- Flowers Clock
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- Potatoes
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Since the end of June, all of July and August are endless fields of potatoes covered by a white and purple flowers
. Our name comes from the Italian potato tartufulo (tartufulo)
. Potatoes as a valuable food plant was brought to Europe in the middle of the XVI century of America
. Currently, extremely widespread and is one of the staple foods
. In our country it is cultivated everywhere
. Potatoes - a herbaceous plant tuber 60- 100 cm tall nightshade family
. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate-nepreryvchato
. Flowers regular, off-white, pink or purple
. Pentagonal corolla, five stamens, anthers are connected in a yellow cone
. Fruit spherical, green, inedible
. From the tubers can receive more than 200 different products, in particular ethyl alcohol, film, plastic, acetone, lactic acid, etc.
. Early in the morning between 6-7 hours flowers and potatoes are disclosed in the afternoon, in the 14-15 hours, closed
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