• "Soy gitano" or "I - Roma"
  • World Andalusian Gypsies
  • Failed vendetta

World Andalusian Gypsies

Yes, we are talking about Roma, but they do not look for similarities with the Roma, which we used to see in the former Union .  The website dedicated to flamenco, we find the following explanation: "Gypsies in Argentina called the descendants of immigrants from Spanish Andalusia (this is written the word classics of Russian literature, but writing" Andalusia "more accurately corresponds to the Spanish phonetics) .  These Gypsies were in the south of Spain in the middle of the fifteenth century .  Nomadic people, as has happened elsewhere, was given a hostile reception received there the population .  Roma Gypsies are not paid ("payos") of the same hatred and under no circumstances did not want to mingle with the local .  However, not everyone who roamed the roads and villages, dressed as gypsies, in fact, they were .  Many Andalusians began to imitate the Roma, not only adopting their lifestyle and customs, but also the way they dress, talk, sing and dance .  "Flamenco" is treated as a gitano andaluzado, ie "Roma naturalized in Andalusia" and "cante flamenco" (flamenco singing) literally means "singing Andalusian Gypsies" (cante gitano-andaluz) .  Despite the fact that the Roma are not the only creators of this art of flamenco as a musical genre emerged as a direct result of contact "Gypsy" and "Andalusian" .

In the XIX century the Gypsies in Spain is not pursued as centuries ago, but they still occupy the lowest social level of society and distrust of the wandering people remained. Not surprisingly, after the Spanish conquest of South America including Argentina imported settlers were many Roma.

The eternal nomads who are persecuted, with their simple belongings were transferred to a tradition of not only singing and dancing, but also the survival of the world's non-Roma. Andalusian diaspora in Argentina has created his own world - about the same as it did the Jews from Russia to Israel: they have their own restaurants, their shops, their businesses, and if desired, there is no need to touch the world "payos". Marriage to someone from the past considered a misalliance, shame the family, although this exclusion from the house it comes rarely. Just such a son or daughter does not boast has happened to him "misfortune".

Among the Andalusian Argentines as well as among us, have their perpetrators, their different caliber "authorities" who own brothels, a network of drug dealers, etc. Respectable Gypsies treat them with caution and prefer not to get involved, although such close proximity, so closely interwoven streets of the Roma area to avoid contact, of course, you can not ...

The two families of equal nobility and glory ...

Family Amage, Haute-Saône is just one of those, that some of the neighbors prefer to get round. At the head of the family - Hano Amage, Haute-Saône (Antonio Grimau) - own workshop, garage, where, along with other stolen cars found. Here they are dismantled in detail, and - the ends in water.

With Hanoi are two of his sons - Angel (Juan Palomino) and Rafael (Joaquin Furiel), which since childhood nickname stuck Niño ("The Kid"), otherwise it no one is calling.

Angel - nervous, antsy, rough (and for good reason!), A great mind is no different, always glad to do someone muck. Father is afraid of, more than anything loves his wife Luz Reyes de Amage, Haute-Saône (Valentina Bassi). She is also a gypsy, but disgraced - she worked as a prostitute at the local brothel. Angel was her client, fell madly in love and wanted to marry. The father, realizing that to find another daughter would be extremely difficult, has agreed to the marriage. Luz does not like Angel, but infinitely grateful to him for what he had saved her from a humiliating existence and gave birth to an entirely different level. Business is booming at Hano, the money in the house is more than enough, and Angel often indulges her expensive gifts. The only trouble is that he was very jealous and Tapping her case, and also want to have children. To give birth to a child from such a deranged father as Angel, Luz does not crave it a secret from her husband takes birth control pills Birth control pills - how effective are they?  Birth control pills - how effective are they?

Niño - green-eyed handsome man, who dies for all the neighboring women. He did not like his brother and father, it is not their anger and eternal readiness for criminal activities. He was lucky: all in the family are familiar to him as a silly, because in serious cases is not allowed.

