Do you have extra weight you want to lose weight, but have already experienced the many diets with zero result? Then to normal balanced diet should be added regularly perform a complex exercise. If energy costs will be higher than its quantity obtained with food, you are bound to lose weight.
Effects of exercise on the human body
Effects of exercise is based on a significant increase in energy consumption, normalization of all types of metabolism, strengthening the breakdown of fat in various organs, improve the function of all organs and systems, improving fitness and health.
Type of exercise used for weight loss, their volume, load intensity depends on many factors: age, presence or absence of chronic diseases, fitness people, their individual characteristics and so on. So, for people young and middle-aged people without diseases of the cardiovascular system is particularly shown endurance exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, boating, skiing, and so on) and sports games.
Terms of physical exercise for weight loss
You can not start right away with strenuous exercise, it is better to do it gradually, especially if the body is not accustomed to such operation.
If you have any health problems before you do not do gymnastics, it is better to divide the entire course of losing weight through exercise into two periods. In the first period the person adapts to the rising moderately physical activity, using a set of exercises and dosed walking. While improving the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (disappearance of shortness of breath and palpitations during exercise), you can proceed to the second period, when the full range of physical activity combined with a more intense endurance exercise (running, swimming, rowing, etc.).
The daily set of exercises recommended long-term (one session should last 45-60 minutes or more). The exercises are mainly used for large muscle groups, they operate with a large range of motion, and alternated with breathing exercises. Widely used mahi, circular movements in the major joint exercises with moderate weights and with various objects (balls, gymnastic sticks and so on). Much attention is paid to the abdominal muscles. The complex of exercises must include dosed walking and jogging.
A set of exercises for weight loss
This set of exercises you can do at first once a day, then twice, gradually bringing the total amount of time spent up to an hour:
- Stand with your hands, lift up, slowly pull on the toes, straighten your back; descend on foot, while lowering his hands (start with 5-6 times, to reach 10-12 times);
- Lie on your stomach, raise both arms above the floor, legs and head, straining back muscles at the same time; return to starting position (start with 2-4 times to reach 10-12);
- stand up straight; slightly bending your knees, lean forward, throwing back his hands; bend back, as far as possible and slightly popruzhinte torso, as if trying to touch the knees (to start with 2-4 times to reach 10-12);
- Get on your knees, then sit on your heels; energetic movement straighten the torso while lifting his hands above his head; torso left and right (start with 2-4 times to reach 10-12);
- Stand with your feet together; gluteal muscles straining, slowly climb to the fingers, torso back as far as possible and severely straining the back muscles; to keep his balance, his hands laid back and rest against them in the buttocks (start with 2-4 times to reach 10-12);
- Get on your knees, feet slightly apart; keeping your back straight, pruzhinte body on feet and then quickly move the center of gravity of the movement of the body in his arms and straighten them together with the body, lie on your stomach (start with 2-4 times to reach 10-12).
Breathing Exercises
After each exercise is recommended to do breathing exercises. The basis of the respiratory movements is the correct sequence of filling the lungs with air you breathe and release them from the used air when you exhale. This sequence should provide uniform participation in the breath of lung lobes, avoiding stagnation. Respiratory movements are beneficial to the internal organs of their massage.
Breath begins with filling the lower part of the lungs, and is accompanied by a bulging belly. Then slowly inflate the middle and upper part of the lung expands and lifts the chest. Exhalation takes place with the same sequence. First exhaled air from the lower parts of the lungs (drawn into the stomach, the diaphragm rises). Then lowered the chest.
Inhale and exhale should be smooth, without jerks, breathe through your nose. High activity of inspiratory requires it to be shorter than the expiratory (1, 2 - inhale, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - exhalation). Breathing exercises can be done lying down, sitting, standing, walking and running. When walking, it looks like this: a 1-2 pitch with bulging belly breath, exhale steps 3-5 with retraction of the abdomen. Breath can be combined with the straightening of the trunk show of hands, straightening or diverting feet, exhale - with bending the body, by reducing or lowering of the hands, legs bending or information.
Performing physical exercise, do not forget that from the diet to exclude sweet, flour and fatty dishes. And then you will definitely lose weight.
Galina Romanenko
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