It - one of the most beautiful women of Brazil. At the same time she is my bags and did not use the services of a bodyguard. It does not look like a superstar. "I do not want to become a star. It is a question of principle. I'm just a simple girl. "

Marie Fernande 26 years after the sudden fame that had come to her after the role of Paola in the "Land of Love," it still leads a normal life, without hiding any of the journalists or from fans. "I have not changed. I can do whatever I want, where I want to go. What could happen to me? Maybe someone wants to take my autograph, I do not see anything terrible. Lots of what I'm doing, so as not to attract attention - wear sunglasses. "

Many actors complain that after they began to appear in the series, their private life became public domain. With you this too happened?
The success that came to me after the performance of the role of Paola little changed my personal life. I live just like before. Sometimes I ask for an autograph, so what? I do not consider myself to be a superstar and a maximum of what I do is I put on dark glasses to me not to know.

Do you have bodyguards?
Bodyguards? And what is it? I myself can not go anywhere, and if you get lost, ask the way. Sometimes I get confused in the streets of Rio.

People are not afraid of you?
Sometimes surprising, but only just.

They said that in the TV series "Land of Love" writers specially made so that the road and Paola Giuliano almost no overlap, otherwise you would have eclipsed the main character. How do you comment on this?
Nothing like this. Ana Paula ( Aros - who plays Julia - pp ) - A wonderful actress, a real star. I am for all his desire could not overshadow her. In addition, we friends, and acting together was a pleasure.

You were such a beautiful child?
Oh, No! I was very tall and skinny. However, growing up, I began to look much more attractive.

And they like boys?
And this is a mistake! My height did not bring me any benefits. In contrast, boys I somehow avoided. These forms, which were with me in my youth are not popular, alas.

Did you have a nickname? Giraffe, for example?
Giraffe called another girl, even more clumsy than I am. And I teased "lean" and "thin as a stick."

Do you remember your first love?
Yes, when I was 14, he was 16. We were very romantic, it is even more than I do. He is good at drawing, and many of his drawings has been shown me. I have, incidentally, preserved some of his drawings.

Why did you break up? My parents were against your relationship?
No. I just started modeling and I had to go to Europe.

Have you ever kept a diary?
Yes, and I'm still doing it. I love to make daily entries in his diary. My little habit has remained with me since childhood. Diary - My friend, I trust his innermost secrets. Maybe because I have never had a close friend with whom you can talk heart to heart.

The inevitable aging scares you?
Today is full of techniques to push the aging process Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   for several years, but nature is not fooled, right? I calmly to this concern, which have not be avoided. I just do not think about it. Now I'm 26 and I'm happy, just as I'll be glad when I'm 35 or 45. Time passes and we gain experience. Aging means to feel the miracle. It's a miracle - when time passes and everything falls into place.

You do not want to have cosmetic surgery Plastic surgery  Plastic surgery
   breast augmentation?
This is just a fashion. And like any fashion quickly. I do not want to follow her every breath. At least not now.


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