• Hormonal disorders in women - than they threaten?
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 hormonal abnormalities women
 Female body as a crystal vessel, a little shook, or, God forbid, dropped, and here is the result - a crack in the best case, the worst pieces. Also, women's health. Despite the fact that found that women are much hardier men, but any shift can sometimes lead to very, very unpleasant consequences. Hormonal disorders in women diagnosed often enough to eliminate these troubles women do not want to spend the time that they have in life is limited. The normal state of hormonal levels - a sign of women's health and well-being, and its violations of the evidence of any diseases.

 Hormonal disorders in women - than they threaten?

Causes of hormonal disorders in women

  • Unfavorable environment

Impaired environment has a significant impact on hormonal levels. It has long been known that women living in poor conditions of environmental protection, for example in polluted metropolitan areas often suffer from hormonal disorders than those who live in rural area.

  • The inability to relax

By virtue of their emancipation, and as a result increasing demands of life and others, women are often forced to take on not only the child-rearing and housekeeping, but also serious and hard work in the service. The need to make a career requires constant rates, physical and psychological stress. All of this also can not help but reflect on the state of the normal hormonal balance.

  • Disturbed sleep and non-compliance Food

A healthy body is known to need a full eight hours of sleep. Women often deviates from the routine, since she did not have time to redo all the work, and sleeps fitfully, sleep it intermittent, short, and in some cases it does not exist at all (eg night shifts). The same applies to the adherence to diet. Timely meals, breakfast and dinner for a woman becoming a rarity, the food is eaten in a hurry, in a hurry. All of the above may also cause hormonal disturbances.

  • Hereditary predisposition

Often, women with hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease  Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease
   You can detect the presence of relatives who have also suffered violation of hormonal status.

  • Early onset of sexual activity

The optimal age for the onset of sexual activity, and, consequently, for the birth of children is considered to be 20-23 years. By this age, the female body has been formed, and can endure all the hardships of pregnancy and childbirth. Early onset of sexual activity inevitably leads to disruption of hormonal levels.

 Hormonal disorders in women - than they threaten?

How does hormonal disorders

The first violation of the hormonal state of the body is manifested in violation of the menstrual cycle Violation of the menstrual cycle: types and causes  Violation of the menstrual cycle: types and causes
 . It is known that in the normal menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days, and the duration is 3-7 days of menstruation. In addition, during menstruation no pain or feeling characterized by slight pulling in the abdomen. If any violations of the menstrual cycle (shortening or lengthening, changing nature of menstruation, the amount of blood loss, of pain, high blood pressure) should consult a doctor.

Equally important in the diagnosis of hormonal disorders has exterior. The first step is to draw on the weight, whether the "unfounded" weight gain or sudden weight loss. The excess weight because of its deficiency, and adversely affect the operation of the ovaries. You should also pay attention to your hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and nails. If the hair was too greasy, they require frequent shampooing, dull and brittle, and his nails exfoliate, it is also evidence of hormonal disorders.

Another criterion for evaluating hormonal status are breast. Mammary glands are sensitive to changes in the level of female sex hormones, as are bodies - the targets for them. In case of mammary pathological formations, sealing, occurrence emitted from the nipple, as well as occurrence of pain in the breast, it indicates any hormonal problems.

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