Be prepared for the fact that the title will not disappoint you - in this novel is actually going to happen a lot of miracles, mysticism just asking from all cracks, penetrating into the lives of the different characters. There is in it and the sea goddess Yemanja intervention, reward and punishing his flock - of fishermen, as well as engaged in sometimes just pimping. Existents and the ghost of the innocent victims of the heroine that behaves thoughtlessly as Gulyaka ("Dona Flor and her two husband") drags sexy nightgowns out of the closet, walks with her husband, a widower under the handle when on the other hand, none of the than not knowing, it is chosen by herself assistant manager, and so on.
"Porto dos Milagres", «Globo", Brazil, 2001, 160 episodes of 45 minutes
In the works of Jorge Amado "Mar Morto", "O Menino Grapiuna" and "A Descoberta da América pelos Turcos".
Written by: Aginaldu Silva assisted by Maria Elisa Barredo, Gloria Barreto, Ricardo Linyaresa Felipe Migeza and Nelson Nadotti
Director: Marcus Paulo assisted by Fabricio Mamberti, Roberto Luciano Sabino and Naarah.
The song "Caminhos do mar" takes Gal Costa

Brazilian miracle

One of the main roles, we see the great Antonio Fagundes, whose play, as always, is beyond praise. His twin brothers are not so similar to each other, it seems that he played them at different times - even in different years. Wonderful actor. Brother-crook in his performance is very charming and is sympathetic, despite his indiscretions. A twin deceived them, often showing sensitivity and generosity, sometimes just looks disgusting. However, at first there is one advantage - his love for his wife, as we see the actress Cassia Kiss. Remember, she was beloved Fagundes in the series "In the Name of Love"? Yes, the same Isabel, who Hatillo left to connect with Elena. Running a little ahead, I will tell you that in the "Harbor Wonderland" Kiss heroine will have to go crazy with jealousy Management of jealousy  Management of jealousy
   to his wife.

TV series is composed of two parts. The first - in fact, the background, the second event takes place in the tradition of Dumas twenty years later. But much of what is happening with her characters has its roots in the past. Next to the already known to us, the main couple - Fagundes and Kiss - there is another, which is gradually coming to the fore. These are the heroes Marcus Palmeira (in Chico "castles in the air") and Flavia Alessandra (Sonin in "Love Story"). Perhaps not coincidentally Flavia played first major role in his life in the series, directed by her husband Marcus Paulo. Special beauty girl does not shine, but quite pretty, so we got used to it and just unassumingly appearance.

And, besides, "Beach Dreams" so many beautiful women that some deviation in standards might even please. Suffice it to recall that in this novel we will meet with Tais Araujo (Vivian in "cruel angel"), Monica Carvalho (Clara of "Summer of our secrets," and Neuza of "Love Story"), Paloma Duarte and Carolina Casting (sister of " Land of Love "), Daniel Faria (Adriana from" Gentle poison "), Zhuliey Lemmerets (Maria Elena of" castles in the air "), Carla Marins (Joyce of" Love Story "), Christiane Oliveira (Selena from the" Summer of our secrets ") , Leticia Sabatella (Celeste of "Tower of Babel") and many others. In general, there is an eye on someone - male! - relax. And I will give to services other than those recognized as sex symbols like Fagundes and Palmeira, offered to Leonard Brice (Ricardo of "Cruel Angel ') and Jose de Abreu (Daniel of" Love Story ") in the company of two dozen young actors.

Wonderful music, great camera work (especially in marine scenes), the intrigue, entangled in such a master as Amadou, aerobatics acting - what more could the heart of the fan series? But the birth of this telenovela foam high literature gives us all a chance to attach to the view of those members of the family that formerly neglected genre so low. What you and I wish you success.

Somewhere in Bahia ...

