The channel RTVI to replace the highly successful telenovela "Iago, dark passion" came "Wild Moon" is another example of the Argentine soap products. The main role here is another compelling starred handsome man with blue eyes - Gabriel Corrado. We will remember him mainly for work with Andrea del Boca in the series "Black Pearl" and "Gypsy."
The blue-eyed Gabo

This time, instead of the famous diva that a few years went from Telemir (due to a newspaper attack on her personal life), next to the "Galan" were delivered to the two ladies of the "second tier". Millie Stegmann only recently, after the 2002 series "Son amores", has been recognized by a star, capable of not only star in the title role, but also bring high profits. Her previous work in this capacity - "Wild Moon" and "Rich and Famous, 2, 3" - much praised, but not sold abroad so glibly, as the producer wanted. However, Millie managed to demonstrate exceptional ability and her talent actress more undisputed. These her character's nothing like the hysterical Malvina from the "Black Pearl", which for the most part something was playing, but the depth of the character could not boast. The only thing that unites Lucretia from "Wild Moon" with Malvina - a crazy passion for the man, who shall communicate both to madness and prisons.

The second grand dame of the new series - Carina Zampini, whose work in this series has delighted and viewers and critics - very much it is different from its previous character in the telenovela "Rich and Famous-1" where Karine has gone way main villain, murderer Carla Lucero .  The beauty of this actress completely devoid of negative charm and character because it looked particularly ominous .  "Wild-moon" Mary - nice, modest girl, whose close-ups with trembling lips and wet eyelashes, can move the most hardened skeptic sadistic bias .  It's a shame that the next job Zampini in the series "Lovers in Tango" is a copy of a previous role, and, perhaps, in the cause of universal dislike for her Lucia forced, in the end, the actress "to die" long before the end of the story about the teacher franco .  Fans of the series were ready to hand over the heart of a hero to anyone - the principal Emma student Carolina and even horny Pilar, but not intrusive Lucia that in polsyuzheta managed to do a lot of nonsense .  Operation of such character traits as the naivety, immaturity and associated extreme irresponsibility, as it turns out, does not bring success .  The viewer can not imagine yourself in the place of such a character and therefore feel the sympathy for her .  Zampini - she is serious, she came to play a major role, and therefore, being shifted to the back of the love story, chose to ruin his Lucia, which caused, among other things, irritated Osvaldo Laporta, who did not want to leave without this temptation Franco .  Initially it was assumed that it will apply only to the overcoming resistance Emma (she is destined to marry someone else), and Julio (he would while away the rest of his days in a mental hospital walls in society ghosts of people killed by them) .  Carina Zampini sorry, it is capable of more, but now she will give you the opportunity producers?

Gabriel Corrado, as usual, nice, charming and so exhausted. Fortunately, the authors of "Wild Moon" did not put before him some difficult problems, the actor, as always, plays the role of Lovelace, to whom fate has given the opportunity to suffer. Several fresher by using only his famous rejuvenating apples, Corrado looks great, and at my age convincingly wins the hearts of young girls and mature ladies.

Among other well-known actors, we can be called, perhaps even Gustavo Guillen, the eternal rival unlucky protagonists. It was established in "Black Pearl" (lawyer Mathias), "rich and famous" (Octavio Ferramonte), "Wild Angel" (Fabrizio), as well as in "billions" (Alvaro Lagos). Excellent external data this gentleman allow him to implement the on-screen image of the adversary, though rarely understood what he eventually did not come, why the main character is still won.

As always, the role of secondary beauty actress Patricia Eychegoen, slutty Laura from the series "Lovers in the tango," a mysterious Andrea of ​​the Argentine miniseries "Labyrinth."

A cheerful Nacho, a friend of the protagonist - is, of course, Emilio Bardi, eternal Commissioner of Police in the Argentine telenovelas - "On the wings of passion" (Venturini), "Antonella" (Igalerra) and unlucky father Gamuzy, Francisco of "Wild Angel ".

