urination does not increase, it is necessary to introduce a temporary lure The lure: a spoon first adult food  The lure: a spoon first adult food
 . But it should be given only on the expiration of this period, and only with a spoon!

 What if the mother had no milk

Tips for parents

To normalize lactation, nursing mothers should try to put aside all the household chores, forget about all the stress and psychological stress. The family must be an atmosphere of calm and kindness that will help mothers cope with the problem. Lactating women must feel the support and care from her husband and other family members.

It is necessary to take care of the diet. Before each feeding and after should try to drink about two hundred milliliters of any dairy products, infusion of rose hips, juice or freshly brewed warm tea (better - rather weak, green) with milk.

At each feeding is necessary to put the baby to both breasts, and then try to fully express the milk residues. The frequency of applying should be brought up to ten or twelve times a day, not excluding the night feeding, because it is during these hours there is a more intensive production of prolactin - a hormone that promotes milk secretion. To all, it increases the level of prolactin and oxytocin frequent body contact with the mother the baby, so welcome to use the sling, co-sleeping with your baby and play with the baby and carrying him in her arms.

Do not be redundant and traditional medicines - infusions and decoctions of plants that can improve lactation (cumin, fennel, anise, lemon balm, fennel, nettle). Useful would be the infusion of walnut milk, fresh parsley, hawthorn extract. The good effect is observed after application of ultrasound therapy, acupuncture, UFO, compresses on the breasts. As the medication prescribed Apilak, vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   E, nicotinic acid and other preparations

Olga Pasternak

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