The rash on the back: the place has a value
 The skin on different areas of the body has a certain characteristics. In this connection, for certain areas characterized by rash associated with some specific diseases. So, of course, it is not always, however, the knowledge of "regional preference" rash helps in diagnosis.

 The rash on the back: the place has a value

The rash on the back in syphilis

The rash on the back occurs when secondary syphilis as infectious agents in large numbers multiply in the blood and start to produce toxins that irritate the skin. The rash may be different: in the form of pale pink spots (spotted syphiloderm), the same color or slightly bluish papules, barely rising above the skin (papular syphiloderm), ham, red with white heads pustules (pustular syphiloderm) or age spots. The appearance of the skin of the back of the patient with syphilis may have a colorful (often present all the elements of the rash), but at the same time soft, dull character. This rash Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
   the patient may not notice right away, because it usually does not manifest itself - no itching or burning sensation or pain, and is a kind of invisible.

Characteristically, that after some time the rash disappears, it means that the body has developed enough antibodies to destroy most of syphilis. But to destroy all treponemy he can not, and after a while there is a wave of re-eruption. Waves can be a lot of secondary syphilis is called - recurrent.

A characteristic feature of the rash of secondary syphilis is the fact that with each successive eruption of the rash becomes less and do more themselves, and eruptions are often grouped together in the form of rings, arcs, ellipses.

Rash with tertiary syphilis may also appear on the back. This rash is a kind of allergic reaction to the pathogens that remain in the body is very small. Rash is the bumps and gumma (gumma greater tuberosity and are located deeper). Tubercle can be palpated in the skin as a small (diameter up to 1 cm) seal hemispherical shape. On the surface of the skin over the hump there is redness. Appeared in different time tubercles are often connected to the ring. After some time in the center of tubercles occurs necrotic decay, forming small ulcers, and after her healing - scar. Rash with tertiary syphilis as motley as bumps appear and ripen at different times.

Gunma, unlike tubercles, most are single. It is a dense painless node, located in the deep layers of the skin with a diameter of 1, 5 cm. The skin over the gum is darker than on the cusp, red. After a while, it also softens and opened to form a nonhealing ulcers.

 The rash on the back: the place has a value

Acne on the back

No less characteristic appearance on the back and acne. This rash usually occurs when hormonal changes the body in adolescence. This changes the chemical composition and viscosity of the sebum, whereby the clogged outlets sebaceous glands. This allows the infection to develop within the sealed sebaceous glands as in an oven, which gives rise to redness and inflammation initially and then pus. After allowing the deepest elements of acne on the skin may remain scars.

Purulent acne vulgaris may be several years until, until the end of hormonal changes the body.

Local treatment using drugs are amenable difficult since not address the underlying causes of the disease. Treated acne Acne  Acne
   only by using complex techniques immunomodulators, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents.

 The rash on the back: the place has a value

The rash on the back in the pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis (multicolored) versicolor - a disease that often occurs when excessive sweating, combined with a change in the chemical composition of sweat under the influence of yeast fungi. Characterized chromophytosis appearance of brown spots on the skin of the body, including the back. Sometimes these spots are a little scratched. The spots may be large, confluent, scaly, different shape, which is why the spin can take the form of a map. After some time, brown spots like fade or become whiter than the surrounding skin.

The fungus is impossible to "drive out" of the skin, sweating is not cured, so the disease is often prolonged relapsing course even though, to the treatment.

Any skin rash Skin rash: mayday  Skin rash: mayday
   back, whatever it may seem harmless, it should consult a doctor, otherwise it is possible to skip such a heavy, giving the set of complications of the disease such as syphilis.

Galina Romanenko

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