Wild rich people and their environment

The luxurious mansion of the family Flores, where most of the events of the TV series "Wild Moon", hiding many secrets. Head of the family of Gerardo Flores (Pepe Novoa) made a long time ago his wife Delphine, now deceased, to recognize his daughter Laetitia (Millie Stegmann), which gave birth to his servant Trini (Lidia Catalano). This mother had to stay in the workers (it was promoted to housekeeper after the death of the mistress of the house), and to hide their feelings for seniors. However, both mothers, biological and legal poorly did manage their roles: Laetitia has always suffered from neglect Dolphins, finding solace and love in the arms of Trini. For Gerardo is a favorite has always been the eldest daughter, Paula (Patricia Eychegoen).

It is understandable why Letizia always disliked his sister and her jealous, tried hard to surpass it. When the young Paula began an affair with a handsome Gelarom Gonzalo (Gabriel Corrado), Letitia immediately fell in love with him and took away his sister. Gonzalo married younger and older with a broken heart Broken Heart: Steps to recovery  Broken Heart: Steps to recovery
   I left home. A significant role in this decision was the fact that Paul learned that Trini was the mistress of his father. Accusing her and Gerardo mother's death, she was for many years disappeared out of sight of the family.

Currently Gerardo concerned to return the fugitive home: first, he really loves Paulo, and secondly, it became known that she had a grown daughter Miranda (Melina Petriela). Grandpa does not know that her husband is the father of her granddaughter Laetitia, Gonzalo. As the youngest daughter was barren and could not produce an heir, Gerardo intends to get closer to Miranda, to give her the reins of the family company in Flores. After finding accommodations Paula Gerardo begs her to come back, emphasizing that he is terminally ill, and he left to live just a little.
Believing his daughter to upset arrives at his father's house, where she will meet with the past.

Once Gonzalo was madly in love with Letizia, but their family life is complicated by the lack of children. Several years ago, at the insistence of Gonzalo they adopted a boy named Mathias. Leticia has always been against the adopted child, and twelve years ago ditched the boy rigged car accident, as a husband, of course, does not know. Since then, marriage has become a heavy burden for Gonzalo. Lost respect for his wife, which gave herself up to his passion for money, he was almost moved to the marina, where his tenure include a marina, a yacht club and a bar to service customers. Letitia, feeling her husband's indifference turned into a jealous fury, and rarely a day goes by without their quarrel. The grounds for jealousy Management of jealousy  Management of jealousy
   Leticia had plenty - Gonzalo does not miss a single skirt. But in the soul of this womanizer emptiness reigns, as none of his many girlfriends could not conquer his heart.

The appearance of several of Paula disturbed him, but only as a reminder of the old happy days .  The poor thing is still time to feel rejected .  Meanwhile, Miranda and more insistently demands that her mother told her the name of father .  In spite of the love and care of his grandfather, the girl feels terribly lonely, and her first romantic dating only exacerbate her feelings .  At first she would have to give up on Alejo Aguilar (Ezekiel Rodriguez), her son Carlos (Ruben Stella), a friend of Gerardo, who planned to marry an heiress .  But even worse is experiencing a girl cheating Javier (Stephen Coletti), which played itself out seminarian, and we actually had only a petty thief, who had just become a means of correcting the path of Gonzalo .  Miranda long can not get over it when it turns out that false seminarian listed suitors her friend Sol (Florencia Bertotti), the poor girl that she kindness arranged secretary grandfather .  However, with the Sol y Javier also does not work, and he will lead an affair with the maid Flores - Anna (Florencia Peña), a naive simpleton who dreams of becoming a singer .  In the end, the guy would have to marry this girl, when it turns out that she is expecting his child .  The news will be grieved Anna's brother, a friend and Gonzalo worker at the wharf - a fun barbel Julio (Tookie) .  Nacho (Emilio Bardi), the second one Gonzalo, who works in his bar, will be able to cope with the delicate feeling that he for a while had to Anna .  For her sake, he even learned to dance salsa at the friend Luciano (Alfredo Allende)!

