brocade suit
 The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to costume of brocade, this carnival costume Snow Maiden or eastern princess. For brocade carnival irreplaceable - the most spectacular of all the existing fabric of today guaranteed allow to stand even in the motley crowd. However, a suit of brocade look would be appropriate in other situations.

 The costume of brocade: Clothing for carnival or a casual outfit?

Carnival Night

Why brocade is considered one of the best materials for the carnival costumes? The answer is: a carnival costume should be bright, memorable and beautiful means for its manufacture is advisable to use tissue with similar characteristics.

Modern brocade beautifully and effectively, its price is quite moderate, so brocade costumes Costume: all roads lead to Venice  Costume: all roads lead to Venice
   so popular. Particularly well suited for the fabric of the New Year carnival - child or adult. In the New Year, when all around sparkles and shimmers, an abundance of shiny fabric does not look vulgar. On the contrary, in the New Year's party shiny suit will be very useful.

 brocade suit
  brocade suit

For what the brocade costumes suit you best? In the first place, of course, suit Snow Maiden. Blue, pale blue or snow-white brocade with silver thread is suitable for such a suit is best. Do not see the granddaughter of Santa Claus in a smart suit glittered will be simply impossible.

 brocade suit
  brocade suit

Fine brocade outfits - standard clothes of many characters of oriental fairy tales. Brilliant brocade vest equally successfully complement the outfits Sultan Shamahanskaya queen and Nasreddin Hodja. Luxury shiny brocade suit and elegant oriental turban sultan.

 brocade suit
  brocade suit

Finally, it is hard to dress the princess or a fairy, made without the use of even small pieces of brocade. Glittered corset Fashion Corset: new return of the Victorian era  Fashion Corset: new return of the Victorian era
   or sparkling skirt to the floor look really luxurious and ideal for creating appropriately.

 The costume of brocade: Clothing for carnival or a casual outfit?

And in the feast, and in the world

Sometimes it seems that the brocade is always the same, but it is not. Modern technologies allow to produce very different kinds of brocade. From the variety of colors and patterns on brocade fabrics are breathtaking, and the shiny fabric can be quite different. There are fabrics with a bright metallic luster, and there are more restrained, subtly gleaming which, when viewed from a certain angle. And if glossy shiny fabrics are appropriate only in the evening or as a small decorative detail in the daytime, the exquisite brocades delicate shades with a slight sheen can be used for tailoring and casual clothing.

 brocade suit
  brocade suit

Nowadays brocade may be worn during the day and not be afraid of accusations of bad taste. What is important is to choose the right fabric: less glitz and the more muted shade, the more suitable brocade clothes for every day. Of great importance is the fact what will be combined brocade items in the ensemble. The main rule is simple: the more modest supplement, the more effective will be the image. Regal brocade does not tolerate competition: all other items of clothing and accessories must only set off the splendor of sparkling fabric.

 brocade suit
  brocade suit

Winning will look just plain stressed suit of brocade. Sophisticated styles make way excessive, so the line of brocade suit must be rigorous and concise. As a complement to such a strict suit suit dark blouse or turtleneck without whatsoever jewelry, exquisite handbag, clutch and delicate high-heeled shoes.

Young girl with a good figure can recommend a brilliant brocade pants that combine well with modest dark turtleneck and high boots. Older women will love brocade blazer that can be combined with a variety of things, including with jeans. To suit blazer metal jewelry simple shapes and elegant pearls and furs Fur - Luxury is timeless  Fur - Luxury is timeless
 . But such dramatic detail as brocade waistcoat, will transform even the simplest outfit, for example, black trousers with a white shirt, making it a festive and solemn.

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Article Tags:
  • brocade
  • The skirt of brocade: a little luxury every day
  • How to sew brocade - an evening dress with their own hands