So, the new Russian channel RTV gave us an appointment with three new series and one is in sight, but this does not become less beautiful. Venezuela and Argentina "played in a draw", two Venezuelan telenovela ("Queen of Hearts and the" Unforgettable ") are opposed to the two Argentine. One of the last -" Black List "- is rather late, at 23.30, and is not only the number of the series (this miniseries), but also an exciting detective story. It is difficult to decide what to give preference - all interesting and good reviews.
"Milady, la historia continua", "TEL", Argentina, 1997, 120 series
Director - Victor Stella Hunt Aragon, Tato Pleyher

Written by Laura Ferrari, Alejandra bochata
The song "Milady" sing Christian di Dzhankonni and Carlos Nilson

What does Lady Diana?

The story we start with an old friend - the Argentine soap operas "Milady" (full title "My lady, the story continues"), a few years ago, has already hit all the union of two stars - Osvaldo Laporte and Gabriel Corrado. Anyone who sees Laporta is now in the "champion" on the channel "Viva", fun to watch him in the previous incarnation - an aristocrat's fingertips, gentle, sometimes treacherous, but always - irresistible. In the four years since the actor vzmaterel have increased (in all respects) that it seems existent Federico Valladares boy. Changes in the Corrado is not so sharp, he did not younger, but the blue eyes in "Wild Moon" was perhaps even brighter. It is a pity that the authors did not offer him something just as dramatically different from previous works and is already familiar image playboy, as happened with Laporte.

It's hard to say who the authors had in mind when he called this series "Milady" .  Anybody here so no mushrooms - we are not talking about some royals .  Perhaps hinting at the main criminal lady - Regina? Still, the Countess is not cool .  But it is not the main character in the first place, and secondly, how can this happen to telenovela was named in honor of the villains? Milady could be called Eugenio, Maximo's mother, who died in a car accident and then an allusion to the story of the Princess Diana becomes clear .  Although .   In American newspapers appeared even a version like Maxim and Federico - that, they say, the sons of Lady Di, which somehow does not play a young Argentine star .  Another parallel with the story of Diana, which is nowhere continues: forced marriage, Federico Valladares (like Prince Charles) with a beautiful woman, who could not, no matter how trying, to make him forget the woman he loves, apparently losing his wife in all respects and married .  In general, repeated not history, but some individual fragments, but the hint made explicitly with the purpose of advertising, load - prematurely deceased and not sinless Diana still excites the imagination of people . 

"The two families of equal nobility and glory ..."

No similarity enmity Montagues and Capulets syschem we're not, but the two aristocratic family really are - Valladares and Taylor .  Every family has its own secret .  Count de Patricio Valladares (Fernando Loza), head of the clan, which owns the largest state in Argentina, recently almost retired, entrusted to manage the family business eldest son - Federico (Osvaldo LaPorte) and sister - Regina (Susana Campos) .  Ten years ago in a car accident killed his dearly beloved wife Eugenia, and this tragedy has broken the all-powerful Count .  With his youngest son, a freedom-loving and kind-hearted Maximo (Gabriel Corrado), the father could not find a common language, and with the filing of the sisters, always give preference to Federico, sent him to study away from home, in the province .  Maximo learns from a veterinarian, lives on the ranch and that it does not hurt - he never liked high-society party, millionaires world, living by its own rules . 

On the eve of the ball, where they were first introduced twenty girls who reached the age of grand families, Regina quarrel with his brother. In the heat of the moment she puts it that hid many years: Federico - not his son and not the son of Eugenia, he had been deceived, and he did not feel anything, and prefer to live with a foster child by sending a legitimate heir to hell. Patricio shocked. He loved his wife, and her death in a car crash was a blow from which he never recovered. And suddenly it turns out that ... Father Maximo sends a letter, asking him to come urgently. But the account is already in the clock ...

The head of the second family - Santiago Taylor (Jorge D'Elia) many years ago was the beloved Regina de Valladares, but the crown has not led her and another girl - Chiara Monti (Lucrecia Capello) .  The Countess was hurt, and refused to accept a lifetime in his home Santiago .  In recent years the situation has changed, he was again admitted to the "throne", but the poor guy does not know that Regina is driven by only one desire: to take revenge for his humiliation .  The first part of his plan, she successfully put into practice: razluchnitsa Chiara with its help has turned into an alcoholic, and Santiago drove her out of the house .  Their three daughters grew up believing that the mother left them, and do not realize that but really unhappy to see his father forbade girls .  Over all embittered elder Taylor, Victoria (Florencia Ortiz), the nature - the spitting image of his father: tough, unscrupulous, greedy .  Younger sister - (Marcela Gertie) - barely remembers her mother, but always wanted to find her .  Average - Delphine (Florencia Raggi) - Chiara remembers and loves, who always treated her like a princess .  Dolphin childhood differed beauty and the parents go crazy with love for this girl that could not upset Victoria .  Surprisingly, while the princess grew up completely normal person, this gentle, very kind girl with a pure soul, which is simply impossible not to love .  It is very close to Emil and Adela (Adela Gleyher), a woman that has replaced the girls mother .  Adela - the housekeeper in the house of Taylor, she was secretly in love with Santiago, but never by word or gesture did not show him this .  All these years, Adela secretly maintains relations with the poor child Chiara who finally stood on the road to recovery .  She attends classes in a group of Alcoholics Anonymous and struggles with his illness - for daughters, hoping that once they forgive her .  Ball, which brings together members of the family Valladares - Dolphins in the first output light, and she feels it quite as Natasha Rostova . 