Mora Amage, Haute-Saône (Julieta Diaz) - the daughter of Hanoi, very pretty specific beauty gypsy girl with a strong character. She just recently came to the father of Uruguay, which for many years has lived with his mother until she died. Wife Hanoi wife giving birth to three children, fled, taking with him only a daughter, Uruguay. He never loved her, and the poor woman just broke his rude attitude and eternal beating. One day, Hano went for a walk with Nino came back and did not find a wife nor daughter, after which he was forced to bring up children. Angel harder all experienced the betrayal of his mother: he was the oldest, everyone knew and suffered grievously at the thought that his beloved mother chose to Mora. Hence all his psychological problems. Hence his hatred of his sister that he would love to see the dead.

Luz Mora and friends, they share secrets, support and protect each other, which is very important to men Amage, Haute-Saône, with their severe.

In Hanoi, the garage has an assistant Sacho (Luis Zembrovski) - stinker, a criminal, a traitor and a coward at heart.

Two well-respected family ...

Hano Amage, Haute-Saône family hates Heredia, although once twenty-five years ago, the head of it - Lazaro Heredia (Arnaldo André) was the best friend Hano .  They were very close, like brothers, and Lazaro was always subject to Hano adoration, his hero, role model .  They were two sisters suitors Soto .  Hano twisted love with an older Amparo (Luisina Brando), Lazaro was crazy younger Alba (Betiana Blum) .  She loves it and was going to marry him, not realizing that Amparo is also secretly longing for her lover .  After losing his head with passion, Lazaro Alba and spend together a night of love, and soon learn that their fathers had agreed to marry to Lazaro Amparo .  The latter, of course, was on the seventh heaven, and did not mind .  Alba waited for her beloved father recognized throughout, explain the situation and will force the consent to marry her .  However, Lazaro was frightened of his father's anger .  He was a man of overbearing and did not tolerate opposition, and the eldest son of a coward, silent, agreed to marry the sister of his fiancee .  Overwhelmed Alba tried to use witchcraft to the decisive moment at the ceremony of betrothal he had the strength to tell the truth .  She prevented Amparo, who is also with the help of magic (her ability in this area has always been stronger than the album) Lazaro forced to submit to the will of his father .

After the wedding, the father of Alba learned that she is expecting a baby from Lazaro and drove the daughter of the house, hiding from all the cause of his anger. She was thrown out of the usual gypsy world, pregnant with no money - if not successfully happened at the same time acquainted with the Italian guy Salvatori Umberto (Humberto Serrano), who fell in love with her at first sight, life Alba might have been much sadder. Umberto married her father and pleaded baby Isabel (Romina Gaetani), which came into being soon after the wedding. To no one ever guessed that Isa - the daughter of Lazaro Alba using Enzo (Martin Seafield) friend Lázaro, who works in the municipality, has changed on the birth certificate daughter date of her birth, moved to this day for six months, writing March 13 instead of 13 of September.

After returning from the Alba family in his hometown of Enzo September 13 every year comes to the album with a cake and they all secretly celebrate a birthday present Isabel.

Umberto - gambler Player in the family: safety rules  Player in the family: safety rules
 He pulls at the gaming table all the money that earns .  The album contains a home and family through his own business - Chocolate little shop .  Her husband is increasingly losing control of the situation, it should all, including those who are killed optional debtors .  Upon learning that her father faced death, Isabel is looking for a way to save him .  She even appealed for help to Lazaro that kindness is not able to deny that charming creature, how is his daughter Isa .  But it interferes jealous of Amparo, which sees in all the machinations of sister .  All these years, they did not communicate, blazing hatred for each other .  Junior - continuing to love your Lazaro, oldest - harassing myself with thoughts that her husband has not forgotten his true love .  Now, after all these years, Amparo asks a cost worth it? Not only that she had betrayed her sister and zhenila to Lazaro himself, knowing that he did not love her, she herself was not happy, she did not know what love marriage .  Increasingly, she recalls how her passion for Hanoi, which is still going crazy, having met her by chance on the street .  

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