how to get rid of belly fat metabolism
 Everyone knows how easy it is overweight in the waist and hips. Only God knows why he was delayed there, but it's true. And once you have a little bit of excess fat on the abdomen, then the rest of the fat begins to accumulate it on the principle of "like attracts like." Many dream to find a quick, easy and safe way of getting rid of excess fat on the abdomen, not much changing your diet at the same time.

So, diet, developed on the basis of two types of metabolism and takes into account the size of food portions. It really works, because for three months using it is quite possible to lose up to ten kilograms.


What to do

Determine the type of your metabolism. For this, answer the following questions:

  • How do you feel after the close are you going? Tired, hungry, or something different?
  • What is the food you want most?
  • As you gain weight?
  • Do you eat breakfast?
  • Do you feel hungry Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin  Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
   all the time?

You type №1, if:

  • Do you feel hungry after a meal, it is considered normal for 10 minutes.
  • Do you want something salty or greasy between meals.
  • You can easily gain weight, no matter what you eat.
  • You eat breakfast.
  • You constantly feel hungry.

You type №2, if:

  • You feel heavy and tired after a heavy meal.
  • You want sweet between meals.
  • You gain weight when you eat a lot of fat and sweet.
  • You do not eat breakfast.
  • You do not feel hungry after eating.

The difference between the types of simple. The type of fat burned №1 faster than №2 type, so the first type of metabolism weight relieving slightly lighter than the second type.

What you need to know about your type of metabolism? If you want to define, from what you gain weight, the first type give up fatty and salty foods, and the second - from sweets. If you can not do that, at least to reduce their number.

In the first type of metabolism eat more useful proteins and fats. In the second type - more complex carbohydrates. This means that in the first case, you should avoid large amounts of complex carbohydrates, while the second - a large number of proteins and fats.

By useful proteins include chicken, turkey, most of the fish, low-fat milk, low-fat cheese, butter, eggs, and almost all vegetables. Good fats are found in almond, olive oil and butter. Complex carbohydrates - is oatmeal, brown rice, avocado, whole wheat bread, white rice and pasta.


The main thing in the diet

Reduce the size of your portions. Remember your metabolic type and what you should have. That is the percentage of nutrients to suit your type:

  • №1 type - 20% fat, 40% protein, 40% complex carbohydrates.
  • Type №2 - 10% fat, 25% protein, 40% complex carbohydrates.

This percentage in mass, and not in calories.


Control your portion size

Your plate should look like the above mentioned percentages. This is most important in order to lose weight quickly. If you are of a certain size portions, you are sure to lose weight. This means that you can still have something that you love, even if it's bad for you, provided that you control portion size.


Use natural products

If you have a second type of metabolism, you may have a tendency to constipation, so try to eat organic foods to improve the intestinal peristalsis. If you are the first type, and eat organic foods to promote freedom from addiction to fatty and salty foods, snack something more useful to you.



If you think you do without it, you are very mistaken. You need to improve your metabolism, "make" him to get to work, especially if you have a second type. This will help you lose weight faster. You have to deal with just thirty minutes a day five times a week, but constantly.

So now you know about the steps fast, easy and safe to get rid of belly fat. Serving size and regular exercise - the main thing that will make this diet work. Set a goal to stick to this regime for at least three months and you will reduce the amount of your waist.

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Article Tags:
  • belly fat
  • As the most efficient way to get rid of fat in the lower abdomen
  • Help in getting rid of belly fat: a healthy diet and physical activity