- Flowers Clock
- Linen
- Rosehip
- Potatoes
- Kozlobrodnik
- Saran
- Chicory
- Taraxacum
- Sow thistle
- Torichnik
- Hawkweed umbrella
- Kislichka
- Silene
- Calendula
- Hieracium pilosella
Hawkweed umbrella
Hawkweed umbrella can be found everywhere as a weed - on steam fields, edges, ditches along roads. In contrast to the hairy hawkweed Hieracium umbrella - a perennial herb up to 120 cm in height, the same family Asteraceae. Stem erect, densely leafy. Yellow baskets are collected in umbellate inflorescence. Each basket consists of a yellow ray flowers
What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous
with a tuft of hairs and looks like a hairy hawkweed. It flowers from late June to September. Baskets Hieracium umbrella disclosed at 6 o'clock and close at 17 hours.
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