Contra Viento y Marea (Venezuela 1997) - Ana Karina Manco, Guillermo Davila

Recently Novosibirsk ended the series "Against the destiny", which went on television once Romantica (NTV +). I would like especially to praise the game actress CAROLINA PERPETUO, that despite the fact that the game is not the main role in the series, but was able to get the sympathy of the audience was on its side.

And now a few words about the plot of the series. Young people Sebastian Leon and Daniel Borges fell in love, despite the fact that Sebastian was a poor orphan, and Daniela daughter of a wealthy man. Father Daniel Roman, as his wife Dona Jose (Josefina) were against this relationship and would like to Daniela married her fiance Aquiles Miyyana. On a day when Sebastian comes to the father of Daniela to finally clarify the relationship of Roman killed. Since nobody in the room except it was not Daniela and her sister Valeria included in it after shots were fired and who saw near the body of his father Sebastian felt that he had killed their parents. In fact, this Dona Josefina with her lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation
   Alvaro guilty of this crime. Sebastian sentenced to 20 years and beyond Aquiles Daniel as their family by this time was practically ruined. Alvaro same tormented by remorse of what is involved in the death of best friend dies Dona Jose.

After 20 years, Sebastian comes to freedom with the desire to see his favorite of which he had dreamed of all these years and find the real killer Roman Borges. On the freedom he meets his psychologist Virginia Lugo, in love with him. They met when she was a student and went to jail to write a scientific paper. Daniela and her husband also celebrate their wedding anniversary. This marriage is not a success, despite the fact that they have a daughter, Nan. Aquiles constantly changes Daniele and his latest passion Aksiomara, believes in what he's going to get a divorce and marry her. Valerie Life is much better, though marred by the fact that her first marriage ended in divorce because of infidelity Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?  Treason: Fall or loyalty to yourself?
   her husband and the second husband can not find work. Therefore, it is necessary to contain most of her husband and daughter. They have a neighbor who pretends to be a friend Valerie, but really wants to get her husband Valerie.

Sebastian comes to the reception hosted in honor of the anniversary and meet there with Daniel. Daniel still loves Sebastian, but feels no right to be with him because of the murder of his father. Sebastian the next day after taking begins to care for Dani and she arguing and blaming all succumbed to his advances. On these meetings it became known Dona Virginia and Jose. Virginia horrified by the discovery that Sebastian loves Daniel, because Valeria, like Daniela her patient, and they are friends. Assessing the situation Virginia decides to still fight for a loved one.

Meanwhile, Nan decides to become a model, but her father Aquiles Miyyan against it .  Neng long brawl with him and enlists the aid of his grandmother that it could take on the job, because it is not yet an adult .  At work Neng meets a guy named Duca, who she did not like .  He does not look like her fiance Inacio .  Soon at university she met with a poor girl Asukor .  They soon become friends .  Asukor can not learn because she had no money to pay for tuition .  And then her mother goes to Mystic Gamboa Asukor father, whose name she hides from everyone .  He is Aquiles Miyyan .  He refuses to help his daughter, and then an angry Mystique goes to Daniele and asks her to take the job (when Aquiles, and Daniela married Mystic worked in their house, where she was seduced by Aquiles) and begins to blackmail to extort money from Aquiles .  Nan begins to learn with Asukor and gradually working with Dukoy falls in love with him, and then making their feelings learns that he is the groom Asukor . 

Asukor also beginning to work in the same modeling agency Model Agencies: Management beauty  Model Agencies: Management beauty
 As Nan, led by Alvaro Lujan - once the lover of Dona Jose. He meets with his pomoshnitsey, but still loves Dona Jose, while struggling with his feelings. Mysticism is not like the groom's daughter, and then begins to incite Asukor Dooku to a secret marriage. Duca does not want to marry Asukor, but hurt her feelings it is also not desirable. Neng breaks with her fiance because they do not want to meet with the unloved.

Daniela influenced Virginia broke with Sebastian and tries to mend relations with her husband, who pretends to be sick to avoid divorce. Doña Jose agrees with Virginia about to separate Dani and Sebastien. It sends people to Virginia to film her with Sebastian, who came to her for help after he threw Daniel. Photos final divorce them.
Valeria also becomes a victim of the machinations of rivals, which lulled her husband Valerie and pushed him under a blanket next to a survey provided this picture of Valeria. Valery collect belongings and moved to live with her daughter to her sister.

Dona Jose, trying to come to terms with the refusal to renew a relationship with Alvaro begins to play in the casino for big bets and lose only source of income - the gym. Then Daniel, trying to help her mother sell your bookstore.