The action takes place in the fictional town of Porto dos Milagros absolutely real state named Bahia Brazil. With a light hand Amadou, the whole world knew that in these places touchingly united Christian and African beliefs (there are many former slaves settled Negro), creating a special mystical atmosphere.
Fishermen - the people of the sea in Porto dos Milagros worship their patron Yemanja. Each of them knows what exactly she decides its fate, and that he ended his days in the sea. The city is almost peacefully coexist The Christian church and the sanctuary of followers of the pagan religion - the Candomblé.

And it is here, not knowing more than double Baby, come to escape the persecution of the police and the underworld, from Spain a couple of adventurers .  Many managed to annoy the spouses Guerrero - Felix (Antonio Fagundes) and Adma (Cassia Kiss) .  It seemed the whole world against them, no hope, when suddenly one night, Felix was awakened by the sound of castanets .  Coming out of the shelter, where they were hiding with his wife, he sees a strange gypsy (Eunice Muñoz) .  She knows who he is and what makes a crime .  Once upon a time, Felix, taking advantage of the credulity of his twin brother Bartolomeu (Antonio Fagundes), forged the signature and sold his part of the inheritance .  Leaving his brother penniless, he disappeared, not burdened with pangs of conscience .  And now the gypsy reminds him of old sins, hinting that it was time to continue the initiated .  What he is destined to take his brother's crown and become King .  Finished prophesy, old faded in the mist, like a mirage, forcing Felix to doubt the soundness of his mind .  However, Adma also saw "the Zingaro" and heard her last words!

The couple decided to go to Brazil, where he now lives wealthy Bartolomeu. He really is the king in the city, where nearly half of the work for him. Having "with" Felix lives from scratch, his brother managed to climb to the top. It trades in cotton, it operates the only store in the town of tissues and has a crazy income from smuggling. The king is not a house, but a palace, he can afford to every whim, but that does not make him happy. Betrayal brother did Bartolomeu distrustful and intolerant. Only the housekeeper Ondine (Natalya Timberg) brightens up his loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 An elderly lady with a difficult character, adoring his master. No one suspects that the recent Bartolomeu finally found happiness - in the arms of a prostitute Arlette (Leticia Sabatella) from the brothel Madame Colo (Gloria Menezes). Arlette and Bartolomeu love each other, and just before the arrival of Felix Admoy to learn that will soon become parents. Bartolomeu intends to marry, and on this occasion gives bride a wedding ring.

Madame Arlette Colo picked up on the street when she was kicked out of the house father. She was the victim of libertine-rich. Colonel Zhurandir de Freitas (Rezhinaldu Farias), one of the most influential and powerful people in Bahia, is interested in collecting virgins. Knowing that with his money and his position is not in danger, get away with it, he rapes the defenseless girl, and then boast of their exploits in front of friends. Attention won the bastard sister Arlette - Rosa (Louise Tome), but it was not as timid as the first, and was able to fight back. At the time when this story begins, Zhurandir stalking her younger sister - Cecilia (Louise Curvo), which more than anything else is afraid of this man. It is only the protection of Roses, because their parents had long since left this world.

Rose is preparing for the wedding. She and her fiance, Otasiliu Ferraz (Eduardo Galvao), a law student, crazy about each other. On the wedding day, Colonel Zhurandir using bustle, Cecilia raped, after which the poor girl hanged herself. He ran in front of a church home, Rose finds a corpse sister, understands everything and taking his gun, goes to the colonel. While the bride and the guests are nervous waiting for the bride, it kills Zhurandira and surrender to the authorities.

Miracles in basket

Bartolomeu Felix denies the right to brotherly love or even sympathy. It does not help and imaginary pregnancy Admah. Realizing that the crown passes by her husband, Adma decides to murder. Bartolomeu arsenic poisoning, she did not tell her husband, who is happy to join the right of inheritance. But the owner before his death Ondina could say that waiting for his son. She does not understand that we are talking about a child who is about to be born, and intends to wait for the arrival of his son.