Anna and Roxy, a second maid Flores (Fabian Garcia Lago), Trini suffer attacks, which is quite despotically ruled the house and occasionally expels someone from work. The housekeeper always cranky as deeply unhappy - she still loves Gerardo, who seems to have forgotten how it was burning passion. Now he Give young and Trini has not charmer that what was once. Only a great shock will force the owner to remember ex-girlfriend ... and even offer her his hand and heart.

Lunar poor and their enemies

Once at the pier Gonzalo appeared unhappy beauty Maria Mendez (Carina Zampini) .  The poor girl lost her job, and her family was left without a livelihood .  Juan (Horacio Erman), despotic husband of Mary, not the earner .  It is more than easy to taste life, enabling every day to get drunk with his buddies at a local bar .  Mary needed the work, because her little brother, Diego (Emiliano Fernandez) is sick, and she had no money for his treatment .  Juan least care about the boy - he always dreamed to get rid of Diego, believing that a wife should love only relative smaller and more care about the welfare of spouse .  In order to better convey to her the idea, under Juan drunken hands often brutally beaten by Maria .  Finding any let most overlooked working poor and arrives at the pier, where he immediately manages to fall into the water .  Pulling ashore nearly drowned woman of compassion takes Gonzalo Beret - a symbol of French charm  Beret - a symbol of French charm
   her to work. Over time, and Nacho, and Julio would be her friends, but the new employee does not have right to their taste.

Already in the first days of Mary the trouble starts: Juan rushes with fists on Diego, who with his sister forced to flee their homes. His feet led Mary to the pier, where she finds refuge with his brother on one of the yachts. Marcelo (Adrian Yospe), the owner of the vessel, finding intruders tried, was to receive a beauty fee "in kind", but get a bottle on the head, quickly calmed down and was satisfied with the fact that she promised him that would not tell anyone about the incident . She could not imagine that Marcelo hasten to outdo Gonzalo, he boasted that the beauty slept with him. Frustrated boss, already angry because of a quarrel with his wife, Mary says that she was fired, but then, making sure that her neighbor simply lied, requests to return.

Meanwhile, Letitia accidentally discovers that Miranda - the daughter of Gonzalo. She panics, fearing that her husband is now just threw it. In her head she matures plan to outwit fate: Laetitia intends to use the services of a surrogate mother who becomes pregnant by Gonzalo and brings in her womb the child to postpartum for the big money to send her to her father's family. Napier on their suffering over the loss of Mathias, Laetitia tears and lamentations could persuade her husband to agree to this plan. The case for small - to find the right woman.

A chance meeting and Maria Letizia solves this problem. Cunning manages to convince the first second to agree to surrender his belly out, as they say in Argentina. Here's how it happened: after Gonzalo driven them, because amoralku, Mary went to the fashion house, owned by the family of Flores, and there because of the misunderstanding is at the podium. It is clear that the failure it has been provided, however, on the other hand, Leticia, which rejected the candidacy of all the friends she models, she liked it. Fly considered it an ideal candidate for the role of a surrogate mother. Mary at first refused, but Leticia tune all as if Diego needs surgery that will save his life, and she is forced to agree to pay for the services rabotodatelnitsa surgeon and hospital care. Leticia bribed the doctor in fact only simulates the incision.

Maria and Gonzalo, of course, fell in love, and he wants to divorce Letizia. That does psyched on this basis, in the beginning will make a fool of his imaginary paralysis, then steal their child Gonsalito and give to another, and then substitute so that Gonzalo accused of "deaths" Juan, and when the latter comes to life and everything again comes to divorce - It adjusts for the accident, because of which her husband had lost his memory. It will be responsible for the death of at least five people, including Juan, and in the end, it becomes known to the police. Lurking at the hands of the servants of the law, Leticia tries to kill Gonzalo, and only a miracle to be able to avoid this fate. In the end, this really asleep woman decides to adjust his own death ...

Irina Grushin

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Article Tags:
  • Argentine TV series
  • "Porto dos Milagros" or "Coast of Dreams"
  • "Gata Salvaje" or "Wildcat"