• Ossetian pies - a taste of Caucasian hospitality
  • Traditions

 Ossetian pies cooking tradition

Traditions baking cakes

The ancestors of the Ossetians, the people of the North Caucasus, was a nomadic tribe of the Alans. Under the influence of this way of life we ​​have developed traditions and customs cooking Ossetia.

 Ossetian pies - a taste of Caucasian hospitality - Tradition

Rite Three cake

Ossetian pies linked to the ancient custom of three national cake. In all religious, family holidays on the table serves three of the pie as a symbol of the three-dimensional structure of the world, the three elements: sun, water and earth. At the funeral ceremonies pie called "The Sun" is missing. Along with the cakes on the table lay three ribs on the sacrificial animal and prayers in a strict order of priority. The sequence of prayers for the Ossetian table in each valley or village has its own, always pray to their saints. Often, however, the text of prayers, many worshipers identical.

 Ossetian pies - a taste of Caucasian hospitality - Tradition

The recipe Ossetian pie

 Ossetian pies cooking tradition
 Ossetian pies baked from both freshwater and yeast dough Yeast dough  Yeast dough
 . Traditional forms of round cakes, a closed flat cakes, 30-50 cm in diameter, thickness of one - two centimeters. Less baked triangular Ossetian pies. Previously, the dough was kneaded on a water or serum, is now added to the flour oil, eggs, milk, yogurt, which significantly improves taste cakes. Fillings can be any vegetable, meat and mushrooms.

To bake a cake Ossetia in the sifted flour poured fresh yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
   or warm milk, softened a little, margarine, salt and kneaded soft dough. If the cake is conceived as a sweet - add soda quenched for greater germination test if the yeast - dry or fresh yeast. Give rasstoyatsya test, this time prepare the stuffing.

To use shredded cheese cake Ossetian cheese for the potato - in boiled and pounded until pyureoobraznogo the state fries salty cheese slices are added to the meat - use ready-fried with onion mince. The dough is rolled into round cakes five millimeters thick, is placed in the middle of a slide stuffing, gather the dough "in the bag" and pressed on top of a hand, giving the cake a flat shape.

Ossetian pies can be baked on a frying pan over an open fire or in the oven on a baking sheet. Before you send the pie in the oven, made in the middle of each small hole. Pie, which is roasted in a pan, in this stage of preparation is not needed. Bake the cake for twenty minutes at 180 degrees and fry on both sides in a dry pan until cooked dough. After preparing each tart generously smeared with butter or sour cream Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine  Smetana: untold riches of Russian cuisine
 , Put a slide on each other, served warm.

 Ossetian pies - a taste of Caucasian hospitality - Tradition

It is interesting

Bake pies in South Ossetia can only women, men, "your hands to the test" - the subject of much humiliation manhood. According to Ossetian customs hostess bakes just three closed flat cake, and puts them stacked like pancakes. By an odd number of holidays preparing pies, three times, in the days of mourning - even.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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