The prospect of losing the newly found wealth scares Admu. When her house appears inconsolable Arlette with her newborn son in her arms, the new-found Senora quickly conspires with the villain Heriberto (Jose de Abreu), the one that will save a family from Guerrero bastard and his mom.

Heriberto was a faithful dog Bartolomeu, and after his death was ready just to faithfully serve the new masters .  Who but he, Heriberto with his criminal past would lead all illegal cases involving the smuggling? But things turned out differently: Adma for the service promises to give him the contraband business .  Delighted as brave and single-minded lady, made him a rich man, Heriberto Arlette takes away the power of a boat in the open sea .  She realizes that her waiting and seizing the moment, down the basket with a sleeping son overboard .  Mother prays to Yemanja so she saved the baby .  Heriberto shoots the mother, but she throws herself into the sea and drowned .  The criminal is trying to catch a basket with a child, but at this moment suddenly bursts into a storm, and Heriberto, struck mysteriously heaven falls unconscious on the bottom of the boat .  When he awoke, he sees around a calm sea .  Believing that the baby drowned, Heriberto returned, ordered it to report on the implementation of the job . 

But the child Arlette and Bartolomeu alive - his basket a mysterious force arrived at the other boat - on which the fisherman Frederik (Mauricio Mattar) drove his wife to give birth flimsy Eulalia (Christian Oliveira) to the hospital. Unfortunately, their child to the hospital did not live - he was born dead in the sea, and she Eulalia due to blood loss, lost consciousness. At this point, Frederick saw the basket. He is dressed in baby clothes that Eulalia prepared for his son, and showed it to his wife waking their child. She did not suspect a trick and died happy, having before his death to give the boy the name Gumersindo. Guma ie.

Sobbing Yemanja Frederick vowed that never again will be released into the sea. He hid from all the history of the miraculous appearance in the sea with a baby baskets, declaring him as his son. Frederick hid the ring, which Arlette hung on his neck to his son. Subsequently, he will give it to the storage of his brother's wife, but did not reveal all the secrets.

At the same time, orphaned another child - a girl named Libya .  She gave birth to her husband Leoncio (Tooke Andrada) Pruensa beautiful Laura (Carolina Casting), the heiress of a wealthy and highly respected in Bahia kind .  Her older sister Augusta Eugenia di Pruensa Assunson (Arlette Salles) was furious sister act who placed it, a majestic grand lady in the idiotic position in front of friends .  Of course, it hides all happened .  And refuses to support any relationship with Laura .  With this totally disagree husband Augusta Eugenia - Osvaldo Assunson (Fulvio Stefanini), but being henpecked, nothing to do with power and his wife .  Learning that she conceived trap Leoncio tune when he once again bring contraband for Guerrero, Oswaldo warns Laura, and she goes with her husband, confident that her sister would not dare hurt her personally .  His daughter Libya for the time it leaves the Oswaldo . 

There is a tragedy: the police, led by Commissioner Gouveia (Hugo Karvan), opened fire on the boat, which was carrying fuel containers. The explosion - and the young wife died, leaving a daughter an orphan. At the urging of several emboldened Osvaldo Augusta Eugenia Libya agreed to recognize his niece, but preferred to shift the function of educating girls on the shoulders of a third sister Pruensa - Mary Leontine (Louise Cardoso), who lived in Rio ...

Who is the King?

Many years later. Guma grew about him touching care and foster father Frederick family of his brother - Francisco Pereira (Pereira Tonic) with his wife Rita (Juan Fomm), heeding the pleas of which Frederick once breaks his vow and goes to sea - to save his brother. Yemanja takes it, and now becomes the son of Guma Francisco and Rita. They love him no less than his own daughter Louise (Barbara Borges).

Again, we are shooting through the will of the authors of many years, and we see Guma for 20-year-old fisherman, strong and brave man who loved life, piously honoring the laws of the sea. He believes that he is destined to die in the sea as well as his father. He goes to sea with Francisco boat "Brave" is already one of the most intrepid fishermen.

