vegetable diet
 Summer vegetable diet - this is what we need. Fresh vegetables - is a source of vegetable protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. All that is necessary for the improvement of metabolic processes in the body and to get rid of fecal stones in the intestines, which have accumulated during the long winter months.

 Vegetable diet - do without extreme

What is useful in vegetables

Vegetables - is, above all, a source of complex carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed in the intestine and are a source of energy for a long time. These complex carbohydrates are different from simple carbohydrates, which are also called digestible. Simple carbohydrates - a sugar that is easily and quickly absorbed in the gut and enter the bloodstream. They provide a quick, but short-term energy (it is sweets and pastries). Vegetable diet gives the body extra energy, so the person is experiencing a surge of strength.

Many vegetables are rich in fiber (dietary fiber), which is necessary in the diet for proper digestion. Fiber is not absorbed in the intestines, but it is a filler that promotes stool, not allowing them to linger. Together with the fiber from the intestine removes all harmful substances.

In the present vegetables vegetable protein, which the body needs to build new cells. However, the plant protein does not replace the animal, so long on a single plant food a person can not live.

A large number of vitamins and minerals helps to activate metabolism and dropping excess weight.

 Vegetable diet - do without extreme

Types of vegetable diets

There are many kinds of vegetable diets, which are composed of one kind of vegetables from different vegetables, combinations of vegetables and fruit, vegetables and dairy products, and so forth. Pure vegetable diet can not last more than a week, because the body can not long exist without animal protein - the problem starts with immunity, skin, hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and nails.

But if you add to the vegetables a little animal protein in the form of dairy products, lean meat and fish, it is possible to observe such a diet for a long time. In the summer, the season of vegetables, it is particularly useful.

 Vegetable diet - do without extreme

Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage Soup Diet this season in fashion. But today it is different from previous years cabbage diet that does not contain the extreme. It is relatively quiet, moderate and, nevertheless, effective diet. Duration of the diet - a week, you can lose up to 5 kg. The main dish on the menu - cabbage soup, but it can supplement and other products, at the same daily calorie menu every day is different.

Weekly menu looks like this:

  • Monday: cabbage soup, a cup of nonfat yogurt, unsweetened tea or coffee, fruit;
  • Tuesday: cabbage soup, a baked potato, any vegetables (fresh, boiled, stewed, steamed) in unlimited quantities with a teaspoon of low-fat and non-nutritive sauce, tea, coffee;
  • Environment: cabbage soup, fresh fruit and vegetables in any quantity, a glass of nonfat yogurt, tea, coffee;
  • Thursday: cabbage soup, up to 6 pieces of medium banana, 1, 5 liters of milk or yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
  • Friday: cabbage soup, up to 6 medium tomatoes, chicken or fish in unlimited quantities, a cup of yogurt, tea, coffee;
  • Saturday: all the same as on Friday;
  • Sunday: cabbage soup, unlimited vegetables and fruits, low-calorie dressing, yogurt, tea, coffee.

 Vegetable diet - do without extreme

Carrot diet

Duration carrot diet - three days. All three days will have to eat raw carrots, grated. Carrot prepare salad: two-thirds of the grated carrots, grated apple-third (banana, pear, orange, kiwi), season with lemon juice and honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 , For breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Such a diet is not all survive, and above all, because some people can not tolerate raw vegetables, which cause bloating them.

 Vegetable diet - do without extreme

Vegetable and fruit-vegetable diet

Usual purely vegetable diet lasts one week. During this time, every day should eat up to 1, 5 kg of vegetables in any form (but not fried). From vegetables you can prepare salads, vinaigrettes, boil them, steamed, stew. The food is better to take more often (5-6 times a day) and in small portions. Vegetables desirable to use a different, larger than their set, the better.

Fruit and vegetable diet is not very different from a vegetable, it only added to the fruit.

 Vegetable diet - do without extreme

Protein-fruit-vegetable diet

If a fruit and vegetable diet, or simply add the vegetable protein foods, the diet can be used for a longer time, up to a month:

  • fruits and vegetables dairy products: 1 kg of fruits and vegetables, 2 cups of yogurt, 100 grams of cottage cheese, two small pieces of a solid non-fat cheese, a piece of dried bread, tea, coffee;
  • fruits and vegetables with chicken or fish, 1 kg of fruits and vegetables, 200 grams of chicken or fish, low-fat varieties, a piece of dried bread, fresh juices of fruits and vegetables, broth hips, tea, coffee.

Vegetables in the summer - it's great! Vegetable diet will not only lose weight but to cleanse the digestive tract, improve the body and strengthen the immune system.

Galina Romanenko

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Article Tags:
  • vegetable diet
  • Terms of the long-term harmony: to lose weight without gaining weight again
  • Low-carb diet