Sebastian, seeing this as an opportunity primereniya casino wins a large sum of money and buys the store, having presented Dani only half a present. Then he brutally throws that come back to Virginia and Daniel. Doña Jose shocked by the fact that Sebastian again started dating her daughter, and she again began to talk about the divorce. Moreover, Sebastian tries dokapatsya the truth about the murder of Roman Daniele to prove his innocence.

Duca marries the Sugar Loaf Mountain, and Nena is there as a witness. Both this is not easy. And after a while it turns out that Nena is pregnant. Duca and Nena dare to tell the truth Açúcar, but Nena learns from overheard conversation that the Sugar Loaf Mountain and her sister does not dare do that to my sister. About pregnancy and the father learns Nena, but believes that his father is Ignacio. Inacio agrees to marry because Nene still loves her, but Nena escapes from the wedding.

Dona organizes the kidnapping of Jose Sebastian to later kill him, but accidentally captured mercenaries and Dani. Sebastien and Daniel escape from the mercenaries and spend the night together. Police killed while trying to arrest the kidnappers and it rejects all suspicions with Dona Jose. On the way home again kidnap Sebastian. He was sent to the police station, where over him in every way bullied.

This recognizes Virginia and carried away with the help of her attorney in Dona Jose finds a place where kept Sebastian and frees him. Beaten Sebastian she carries to her home, where lovingly cares for him. But at night, while she slept without thanking him running from it ....

Asukor know that Nena was the mistress of Duque and pregnant with his child by Inacio. And then she says Nene that Duque has a child 3 years old (in fact it is his godson). Having agreed with the mother of the child she carries Nena park where Duca is waiting with his godson and his mother and Nena sees Asukor rigged Asukor kiss the woman and Duque. Nena refuses from any meetings with Dukoy not wanting it to be in the vicinity of buduyuschego child. Nena is going to move to live in an apartment with her aunt, had to get a divorce, her cousin and her mother are going to get a divorce.

Sebastian, after what happened to him goes to the police and accuses Dona Jose in his abduction, but it unlocks everything. Daniel begins to doubt his mother, and Virginia give evidence against her because he can not forgive such an attitude to your loved one, and then Dona Josefina decided to show the face of the mysterious woman in the photographs, which show once Daniele. Daniel goes to Virginia home, where she hears of terrible things about Sebastian. Supposedly invented avenge Sebastian Daniele and only because of this started dating her, though always loved Virginia. Daniela believed and decided to break up with Sebastian and leave with her daughter abroad. Duca and Sugar Loaf Mountain and parted Nena learns from Asukor of that fiction. Duca did not want to leave and Nena to regain Nena sits under the windows of her house. He eventually achieves his. Asukor same content to be a well-known model.

Daniel learns that Virginia was lying on girlfriend Virginia, which realizes that Sebastian did not bring her any good, and only destroy and so not quite a happy and prosperous life, as board psychologists, learning from Valerie that Virginia used her position doctor for selfish purposes, and met with Sebastian while treating Daniela leads proceedings .  Valeria, too, everything is going well - she returns to her ex-husband after finally could believe that Susana is actually rigged so that it and Nicholas caught in bed . Alvaro Lujan married his assistant .  Sebastian finds her letters from Alvaro Lujan, where Dona Jose Alvaro asks to kill her husband .  Sebastian adapt to meet them in a room with listening devices where Nakhon it turns out that Roman ubala Dona Josefina .  She was arrested, but was convicted on this charge can not be because of the statute of limitations, but it is put for the abduction of Sebastian . 

End all wedding Duque, Dona Jose release from prison after Sebastian takes his statement.

Virginia Lugo is a lawyer of the family Borges, who has long been fascinated by it, but he was married. Once he finds his wife Fabiola and her lover, he leaves the house and is considered to have the right to start a new life.

The final frames show us kissing Sebastian and Daniel on the background of the dying sunset over the sea.


Ana Karina Manco - Daniela Borges
Guillermo Davila-Sebastien Leon
Carolina Perpetuo-Virginia Lugo
Carlos Oliver-Aquiles Miyyan
Gigi Zanchetta-Aksiomara
Mimi Lazo-Dona Jose
Juan Carlos Vivas-Duk
Elba Escobar-Mystic Gamboa
Ellin Abad-Nena Miyyan
Deyalit Lopez-Asukor
Elizabeth Morales-Susana

Roberto Lamarca
Virginia Urdaneta
Gustavo Rodriguez
Jose Torres
Yanis Chimaras-playing friend and buddy Sebastian Mystics


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