Maria Fernanda Candido. Model, actress and simply charming woman. She became one of the most beautiful women of the last century Brazil. It is called the Brazilian Sophia Loren.

Maria was born in a very ordinary family - his father worked and his mother was home. None of them had nothing to do with the world of cinema, nor to the world of fashion. Of the three children (Mary has a younger sister and brother), but she became an actress. It all began when at age 14 Maria Fernanda went into the modeling business, as many beautiful girls of her age. Not all succeed, Maria Fernanda succeeded. True work model was not a dream girl. After graduating from college, she entered medical school at the therapeutic department in São Paulo, combining study with work model.

Her television career began in 1996 when she was invited to transmit "Bikini Island" on MTV and the medical profession had to forget.

In 1997, pictures of her in a magazine and saw Hans Donner was invited to play a small role in the TV series "unruly" (Indomada, with Adriana Estevish starring). Then Maria Fernanda finally realized who she wants to be. She went to acting class and to "Love the Earth", after the shooting she is called, woke up famous, has worked in through roles in several television series.

In the 25 years of her life once again changed dramatically - I saw its director Jaime Montjardin, who at the time was looking for actors for his TV series "Land of Love." Thus, there was a lovely Italian Paola. The result exceeded all expectations - who would have thought that from an unknown actress, she instantly become a favorite of the public. But initially it was planned to make her character a very minor character. But her natural charm, beauty and, of course, talent made it popular, along with the performers protagonists Ana Paula Aros and Thiago Lacerda.

But first stake on the true stars - Antonio Fagundes, Raul Cortez and Deborah Duarte. And the fact that Paola has become almost the main character and very loved by the audience and was a big surprise for Maria Fernanda, and author of the script Benedito Ruy Barbosa.
Sensual, passionate woman, Paola can not imagine his life without love. First it Augusto (Gabriel Braga Nunes), then Francesco (Raul Cortez). And always she destroyed socially accepted stereotypes - both of her lovers were married. But Francesco Magliano was so fascinated by it that he left the family. Paolo and Francesco (who, incidentally, her age is almost twice) had a daughter, Paola became a business lady - opened a factory for the production of pasta.

Now Maria Fernanada very popular in Brazil. She starred in commercials, working in the theater. Once it saw the famous fashion designer Giorgio Armani, he was fascinated by her beauty, and compared it to Sophia Loren. Armani invited her to show his collection in 2000 in Milan.
Maria Fernanda had a huge success in Italy. Her perfectly met, lived in the best hotel, there was a sea of ​​flowers, gifts ... The real star.
By the way, her divine beauty so attracted to theater directors, she has twice offered the role of none other, and Mary Magdalene. Last premiered a month ago, and before that the actress played in the play "The Passion of the Christ" in a pair with Marcus Palmeira ("Castles in the air").

And finally, information for the male fans of Maria Fernanda - her heart is free, so ... Cherche la femme!


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