Journalist : Tell me about your friends

Sarah Michelle Gellar : What do you want to know?

F : Are you all right in his personal life?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : Yes.

F I know you do not really like to talk about it

Sarah Michelle Gellar : It is very difficult to communicate with people

F : It's because of your success?

Sarah Michelle Gellar Yes, it has become much harder after I became famous. I can not now come to the bar to meet a guy and just leave him her phone number.

F : But you can meet with people that most of us do not dare to dream - actors, directors.

Sarah Michelle Gellar Well, I have not met with Joseph Fiennes, so it's not working.

F : Are you lonely?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : I have a friend, but honestly, it's hard. People always ask why I do not have a serious relationship. But for pity's sake, I'm only 22 years old. It's time to get the most out of life. I'm not ready for marriage, or something such.

F : Do you like acting? Can you maintain a personal relationship with a serious actor?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : Never say never". I'm thrilled to superstars, but I move among them. It is very difficult to meet people outside of show business, do not have time and opportunities, but I try not to enter into a personal relationship (you know) with the actors. I think that such a relationship is always quite complex.

F : It seems many scares your seriousness.

Sarah Michelle Gellar I do not like to go to parties. I love my home, I love to cook, spend time with friends. I read a lot and did not really like the movie.

F What man do you like?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : Talented.
F : Really?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : Yes. I have a crush on, if the guy is talented.

F : Do you like the band? Fascinated Do you ever man only by his songs and books and, not knowing him personally?

Sarah Michelle Gellar I would not say that in love.

F Well, at least interested in?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : Course

F : It's like a childish.

Sarah Michelle Gellar : Agree.

F If you like someone, you act decisively?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : With this, my bad. I always find something to say, but sometimes do not know how to finish.

F : Really?

Sarah Michelle Gellar Absolutely. And it bothers me

F : Do you ever resorted to tricks to attract someone's attention?

Sarah Michelle Gellar Honestly, I is not very good. I can not draw attention to themselves. When I walk into a room, I do not want everyone to turn around. Quite the contrary. Although, once sent me flowers from the agent, and I told the guy that I liked, it was from a fan.

F : It worked?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : Yes. Then I often resort to such tricks.

F : Can you flirt?

Sarah Michelle Gellar Yes, if a person is not very interesting to me.

F : And if it is interesting to you, you lose the power of speech?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : It depends on what stage of our relationship. If it is just nice to me, I can flirt. Then it goes. Although friends say that I'm damn flirtatious.

F : Tell me, do you accept the idea of ​​love from the movies?

Sarah Michelle Gellar I loved to love movies. I imagined myself in the place of the heroines. I was a big dreamer.

F : Are you romantic or practical?

Sarah Michelle Gellar : Both. I am very sentimental. I can move the most common sign of attention. And I really love to collect greeting cards on your birthday. I did not throw any. Write me a postcard!

Inessa Haider

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