make-up red
 Scientists predict that in twenty years the number of red-haired people born on earth will be equal to three percent. In addition, over the last five years, significantly increased the demand for red shades of hair dye. All this led to that famous designers and stylists began to develop a special line for the red-haired ladies. They are not spared the attention and makeup for redheads.

 Makeup for redheads: how to create a vivid image?

Color nuances for redheads

Women with natural red hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   not too many and they greatly differ from others their porcelain skin pale, freckled face and expressionless eyes. Psychologists brought even complex "redheads" when the external manifestation does not coincide with the inner "I". Such women are often ashamed of their brightness and otherness in childhood. Another thing is when a woman deliberately crumble in a red shade: it is a choice to which it is prepared and it is much easier to be different. However, the first and second you must correctly choose the color palette that would naturally merge to form a single unit - a new way.

When you select a palette, experts recommend pay attention to the so-called solar type of makeup. Such women are suitable warm palette of delicate and transparent to more intense (depending on the brightness of the hair). This is the only type of make-up, in which the stylists recommend to search for their own, individual style of the time.

 Makeup for redheads: how to create a vivid image?

Makeup for redheads: what not to do

Red-haired, it is desirable not to use bright colors How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips  How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips
   make-up, which will give vulgarity already saturated image. Also taboo - black eyeliner and mascara for the eyes, as in the background a transparent pale skin it will make facial expressions are too rough and tough. In addition, it is not recommended to use dark purple, purple, turquoise and gray-black palette, even if they are in fashion. The ban also applies to bright pink and crimson lipstick, which is at odds with the canons of color.

 Makeup for redheads: how to create a vivid image?

The tone of faces for red

 make-up red
 To face is not lost on the background of bright hair stylists recommend to apply a more intense color foundation or powder. It is best to stop the choice on tone ivory skin and light beige, as it does Nicole Kidman. Her porcelain base shade, no blush, slightly pinkish shade, lipstick and salmon create a beautiful image of a vulnerable and delicate. If a woman using blush, the best choice will be the peach, bronze, olive, sand and terrakotorye color. Since the skin of red-haired woman is thin and transparent, it is necessary to choose a thick foundation, out of which will not be shown "mesh" and freckles. With the latest red struggle all their lives, and to solve this problem today can help agents with effect of sunburn or paint pen.

 Makeup for redheads: how to create a vivid image?

Eye Makeup for redheads

The eyes of women with red hair can be any color: green, brown, gray and blue. And in this case it is not necessary to choose only the shadow of warm shades. For example, such cool colors like olive, malachite green and gray are perfect for red with brown and green eyes. This decision will give the eyes more expressive, and make the light. In addition, the best one is to use brown, golden and caramel shades. An example of a competent selection of colors from this palette is Julia Roberts, makeup artists which uses the full range of brown to create an elegant image. This combination perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the skin Beauty skin care and healthy  Beauty skin care and healthy
   and hair, while emphasizing the eye.

Really huge selection of shades of red-haired women with blue eyes. The main thing is not afraid to experiment and well-chosen palette. From podvodok stylists recommend choosing brown or dark blue. Correct the nature of the faded red eyelashes and eyebrows can be brown tones that should be adjusted slightly darker hair color.

 Makeup for redheads: how to create a vivid image?

Lip Makeup for redheads

Should be selected from a palette of brown, peach, carrot pure shades or shine in the same colors only rich "golden sand". In addition, for the blue-eyed ladies advantageous will look colder colors: pale pink, lilac-pink, brown-eyed as to the best option will be all shades of brown.

Galina Yampol'skaya

 Makeup for redheads: how to create a vivid image?

 Red hair color
  • Red hair color
 Red hair color
  • Red hair color
 Red hair color
  • Red hair color
 Red hair color
  • Red hair color
 Red hair color
  • Red hair color
 Red hair color
  • Red hair color
 Red hair color
  • Red hair color
 Red hair color
  • Red hair color
 Red hair color
  • Red hair color

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