The fateful meeting

Maximo, meanwhile, went to his car smashed home with a friend Marcos (Daniel Miglioransa) .  They are dressed as villagers, and soiled badly because the machine had to tinker .  Watching the palace one after another drove limousines, from which dart like fairies young beauty, friends argued: Maximo says another, which will be able to ensure that one of these girls gave him her hand .  Pulls the car, he jumps up and opens the door and gives her hand while sitting there nymph - it is Delphine Taylor! She really did not understand anything, it takes help out, and then he kisses her hand .  Caught on security drag away "tramp", but it soon becomes clear that this is - one of Valladares .  Maximo wants to find the girl, whose sight struck him on the spot .  But Delphine, when she and the other which was published for the first time the girls down the front stairs, picks up his brother, Federico .  Once upon a time, a little girl, she knew it - the guy at the time, had an affair with her sister, and a short, unfortunately Victoria, did not end marriage proposal .  A friend of Victoria, her boss at the magazine Anzhi (Jeanette Raynal), straight friend says that with such as she slept, and such as dolphins, get married . 

Patricio hurry to say goodbye, explaining his hasty departure fatigue. After a while Regina notices that her dress was gone a huge diamond hairpin that previously belonged to Eugenia. Countess is hard to imagine that the "thief" was her brother, but further developments explain why this ornament with a long sharp spike took Patricio. In the family chapel, where the remains of his wife, he stabbed himself in the heart of the spike. Maximo, learning about the sudden departure of his father, rushed after him, but could not - he has found the cooling corpse Patricio. Federico and he did not understand what happened, why his father killed himself, why he decided to leave the life of such a strange way - killing himself barrette. Regina understands everything, but, of course, does not say a word. Soon it becomes clear that Patricio at the last moment changed his will, first correct the injustice to the younger son.

Now Federico can manage the family business only with Maximo, all bequeathed to them both, but - little nuance: a collection of weapons, that kind always passed eldest sons, owns Maxim. I understand nothing Federico nasedat Regina, demanding an explanation. She reveals to him, as Patricio, half the truth: that he was adopted. This news guy squinted so that he almost went mad. He comes to the aid of a brother and Delphine, who soon became his wife. She considers herself the happiest woman in the world and does not know that Federico did not marry for love (he was forced to Regina, nurturing a dream to avenge Santiago) and that another brother, Maximo, really loves her. Federico is very attracted to another woman - Lucia (Gigi Rua). She is married to a famous politician and not pretty, but it was with it, he can be happy, which can not afford Regina.

Maximo loves brother's wife, but it is in his power to hide their feelings from both of them. He cares about touching dolphins throughout her work, and in the end, tired of the humiliation and the vagaries of the Dolphin husband responds to feelings of Maximo. She had suffered considerable grief - she lost the baby, and then fell into a terrible depression Depression  Depression
   (during pregnancy Delphine went through terrible stress: forging analysis, Regina convinced everyone that the girl was born with a severe hereditary disease), and only love returns her to life. Maximo hardship, yet waited in the wings, while his beloved finally chose one of the brothers he even tried to forget in the arms of a brutal charming Sol (Anabel Cherubito), but he did not work out - love won!

Inciting ambitious sister Dolphins beat off Federico have hated sister, Regina Victoria brings to the prison, and almost insanity. It saves love Leandro Lopez-Quintana (Segundo Sernandes) - Man, give up the intention of becoming a priest for the sake of a happy family life with Victoria. As it turned out, his uncle Nicholas (Jorge Garcia Marino) and Regina are the real parents of Federico. Nicolas - antagonist of his twin brother Martin, who liked to Chiara and she bequeathed their shares, the real culprit, which eventually die at the hands of Regina. A letter from Eugenia everyone will know the truth about whose son Federico. Maximo's mother knew that her husband's sister is ready to kill her to keep it a secret.

Fearing the court, Regina commits suicide, after which all the actors of the series attain happiness and peace: Victoria pregnant, happy in the village of Santiago, Maximo joined with dolphins.

Irina Grushin

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