Already in the early days, many women feel pregnancy, as under the influence of hormones there is a complete restructuring of the organism. And at the time when pregnancy can not be detected by tests, assays or ultrasound, it can be said about the changes in the state of health of women. But not all women feel it.
Changes in women in early pregnancy
Women's reproductive function is regulated neurohormonal system, which consists of the following units: the cerebral cortex - the hypothalamus (part of the brain that regulates the relationship between the nervous and endocrine systems) - the pituitary gland (the main endocrine gland, which regulates the activity of other glands) - ovaries.
From the first day of pregnancy neuroendocrine system begins to protect the fertilized egg from any adverse impacts. For this purpose, cortex dominant center formed women permanent-magnet associated with the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus, it allows the central nervous system (CNS) Women have a constant information about the state of pregnancy. Intuition some women captures this relationship and have the confidence in the offensive of pregnancy, which is sometimes an objective in the first weeks of almost nothing is confirmed.
At the same time, the neuroendocrine system is trying to create the embryo all the conditions for normal development. For this decreases the overall excitability of the central nervous system, which leads to a decrease of excitability and uterus receptors prevents the reduction of the muscle - it prevents removal of the ovum from the uterus and at the same time causes a woman appearance lethargy and sleepiness.
Changes in the central nervous system stimulate the hormonal changes that are "guilty" in the appearance of symptoms of pregnancy such as dizziness, headaches, palpitations, fainting, nausea, vomiting, changes in taste and attitude to smells. Finally, changes in the neuroendocrine system, affect the behavior and mood of a woman she becomes moody, irritability, tearfulness, mood changes often from joyous to the dark without any reason.
If you suspect a pregnancy, most women buy in a drugstore pregnancy test
Pregnancy tests - early diagnosis
and conduct an independent testing house. But in some cases, a woman, for whatever reasons, can not do this. In this case, it will have to identify in their subjective and objective signs of pregnancy.
The first subjective symptoms of pregnancy
The earliest signs of pregnancy
The first signs of pregnancy: time for change
are usually drowsiness and decreased performance, but not every woman connects them with the appearance of pregnancy, it may be other reasons. At the same time there is often a feeling of shortness of breath, dizziness and headaches.
Changes in mood and behavior can also occur immediately, but may or may not occur at all or occur slightly, imperceptibly, and the woman herself.
But changes in taste, appetite (he often enhanced, but may decline) and the relationship of smell (if any symptom appears) it is impossible not to notice - it is quite definitely should suggest possible pregnancy.
From the first days can appear nausea and vomiting, but this symptom is not always found his lack of nothing says. Increased salivation is also found in some women at first pregnancy.
The first objective signs of pregnancy
For the first objective signs of pregnancy are low or constantly changing blood pressure, seizures, palpitations, fainting. From the first days may be some feeling on the part of the breast: they become more painful, but they nagrubayut later.
Some women in early pregnancy may slightly increase the temperature and even appear symptoms of respiratory diseases such as runny or stuffy nose. It may develop acute respiratory disease, since the first days of pregnancy reduced immunity - it allows the body to women reject foreign cells that develop in her body.
If a woman is before pregnancy led schedule of basal temperature, the notice for her pregnancy will not be difficult. Change of basal body temperature - it is the most accurate indicator, but if there is no data about these changes during the menstrual cycle, it will be difficult to detect changes.
The basal temperature is measured in the morning, before a woman get up from bed in the rectum. Indicators are recorded, and then builds a graph in which the horizontal flags days of the menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
, And vertically - the measured temperature.
Basal temperature rises in the second half of the menstrual cycle and reduced for two to three days before menstruation. If pregnancy occurs, it is not reduced, and in some cases even improved. Knowing your menstrual cycle, a woman has alleged before menstruation may notice pregnancy.
Pregnancy is no test to determine possible before it detects the absence of the next menstruation.
Galina Romanenko
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