The Guma childhood love the daughter of the owner of the bar "Star Beacon» («Farol das Estrelas») bogeyman (Claudio Correa and Castro) - Esmeralda (Camila Pitanga), very persistent and passionate girl's father raised himself as her mother ran away from him with other. But Guma refers to the Esmeralda, as to her best friend Louise - as brothers. He dreams of great love and pray about it Yemanja. She sends him a meeting with Libya (Flavia Alessandra), niece Augusta Eugenia di Pruensa Assunson he rescues from death at sea, along with Alexandre Guerrero (Leonardo Briceno), son of Felix and Admah.

Libya grew up in Rio de Janeiro, working as a web designer and had an affair with Alexandre, though not for a moment doubt that he was not her choice. Savior in the form of a brave handsome fisherman captured the imagination of the girl. He also shocked to the core, and his special relationship could not miss Esmeralda with Alexandre, who will make a lot of effort to separate the lovers.

Son couple Guerrero Guma not grateful for his salvation - he also insults the fisherman because he dared to give up a large amount of money proposed by Felix. Unable to move his defeat in the fight for the heart of Libya, he is ready for anything, including killing Guma. But Felix is ​​a bloodless way to destroy love Libya and the fisherman - in Jesuitical crafty and safe.

Libya has a complicated relationship with Aunt Augusta, which had never been loved, such as Osvaldo and Leontine (the subject of a secret passion of the spouse Augusta Eugenia). Suffering due to financial difficulties, aunt happy to "sell" his niece Guerrero - marry her Alexandre, even if she is against.

Grande dame Admu hates because it is rich, though plebeyka, and a woman with such a pedigree, like Augusta Eugenia disasters. However, she is forced to forget about his arrogance. Another woman, to which the lady, Patroness of the local church and Catholic fierce, burning anger - mother Ricardinho (Zeze Motta), the head of the local ministers of religion Candomble. After Guma saved Alexandre and Libya, Ricardinho mother be named Fisher King.

Rufino Fonseca (Sergio Menezes) - a fisherman's best friend Guma, a happy man, in love with Esmeralda, which he does not notice. His sister Selminya Aluada (Tais Araujo) - a prostitute. Their father died when Rufino and Selminya were very young, and their grown Rita Francisco. Here, too, lies the mystery.

Many years ago, Rita had thrown her lover .  He left her for another woman, and she was in despair took up with another man .  He was the father of Rufino and Selmini .  When Rita gave birth to his roommate's daughter, Francisca, who believed that she had quietly waiting, he decided to return to its former beloved, realizing that one can be happy only with her .  Upon learning of the intention of the woman to leave him, the father Selmini fled with her daughter, and Rita had not seen her again - until the day when he suddenly announced with two children in Porto dos Milagros .  The poor woman was in a terrible position .  She knows that beloved husband would never forgive her betrayal, and fear of destroying his family, continues to hide from all the mystery .  The truth will be known to all only now, when Selminya suddenly returned to the city, and the brother refuses to even talk to her .  Rita decides to redeem himself in front of the eldest daughter, even if because of this husband and youngest daughter did not want to live with her .  Having suffered struggled Francisco yet simple and Rita is ready to take her daughter at her home when she leaves her employment . 

Another friend Guma - Jacques dos Reis (Roberto Bomtempo), also a fisherman, but unlike their young friends has a family - a wife Zhudite (Carla Marins) and the son of PASOK (Tiago Farias). Jacques - the only son of the old woman Ondina, that all his life was collecting money for a rainy day. But when Jacques died at sea during a storm, the rascal Heriberto all rigged so that Ondina lost all their savings, and nothing could help his widowed daughter and grandson.

Rodrigo Feitosa (Kadu Moliterno) - a local doctor who cares about the health of fishermen and that does not matter the size of the purse and the social status of the patient .  No one in town knows where he came from and why lives in a simple little house near the marina .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 

Irina Grushin

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  • Brazilian soap operas
  • The series "Luna salvaje" or "Wild Moon"